The strongest fury system

Chapter 1459 Changjiabao

Chapter 1459 Changjiabao

"Really, it's a pity that I don't know if I will die, but you will die." Zhang Tianhao looked at the blue-clothed warrior with a half-smile.


Zhang Tianhao rushed towards the blue-clothed warrior like a ghost.

"Storm Sword!"

The young man in blue stabbed Zhang Tianhao with his sword, and in an instant, the sword turned into hundreds of sword lights.

"The Ultimate Knife!"

This saber was destructive, instantly annihilating the sword rain of the blue-clothed youth.

With a domineering slash, the blue-clothed youth was directly sent flying by more than thirty steps.There was blood dripping on his chest, a deep scar that could penetrate to the bone.


The youth in blue couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.He looked at Zhang Tianhao in disbelief.

"It's good to be able to take my knife. If you can take another knife from me, I will let you go."

Zhang Tianhao didn't pursue immediately, but just looked at the blue-clothed youth indifferently.

The blue-clothed young man smiled coldly and said: "One knife, your Excellency is very arrogant, even if it is ten or a hundred knife, so what?"


"A knife of nirvana!"

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao swayed and used "Shape Shift!" to kill the young man in blue.

The power of this knife will annihilate every inch it passes.Like the sickle of death.

The knife has not arrived.The young man in blue already felt the breath of death.

"Ba Jue Sword!"

The young man in blue frantically poured all his strength into the sword in his hand.Desperately stabbed towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Boom!" sounded.

The sword in the blue-clothed youth's hand snapped instantly.A domineering sword glow penetrated into the chest of the young man in blue.


The young man in blue was bleeding profusely. Looking at the bloody hole in his chest, he said bitterly to Zhang Tianhao: "Sure enough, it is a good sword technique, but the young master will avenge me."

As the words fell, the young man in blue fell down with a "Plop!"

"Young master? Are you talking about Chang Xiao? Heh heh, he's number three on the Tianjiao list, I'd like to meet him!" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he flew towards Jigong Mountain and quickly disappeared into the forest.

It was less than a cup of tea before Zhang Tianhao left.A dozen warriors landed beside the corpses, and the leader was a man in Tsing Yi.

"Young master, this is from our Changjiabao." A warrior said to the man in Tsing Yi.

"What a brave man, he dared to attack our Changjiabao people. Could it be that he wants to die?" The man in Tsing Yi's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Young master, we can order the warriors in Changjiabao to search around, and we will definitely be able to find the murderer." A warrior said to the man in Tsing Yi.

The man in Tsing Yi is Chang Xiao, the young master of Changjiabao.

Chang Xiao nodded slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Go, be careful, this person is definitely not weak. If you find anything, immediately send an arrow to inform our people."

"Yes, young master!"

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao was also searching for Jin Ling everywhere in Jigong Mountain, but unfortunately, his luck seemed to be not very good, and he searched for a long time, but he didn't find it.

"Damn it, is it my bad luck that I didn't find a piece of the 50 yuan gold order?" Zhang Tianhao was a little depressed.

"By the way, how did I forget it."

Zhang Tianhao summoned Xiao Tiangou from his battle pet space.Zhang Tianhao has always kept it in Donghuayuan to guard his base camp, this time when he came to Jigong Mountain, he couldn't bear Xiaotiangou's flattery, so he brought it here.

I don't know if this guy is too lazy to work, so he returned to Donghua Hospital this time.It was found that it was fattened several times.And the size is more than ten times larger than before. At first glance, it looks like a very native earth dog in China.Fortunately, this Xiaotian dog is fat to fat, but his cultivation has improved quite quickly.Now it is also a spirit beast.They almost caught up with Xiao Hei and Xiao Long.It really is a beast with super blood.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Xiao Tiangou licked | Zhang Tianhao's hand, and said flatteringly.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the roaring dog and said, "Go and help me find the golden order, and find the barbecue for you. If you can't find it, be careful, I will stew you and eat dog meat."

With that said, Zhang Tianhao told Xiao Tiangou the style of Jin Ling, and asked him to write it down.

As soon as he heard Zhang Tianhao looking at him with malicious intent, Xiao Tiangou shuddered.

"Master, Xiaotiangou must complete the task."

After finishing speaking, the Xiaotian dog quickly swept away.

Xiaotiangou's footsteps are much faster than Zhang Tianhao's.Zhang Tianhao didn't move at all, just waiting for the news from Xiao Tiangou.

After about a cup of tea, Zhang Tianhao saw Xiao Tiangou come back.

"Master, there are a few warriors fighting in front, it seems that they are trying to snatch the golden order." Xiao Tiangou ran to Zhang Tianhao.

"Oh, there's news so soon, not bad, take me there quickly." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiao Tiangou.

Xiaotiangou nodded and ran ahead, Zhang Tianhao followed behind Xiaotiangou.I do not know how long it has been.He heard movement ahead.

A warrior covered in blood fell in front of him.Zhang Tianhao frowned, seeing the miserable appearance of the warrior, he also felt compassion, stepped forward quickly, took out a pill, and put it into the warrior's mouth.

Perhaps it was because the elixir had an effect that the warrior woke up.It's just that the look is still extremely haggard.

"How is it, brother?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the warrior and asked with concern.

The warrior looked at Zhang Tianhao with a strange expression, and said weakly: "You saved me?"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, brother, your life is dead, and I can't help it. But if you have any last words, I can help pass them on!"

"I... I have a ring here. I hope you can give it to my sister. She is in Lingxi City. If you can, help me take care of my sister..." The warrior stared at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao felt the same way, because he used to be an elder brother, and he could understand that kind of feeling.

"Brother, don't worry, I will bring it for you." Zhang Tianhao sighed to the warrior.

"Thank you...thank family is in the ring...this gold order..."

There was a gratified smile on the warrior's face.His hand loosened and fell to the ground.

Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised when he heard the word Jin Ling.But when he saw the token in the warrior's hand, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes!"

Zhang Tianhao didn't expect that he would get a golden order for saving a person at will.It seems that the so-called good intentions are rewarded, which is really true.

When Zhang Tianhao just put away the gold order.Dozens of warriors rushed out from the forest, one of them saw Zhang Tianhao who was about to leave, and snorted coldly, "Hand over the golden order, and I'll spare you."

"Forgive me? What a big tone!" Zhang Tianhao had a teasing smile on his face.

"If you don't hand it over, this person will be your fate. No one has ever met a good fate after offending our Changjiabao." The leading warrior said coldly to Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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