The strongest fury system

Chapter 1471 Promoted to Emperor Wu 8 Heavens

Chapter 1471 Advancing to the Eight Heavens of Emperor Wu


Although Lu Dingtian's cultivation is not weak.But Xiao Hei's claw still made him freeze for a second.Body refiners are even weaker than Qi refiners in spirit.


Xiaolong transformed.It turned into a giant dragon nearly [-] meters long, and it ruthlessly swept down on Lu Dingtian's body.

Xiaolong's sweep can be described as trying his best.It can almost break through a mountain.

Lu Dingtian screamed.Was shaken and flew hundreds of meters.But for Lu Dingtian, the half-step martial god of body training, although it made him feel uncomfortable, it was not enough to kill him.

"I am going to kill you."

Seeing Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao join forces, the surrounding forces began to tremble uncontrollably.

Lu Dingtian knew that this was a ritual.A ritual against him.No, they must be stopped.

"Bajue Shenquan!"

With this punch, [-]% of Lu Dingtian's strength was used.He is ready to break through Zhang Tianhao's barrier, as long as he breaks through this barrier.It can stop the power of a man and a woman joining forces.

"Phantom Clone Technique!"

Zhang Tianhao differentiated into seven clones.Kill to the top of the landing.

"What is this?" Lu Dingtian was extremely surprised.

Lu Dingtian was shocked to find that he couldn't tell which one was false and which one was real.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

"The Ultimate Knife!"

"God-slaying knife technique!"

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"A knife of nirvana!"

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao's seven avatars each used different powers to kill Lu Dingtian.And Zhang Tianhao's true self is not idle either.

"Thunder Sword!"

Seven clones, displaying seven different powers.It made Lu Dingtian feel a little overwhelmed.His attack was instantly shattered.Just when Lu Dingtian was a little bit exhausted.Hundreds of thunderbolts bombarded Lu Dingtian like a torrential rain.

The killing formation formed by hundreds of thunderbolts almost wiped out Lu Dingtian.There were violent explosions around Lu Dingtian.became ruins.

Lu Dingtian's whole body was almost bloody.Ragged.At this moment, he was no longer as calm and calm as before.But as an invincible half-step Valkyrie.Lu Dingtian still has the strength to fight hard.


Lu Dingtian's muscles made a "crackling" sound.His whole person seemed to have doubled in size.And the aura on his body was several times stronger than before.

"Is this... a secret technique?"

"Boy, it's enough to comfort you that you can force me, Lu Dingtian, to this point!" Lu Dingtian looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, didn't you just use a secret technique? You don't need to pretend to be aggressive in front of me." Zhang Tianhao was on guard with all his strength.


Lu Dingtian stopped talking nonsense, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao like lightning.Obviously, Lu Dingtian also knew that this was his last chance.This blow spared no effort.

"Grandma is a bear. I also tried my best."

"Asura slashed!"

This is Zhang Tianhao's most powerful move besides using cards.It's just that he doesn't plan to use it unless he has to.Because this Shura's slashing with a knife can be said to consume ten drops of Shura's blood essence.But at this time, Zhang Tianhao had to work hard.


The void trembled, and the divine power was mighty.

A phantom of Shura who dominates the world appeared behind Zhang Tianhao.

"Break it!" Lu Dingtian roared angrily.

The violent impact of the knife caused endless ripples, spreading out in all directions centered on the two of them.

Zhang Tianhao's knife was finally defeated after a stalemate with Lu Dingtian's overbearing punch with endless destructive aura.

The fist print of destruction continued to hit Zhang Tianhao.

"Golden wall battle body!"

Zhang Tianhao supported the protective gas mask.The Destruction Fist slammed fiercely on Zhang Tianhao's protective air shield.He let out a muffled snort, and couldn't help but take seven or eight steps back.


Zhang Tianhao couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.Fortunately, Lu Dingtian's fist was consumed by Zhang Tianhao's Shura's slash of most of his strength.Coupled with the support of the golden wall body, although Zhang Tianhao received a punch, it was not fatal.

Don't underestimate the power of Zhang Tianhao's Shura slash.After all, Lu Dingtian's last punch was desperate.After using the secret, his strength instantly tripled.Under such circumstances, Zhang Tianhao can still block his blow, which is already extremely powerful.


A phantom of a demon god appeared in the void.

This is exactly the Summoning Valkyrie jointly performed by Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.

The power of the Valkyrie destroys the world and dominates the common people.A terrifying coercion emanated from the Valkyrie.

"Devil Slaying Knife!"

The Valkyrie beheaded Lu Dingtian with a single blow.

This knife will destroy the world and destroy the world.Wherever it passes, sand and stones fly away.The sun and the moon are dark.

"Do not……"

Lu Dingtian let out a stern cry.

Under this absolutely domineering power, he felt as small as a small boat in the sea.


Lu Dingtian was killed by the Demon Slaying Saber, and his body was wiped out.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Lu Dingtian. The experience value is 950 billion! The real yuan is 500 million! The violent energy is [-]!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for leveling up, the current Emperor Wu is in the eighth heaven!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the Tongyuan Golden Pill!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the alchemy!"

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed when he heard about Tongyuan Golden Pill and Refining God Pill.This Tongyuan Jindan was his first goal in entering the Dingtian Cave Mansion this time.

Eh, alchemy?Isn't that what Lu Dingtian condensed, and wanted to use it to break through the elixir of the Martial God?

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao felt that his breathing became short of breath.If this is the case, then this gain is greater than all previous gains.

After all, what Lu Dingtian said is not wrong, in the world of Zhenwu Continent, body training is on the decline.The road of body refinement is several times more difficult than that of Qi training.Therefore, in the future, it will be very difficult for Zhang Tianhao to train his body to break through the Martial God, but with this God Refining Pill, it will be much easier.

Hahaha, Lu Dingtian, you never thought of it, everything you did became my wedding dress in the end.

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er came to Zhang Tianhao's side, and smiled at him: "Master, we have done you a big favor, you must keep your word."


Zhang Tianhao naturally knew what Zhao Linger was talking about, but he pretended not to understand.

"Master, didn't you say that you want to invite us to eat?" Li Xiaoyao blinked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Hahaha, of course I haven't forgotten, I invite you to eat roast duck. Eat BJ roast duck." Zhang Tianhao laughed in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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