Chapter 1470

"Turtle shell?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

Feeling the opponent's terrifying defense, Zhang Tianhao's heart also froze.


Zhao Linger got angry and summoned Thor.

A Thunder God emitting blue light and shadow appeared in the void.

"Crazy Thunder!"

Thor roared.

Hundreds of thunderbolts as thick as buckets blasted towards Lu Dingtian's body.

"This is?"

Lu Dingtian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the endless muffled thunder in the void.The power of Thunder is very strong.

"Block me!"

Lu Dingtian propped up the barrier and stood in front of him.


A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell towards the barrier.

The barrier lasted through the first wave before it was blown apart by the thunder.

A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket hit Lu Dingtian's body.


Lu Dingtian's clothes were blown apart inch by inch.The whole person flew out and smashed hard into the ground.It can be seen that the power of this thunder is powerful.

But Lu Dingtian, as a body-refining half-step martial god, naturally far exceeded Zhang Tianhao's imagination.Although the power of this thunderbolt was powerful, it only made his body bloody and bloody, but it was not too fatal.

"Young master, this enemy is too powerful. It may not be easy to kill him." Zhao Linger's expression became serious.

"Linger, do you have a solution?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Linger.
Zhao Ling'er said seriously to Zhang Tianhao: "Young master, although there is a way, but this way must be supported by the young master!"

"What do you mean? As long as I can do it, Master, I will absolutely agree." Zhang Tianhao said to Zhao Linger.

Zhao Linger said to Zhang Tianhao: "Master, if Li Xiaoyao and I's exercises are combined, the power of the explosion can be increased by more than ten times. But it takes time to perform, and the master needs to buy us half a cup of tea."

Half a cup of tea?

Half a cup of tea is naturally not a big problem for Zhang Tianhao.But the object of the problem is Lu Dingtian.Previously, he teamed up with Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao, but they were all defeated by the opponent.Now alone...

"If you fight hard, you will be immortal for thousands of years." Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth.

"No problem, I will buy you half a cup of tea." Zhang Tianhao said to Zhao Linger.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knows that there is a kind of spell that is cast by combining.Of course, this fit is the combination of the two forces.It's not the nasty "fit!" In the game, the time for this kind of fit is faster.But in reality, it takes a certain amount of preparation time.

"Okay, success or failure depends on the young master." Zhao Ling'er said to Zhang Tianhao.


Lu Dingtian rushed out of the pit with an extremely angry expression.It's just that the breath on Lu Dingtian's body at this moment is not as strong as before.Obviously after the blow just now, the aura on Lu Dingtian's body became much weaker.This also brought opportunities to Zhang Tianhao.

"Li Xiaoyao, show off the Martial God!" Zhao Ling'er said to Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao's expression froze, and he said, "Understood!"

Zhao Ling'er stood on Li Xiaoyao's shoulder like a fairy.The two made a series of seal formulas together.A mysterious force emanated from Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.

Lu Dingtian felt an inexplicable palpitation, as if he felt that the power exerted by the two men was a fatal threat to him.

"Damn it, I will never let you succeed."

Lu Dingtian roared angrily, and rushed towards Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger frantically.

"If you think about it, pass me first."

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.

"Fire Essence Holy Body!"

A majestic force erupted from Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Fire Element Fist!"

This punch blasted down, and the power of extreme tyranny gathered on Zhang Tianhao's punch.

"Good come!"

"Barrier Fist!"

The domineering fist print swept towards Zhang Tianhao like a torrent with the aura of destroying everything.Wherever it passes, it is annihilated inch by inch.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

Zhang Tianhao let out a muffled snort, and couldn't help but retreated more than ten meters, his blood boiling.

However, Lu Dingtian was also knocked back five or six meters by Zhang Tianhao's punch.He looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"What? I was knocked back by a great emperor, it's impossible..." Lu Dingtian was inexplicably horrified.

It should be noted that Lu Dingtian can be said to be a half-step martial god.After hundreds of years of precipitation in the realm of half-step martial god, his strength even far surpassed that of ordinary half-step martial god.Even in the face of some warriors who have just entered the Martial God Realm, although Lu Dingtian dare not claim victory, he can still remain undefeated and retreat completely.But just like that, he was shocked back by a great emperor.

"Your Excellency is the most amazing genius I have ever seen, but if you fight against me, you will surely die in the end." Lu Dingtian looked at Zhang Tianhao and said in a cold voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Lu Dingtian without changing his face.Holding a knife in both hands, his body is full of fighting spirit.

Feel the terrifying energy fluctuations in the surrounding void.Lu Dingtian felt creepy.Knowing that Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao must not be allowed to go on like this, otherwise, he will definitely die in the end.


"Bajue Shenquan!"

The Invincible Fist bombarded Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

Zhang Tianhao's blood knife cut a terrible blood mark in the void, and under this knife, the void seemed to be on fire.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!"

Lu Dingtian felt that he was surrounded by flames, and the clusters of terrible flames seemed to burn his whole body.


Lu Dingtian's Invincible Fist was blocked.Power weakened to the extreme.


Zhang Tianhao knows that the best defense is offense.Therefore, he chose to take the initiative to attack.Otherwise, although half a cup of tea won't be long, he doesn't have the confidence to persist.

"The ultimate knife."

The knife that condensed all Zhang Tianhao's strength slashed towards Lu Dingtian's body.

"Get out of here!"

Feel the terrible power of the void.Lu Dingtian felt more and more anxious.roared.He punched Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao's knife was blocked.


Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to stop for a while.Avoided Lu Dingtian's blow.

Lu Dingtian went to Zhang Tianhao, and once again killed Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao.

"Bastard! The vile fellow."

Zhang Tianhao frowned.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao was already prepared.He left Xiao Hei and Xiao Long with Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao.

Lu Dingtian, who was about to kill Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao in one fell swoop, suddenly saw a kitten shot in front of him.


Xiao Hei patted Lu Dingtian's head with his paw.

(End of this chapter)

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