The strongest fury system

Chapter 1441 Amulet

Chapter 1441 Amulet

"Excuse me……"

The trembling Qi Hai stood up from Zhang Tianhao's arms immediately.Some shy.After all, Nanami is still a high school student.Even though Hijima was more open, she was too embarrassed to lean into a boy's arms like this.

Zhang Tianhao patted Qihai's back lightly, smiled at her and said, "It's okay."

Zhang Tianhao's spiritual sense was released.Soon, an extremely strong negative energy was found in the house.It should belong to Toshio Saeki.

Zhang Tianhao walked over.

"Your Excellency, there are ghosts inside, don't go there." Qihai grabbed Zhang Tianhao's arm.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'm just here to find ghosts."

Zhang Tianhao walked to a cabinet step by step, and he subconsciously turned his head to look.It was found that Qihai was still standing there and did not leave.

But at this moment, the three young girls Yayoi, Rina, and Aoi all came up.They looked at Qihai standing outside the house a little strangely.

"Qihai, what's the matter, I heard your shout just now." Aoi smiled at Qihai.

"You're so timid, you won't tell me that you encountered a ghost, right?" Linai also looked at Qihai and joked with a smile.

Qihai hurriedly said to the three companions: "I really encountered a ghost."

Zhang Tianhao walked to a cabinet at this moment and pushed it away.A child was sitting inside, it was Saeki Toshio.

"Come out to me!"

It can be said that this Saeki Toshio is the beginning of all curses.Zhang Tianhao grabbed Saeki Toshio with one hand.

But how willing Toshio Saeki was to catch him without a fight, he opened his mouth and bit Zhang Tianhao.There was boundless resentment and coldness in his eyes.


Zhang Tianhao slapped Toshio Saeki on the cheek.

Saeki Toshio flew out.fall to the ground.


Boundless dark energy.It turned into countless shadows of skeletons and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao naturally ignored these attacks.Jin Bi stood up.Those skeletons transformed into dark energy were blocked just as they rushed in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Teleport!" Zhang Tianhao appeared behind Saeki Toshio.

"court death!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes turned cold.He reached out and grabbed Saeki Toshio's neck.Cut his neck off.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting Dark Matter 1." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was very happy after getting the dark matter, and asked the system: "System, I got the dark matter, is it all right? Can Ziqian's three souls and seven souls be stabilized?"

"Player, this amount of dark matter is not enough. Each of the three souls and seven souls needs one dark matter. If you want to stabilize Murong Ziqian's three souls and seven souls, you need at least ten balls of dark matter." The voice of the system said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Ten groups?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.

"But now that Saeki Toshio has been killed by me, even if I add another Kayako, there are only two clusters at most. Where can I find so many clusters of dark matter?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

"Player, do you think you really killed Saeki Toshio?" The system's voice seemed to be mocking.

"Otherwise?" Zhang Tianhao didn't understand what the system meant.

The voice of the system said: "Toshio Saeki and Kayako are both transformed from this cursed wooden house, so even if you kill Toshio Saeki and Kayako, as long as the power of the curse is still there, they will not die. "

When Zhang Tianhao heard it, he immediately understood.It seems to be too.Almost everyone who entered this wooden house was infected with the curse.In other words, the source of the curse here is this wooden house.After killing Kayako and Saeki Toshio, there will be another Kayako.

"Okay, then I can rest assured." A smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face again.

"Qihai, let's go! This is not a place to stay forever." Zhang Tianhao said solemnly to Qihai and the three little girls.

"Your Excellency, when did you come to this wooden house?" Kui asked Zhang Tianhao curiously.

"I arrived earlier than you." Zhang Tianhao replied.

"Are there really ghosts here?" Yayoi asked Zhang Tianhao curiously.

Before Zhang Tianhao could answer, a voice of "creak!" and "creak!" suddenly came from inside the room.

The sound was as if someone's bones were rubbing against each other.It's scary to hear.

"Then... what is that?"

The four little girls Aoi, Yayoi, Nanami, and Rina turned pale with fright.Trembling all over.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that this should be Kayako.

A middle-aged woman with a distorted face lay on the ground and crawled towards Zhang Tianhao and the others.You don't need to use your hands, just this appearance will make people faint.

It seems that many people were directly scared to death by the appearance of Kayako.

Just when Jiaye climbed up to Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Tianhao kicked her in the head.


With a scream sounded.Gayako flew out of the whole body.


Zhang Tianhao's Blood Sword appeared in his hand.

The blood god knife slashed at Kayako's head.


Kayako turned into a cloud of dark energy and disappeared into the air.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting Dark Matter 1." The system's prompt sounded.

"Your Excellency, then... is that a ghost?" Aoi asked Zhang Tianhao in a very frightened manner.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly and said, "That's right, this is a cursed wooden house. It won't do you any good if you stay here for a long time."


The four little girls were all terrified.

Zhang Tianhao said to the four little girls again: "I live in the Friendship Hotel, if you need help, you can come to me."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhao took out four amulets and handed them to the four little girls, and said solemnly to them: "This is the amulet, you wear it on your body, it will help you."

This amulet was naturally bought by Zhang Tianhao in the system mall.It's just a one-time item, but it doesn't cost Zhang Tianhao much points.

The four girls put away the amulet with great care.

Zhang Tianhao obtained two groups of dark matter in his first attack, which is naturally very satisfying.

After returning to the hotel, both Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian were surfing the Internet.Especially Song Sitian was videoing with a male netizen.Song Sitian's beautiful appearance made the male netizen fan dizzy.The male netizen had never seen such a natural beauty.When Zhang Tianhao walked over, he found that the male netizen kept asking where Song Sitian was.Song Sitian told him that in Ridao, the male netizen was planning to fly over from Huaxia.

Song Sitian was a little embarrassed to see Zhang Tianhao watching her go online with great interest.Then turn off the video.

"My lord, are you back?" Song Sitian stood up from her chair and asked Zhang Tianhao with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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