The strongest fury system

Chapter 1460 The opening of the cave

Chapter 1460 The opening of the cave

"Changjiabao again? I killed more than a dozen idiots in Changjiabao before. Now there are a bunch of them. It's fucking interesting." Zhang Tianhao smiled half-smile.

"It turns out that you killed those people from our Changjiabao earlier?"

The leading martial artist looked at Zhang Tianhao, his pupils were about to burst into flames.

"Hehe, I guessed it right, but there is no prize." Zhang Tianhao looked at the warrior and smiled faintly.

"Kill him, kill him!"

The warrior became angry.

A group of warriors from Changjiabao rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao's expression was extremely cold, and the blood sword was unsheathed.

"A knife of nirvana!"

Zhang Tianhao's sword slashed out.Destroyed, unstoppable.

Before the five warriors of Changjiabao knew what was going on, a terrifying knife shadow came to kill them, tearing their bodies apart completely.It turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience value.

Zhang Tianhao used "Lingbo Weibu" to the limit.The mysterious movement made it impossible for the warriors in the surrounding Changjiabao to catch Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao's body skills are extremely weird, often when he appears by his side, the opponent's head has already fallen off.

half tea time

All Changjiabao warriors were beheaded and turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience points.

"Hmph...Chang Jiabao wanted to die by himself, so don't blame me..."

Just when Zhang Tianhao was about to leave, suddenly, a sharp sword energy pierced through the air, beheading Zhang Tianhao's body.

"What a terrible sword energy!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression froze slightly.He greeted him with a knife.

"Boom!" sounded.

The two forces collided together in the void.

Where they collided, waves of air spread out in all directions.More than a dozen towering trees around were chopped off by the air waves.

A man in Tsing Yi stood in front of Zhang Tianhao.Yin Zhi's eyes stared at Zhang Tianhao.

"Who are you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the man in Tsing Yi in front of him.His brows frowned.

The man in Tsing Yi looked at Zhang Tianhao with disdain and said, "You killed so many people in my Changjiabao, yet you still ask me who I'm talking about? Your Excellency, isn't it too funny?"

"The person who killed your Changjiabao? Could it be that you are Chang Xiao, the young master of Changjiabao?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Chang Xiao and asked coldly.

Chang Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "You're not too stupid."

"How do you want to die, tell me, and I can help you." Chang Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

"Is it the third place on the Tianjiao list? That young master really wants to learn from him today."

A lingering fighting spirit emanated from Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Broken Killing Sword!"

Chang Xiao stabbed Zhang Tianhao with a sword.

"Break it for me!"

The long knife in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed at Chang Xiao.He used at least [-]% of his strength for this knife.


Swords add up.

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao and Chang Xiao collided hundreds of times.The power erupted by the two forces blasted the surrounding earth into pits and hollows.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

Zhang Tianhao resorted to shape shifting, appeared behind Chang Xiao, and killed him with a single blow.In Zhang Tianhao's opinion, even if this knife could not seriously injure Chang Xiao, it could at least make Chang Xiao suffer a bit.But what makes Zhang Tianhao a little unbelievable is that.With this knife, Zhang Tianhao missed it.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, thinking to himself: This Chang Xiao must have mastered some kind of ability to know the trajectory of his moves in advance.Otherwise, he would not be able to grasp the opportunity every time.

"Bright Sword Formation!"

Chang Xiao appeared directly above Zhang Tianhao's head.Seventy-seven and forty-nine sword shadows, arranged in a mysterious trajectory, assassinated towards Zhang Tianhao's location.

"What a sharp sword array."

Zhang Tianhao was terrified,
"Break it for me."

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao used the profound art of the quick knife, and chopped out hundreds of knives in an instant.Beheaded towards those sword shadows.

The two forces kept colliding in the void.But soon, Zhang Tianhao's sword light was instantly shredded by Chang Xiao's sword formation.And that terrifying sword shadow still crushed and killed him like a bamboo shoot.


Taking advantage of the emptiness of the previous confrontation, Zhang Tianhao used teleportation at the critical moment.Avoided the strangulation of Chang Xiao's sword array.


A violent explosion sounded.

Zhang Tianhao took a closer look and found that there were dozens of large holes in the place where he was before.He looked horrified.If he had been one step late before, it would have been miserable.

"Twice, but it was just a warm-up before, and now you deserve to be taken seriously by this young master."

After Zhang Tianhao avoided Chang Xiao's sword, Chang Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao with a strange look in his eyes.

"To each other!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Chang Xiao.

Just when the two sides were preparing for the second round of the battle.The mountain peaks in the distance suddenly shook violently, flying sand and rocks, and dust was flying.
"This is?"

Both Zhang Tianhao and Chang Xiao were a little surprised.

Could it be that the cave was opened.

Zhang Tianhao and Chang Xiao coincidentally extinguished their desire to fight.They looked at each other.

"Your Excellency, our first battle can be postponed." Chang Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

"My son also means the same thing. I'm afraid the battle between us won't last too long." Zhang Tianhao looked at Chang Xiao and said coldly.

Chang Xiao said coldly to Zhang Tianhao: "The next time I see you, it will be your death."

After finishing speaking, Chang Xiao got up and flew away.

After the opening of the cave, Zhang Tianhao naturally would not neglect, and immediately plundered in the direction where Chang Xiao left.

At the front of a canyon, hundreds of warriors looked at the cave opened in the distance.

In front of the cave in the cave, there is a water-blue barrier blocking the exit.Although the warriors on the scene wanted to enter.But no one dared to act rashly.

A martial artist at the emperor level said with some disdain: "Why do the warriors who go in need to have a golden token? Could it be that without a golden token, we are blocked here? It's not fair."

Another martial artist who is also in the Emperor Prestige Realm said coldly: "There is no absolute fairness in this world. Although there are so many of us, if we attack together, we will be able to break through the barrier here sooner or later. But there must be people in the cave. The prohibition of self-destruction. When the cave is gone, we will get nothing."

The warrior's words represent the aspirations of most warriors.

Zhang Tianhao also stood among the group of warriors, staring at the blue barrier.On the blue enchantment, it is full of mysterious formations and various restrictions.

Zhang Tianhao can still untie the array map with a little effort.But the other restrictions seem to involve runes, and Zhang Tianhao is not sure about this.Fortunately, he has a gold order.

"You can enter now."

After the barrier of the cave was stabilized, a martial artist who seemed to be holding a golden token was overjoyed and rushed towards the barrier. The golden token in his hand touched the restriction, and the whole person was transported into the cave by a force .

(End of this chapter)

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