The strongest fury system

Chapter 1440 The Weird Wooden House

Chapter 1440 The Weird Wooden House
"Rogue! I'll go back to my room to change." Zhang Xixi picked up her suit and went back to her room.

Zhang Tianhao said inexplicably: "It's strange, didn't you just change a suit of clothes, how did you become a hooligan?"

"Hee hee, young master, you really don't know?" Song Sitian said to Zhang Tianhao with a smile.

"Know what?" Zhang Tianhao asked Song Sitian a little puzzled.

Song Sitian shook her head to Zhang Tianhao and said, "Since the young master doesn't know, then Sitian won't say anything."

Zhang Tianhao said helplessly: "Why do you all like charades so much? Is it fun? If you don't talk about it, don't talk about it."

When Song Sitian picked up Zhang Tianhao's jeans on the bed, frowned, and asked Zhang Tianhao strangely: "Young master, can this really be worn?"

"Well, of course. On our planet, these are popular clothes for both men and women, especially girls with good figures, they like to wear them the most." Zhang Tianhao laughed.


Song Sidian nodded.Looking at Zhang Tianhao with burning eyes, he was a little shy.For various reasons, Zhang Tianhao hasn't eaten her yet.Therefore, she still couldn't let go in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Why, do you need your son to avoid it?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Song Sitian and asked jokingly.

" need!" Song Sitian's voice was as low as a mosquito.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Song Sitian changing clothes in front of him, and he could not stand any part of his body, it was as hard as an iron rod.

"Not bad... not bad... Sitian, my lord only knows how good your figure is now!" Zhang Tianhao said to Song Sitian with a smile.

"Well, son..." Song Sitian's face was as red as a persimmon.

Zhang Tianhao was amazed to see Song Sitian wearing jeans and a T-shirt.Slender legs, round buttocks, and slender waist.This dress accentuated her figure to the fullest.

"My lord, is it okay for Sitian to dress like this?" Song Sitian asked Zhang Tianhao a little embarrassedly.
"Hahaha...Sitian, you look like a super invincible model in this dress! If you go to be a model, it is estimated that many models will lose their jobs." Zhang Tianhao looked at Song Sitian and said jokingly.

Song Sitian was a little embarrassed by Zhang Tianhao's praise and said, "Master, is Sitian so good?"

Zhang Tianhao was about to speak when suddenly the door of the room opened.Zhang Xixi walked in.Zhang Xixi's clothes are more neutral, but looking at him, Zhang Tianhao feels a bit like a puppet on earth!Of course, Zhang Xixi is much better than those hypocrites on earth.Just looking at him wearing this clothes, he looks more like a tomboy.

"What? How do I look in this dress?" Zhang Xixi was wearing clothes for the first time, and she was a little embarrassed.

"It's not bad, but there are some mothers..." Zhang Tianhao took a serious look at Zhang Xixi.

"Hmph, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory." Zhang Xixi gave Zhang Tianhao a dissatisfied look.

Next, Zhang Tianhao taught Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian how to use the computer in the hotel room.Zhang Tianhao went to catch Naga coconuts, but he didn't intend to take the two of them there.But let them go to the street to play, and I am afraid that they will get lost, so I simply teach them to surf the Internet.Presumably, this Internet access will allow them to play for a while.

Song Sitian and Zhang Xixi were quick to accept new things. Zhang Tianhao only taught for an hour, and the two learned to surf the Internet, and even registered for QQ. They had a great time playing.

After Zhang Tianhao arranged the two of them, he went to the wooden house.

Unlike Huaxia, Huaxia's ghosts usually come out to make troubles at night.But on Hijima, ghosts will appear even in broad daylight.Of course, the ghosts in Ridao are not called ghosts, but fierce spirits.I don't know if the ghosts of Ridao are due to the different laws of the land boundary. They rarely appear, but whenever they appear, they are extremely terrifying.

Back then when Zhang Tianhao was watching The Grudge, he also said that he broke out in a cold sweat from being frightened.Compared with Huaxia's ghosts, the evil spirits of Ridao today have more diverse methods.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhang Tianhao walked into the wooden house.

Don't ask why you can enter, it seems that in the original plot movie, this wooden house can always be entered with a slight push.None are locked.

Although it was daytime, Zhang Tianhao still felt chills when he walked into the wooden house.There was an extremely gloomy and cold atmosphere all around.

Strange, didn't it mean that when you walk in here, you will find some kind of Kayako, with a strange smile and a strange expression?Why is there nothing.

Zhang Tianhao went to the upstairs of the wooden house to search, but found nothing.According to the original plot, the diary written by Kayako should be found here at this moment.Sure enough, Zhang Tianhao was also found in the house.However, although Ridao's writing originated in China, Zhang Tianhao couldn't understand it either.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao heard the voices of several girls talking outside.He just remembered that the original plot said that the real estate agent's younger sister, Aoi, broke into the wooden house because she heard that the house was haunted.Want to prove that this haunted legend is false.However, in the end, all four of them encountered ghosts.And in the original plot, these four beauties and lolis ended up miserable.


Zhang Tianhao felt pity for the fragrance and jade again.I can't meet Kayako, but I think they should be able to!

According to the plot, Qihai, who was originally the most timid, walked up to the second floor by herself.

Zhang Tianhao walked down quietly, since he couldn't touch it, it would be the same if he reappeared when they did.Moreover, Nanami is a big beauty.Japanese-German mixed race.Zhang Tianhao couldn't watch Qihai die anyway.


A miserable scream sounded.Hearing the scream, he knew that Qihai should have met Saeki Toshio.This is a kid who often comes out scary.

"Let me out, let me out." Qi Hai shouted.

Hearing the birdsong, Zhang Tianhao had a headache.Fortunately, there seems to be a pill in the system mall.After swallowing it, you can temporarily master the bird language of Ridao.Of course, time is limited.

Zhang Tianhao watched as the wooden door was slapped hard.He knew that Qihai was locked inside and couldn't get out, so he put his hand on the wooden house and pushed hard.The cabin is open.

When his hand was on the door of the wooden house.I felt a very dark energy acting on the door, somewhat similar to dark energy.But this bit of dark energy was instantly expelled by Zhang Tianhao's true energy.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a girl threw herself into his arms.It is Nanami.

"Wow...there is a ghost..."

The girl hid in his arms, trembling with fright.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl in his arms, it was the girl he felt the most pity when he was watching the movie.The long one is really beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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