The strongest fury system

Chapter 1442 Xixi's Suspicion

Chapter 1442 Xixi's Suspicion


Zhang Tianhao looked at Song Sitian and asked with a smile, "Sitian, how do you make video calls with people?"

Song Sitian smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Hehe, my lord, someone is looking for Sitian's video, and Sitian clicked to accept it. It's very interesting! That person said he came from Shanghai, China. Do you know where it is?"


Zhang Tianhao's expression changed slightly when he heard about Shanghai.Since there is Shanghai, other places in China also exist.It seems that this is indeed a parallel world exactly like the earth.There should be another me in Huaxia.

Zhang Tianhao thought, at this time, Ikuno Yui should also go to the wooden house.Because Toshio Saeki had been absent from school for many days, Yui Ikuno came to look for Toshio Saeki.

This Yui Ikuno was played by Nozomi Sasaki.That is a super invincible beauty!Moreover, Ikuno Yui should have met Kayako at this moment.

"Oh, I finally eliminated the second Kayako." Zhang Tianhao asked Song Sitian to play by himself, and then started to go to the wooden house.

At this moment, the wooden house's resentment became weaker.After all, Toshio Saeki and Kayako were killed by himself once.

Although there is this cursed wooden house, Toshio Saeki and Kayako will not die.But the resentment will continue to be weakened.

Sure enough, when Zhang Tianhao just walked into the wooden house, Yui Ikuno let out a scream.Obviously, this Ikuno Yui met the weird Kayako.


As soon as Zhang Tianhao arrived outside the wooden house, he found Ikuno Yui running out of the wooden house staggeringly, with a terrified expression.

"Sir... sir... there is a ghost..." Ikuno Yui pointed to the inside of the wooden house in horror.


"I'll go in and have a look..."

Although Zhang Tianhao is very interested in this beautiful Ikuno Yui.But I didn't forget to collect the Kayako.

Just walked into the cabin.A middle-aged woman with a distorted face was looking at him with resentment.


Kayako naturally resented the man who killed his child Saeki Toshio.He rushed towards him.The sharp mouth bit down on his shoulder.


Zhang Tianhao punched Kayako's body with a punch.

This punch directly sent Jia coconut flying.Gayoko let out a scream, slammed into the wall hard, and fell to the ground.


Jiaye's hair was like sharp claws, grabbing towards Zhang Tianhao's body layer by layer, as if trying to break Zhang Tianhao's neck.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and said with some disdain: "It's interesting!"

The Blood Sword appeared in Zhang Tianhao's hand.

The number of people killed by this blood sword has already exceeded four figures.The murderous aura is soaring to the sky, and the murderous aura has a great deterrent effect on these wraiths.


The bloody saber slashed out.The hair that swept across Zhang Tianhao's body was chopped off by him.


Zhang Tianhao looked at Jiaye who was about to escape, and slashed down again.


Gakoko screamed and was beheaded.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting Dark Matter 1." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao could clearly feel that the resentment in this weird wooden house was less.

"Well, it should last until Ben Shao gets ten balls of dark matter, right?" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao turned and left the cabin.

In the next few days, Zhang Tianhao took Song Sitian and Zhang Xixi to Tokyo to play around.Anyway, Kayako can't escape, and there is plenty of time.However, Zhang Tianhao has also booked a flight ticket to Huaxia next month.

Although Zhang Tianhao does not have a passport, he has money to do things easily.There is also a black market in Japan Island, after Zhang Tianhao spent 2000 million yen.The passports of Zhang Xixi, Song Sitian, and Zhang Tianhao are all in order.

After hearing that Zhang Tianhao was going to Huaxia next month, Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian were very happy.After a few days, both of them were full of longing for China, a country with vast land and abundant resources.Moreover, when the two searched for information on the Internet, they found that the culture of Huaxia was very similar to that of Zhenwu Continent.Especially the text, it is exactly the same.

"Tianhao, I have a question for you."

When returning to the Friendship Hotel, Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao with a serious expression.


Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi and asked.

Zhang Xixi asked Zhang Tianhao seriously: "Before, you said it was your first time in this world?"

Zhang Tianhao nodded, glanced at Zhang Xixi and said, "I said so."

"But why did I realize that you are familiar with this world, not unfamiliar at all." Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao seriously.

This question has obviously troubled Zhang Xixi for a long time, and at this moment she finally couldn't help asking it.

Even Song Sitian next to him looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously. Obviously she had noticed this question too, but she just refrained from asking.

"What do you think?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi and smiled mysteriously.

Zhang Tianhao didn't answer, and went straight back to his room.

"Zhang Tianhao, you bastard..." Zhang Xixi was a little annoyed at Zhang Tianhao's perfunctory appearance.

But this question made him curious to death.Because it is indeed too unbelievable.The civilization here and Zhenwu Continent are completely two extremes.Apart from the fact that people look exactly the same, the other cultural gaps are too great.But Zhang Tianhao seems to be very familiar with the civilization here, the means of transportation here, the language here, the clothes here, everything here...

"There is definitely a big secret in it." Zhang Xixi's heart was itchy, and he would feel uncomfortable until the answer to this mystery was solved.

"Xixi, what's the matter with you?" Song Sitian couldn't help laughing at Zhang Xixi's annoyed look.

"Sitian, your son is definitely hiding something from us." Zhang Xixi said.

"Xixi, don't you have a secret to hide from the son, and you are not honest!" Song Sitian smiled.

"Sitian, I'm nothing, don't tell your son. It's so embarrassing." Zhang Xixi blushed a little.

"Well, but how long are you going to hide it?" Song Sitian looked at Zhang Xixi and asked jokingly.

"Let's go with the flow, anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with it." Zhang Xixi said as a matter of course.

"Alright then!" Song Si nodded.

Zhang Tianhao had just returned to his room when he heard someone knocking on the door.A girl was found standing outside the door.

This girl is Nanami.

"Qihai, are you here? Come in quickly." Zhang Tianhao turned around and let Qihai in.

"Sir, help me. There is a ghost trying to kill me..." Qi Hai's expression was extremely terrified.

"Linai and Aoi are both dead. They're both dead..." Qihai threw herself into Zhang Tianhao's arms, her delicate body trembling.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the last time Qihai saw Lina and Aoi was on the subway.Needless to say, Yayoi was already dead.

(End of this chapter)

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