The strongest fury system

Chapter 1472 Refining the Divine Pill

Chapter 1472 Refining the Divine Pill

"Boss, we also want to eat roast duck, we also want to eat roast duck..."

When Xiao Long and Xiao Hei heard BJ Roast Duck, they became restless and rushed over immediately.Looking at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "That's no problem, everyone has a share, everyone has a share."

BJ Roast Duck Zhang Tianhao wants as much as he wants to enter the system mall, so he is naturally not stingy. There are still many BJ Roast Ducks he bought last time in the system space.After all, in the eyes of System Mall, BJ Roast Duck is not worth much.With one point, you can buy hundreds of them.

Looking at the delicious BJ roast duck.Li Xiaoyao couldn't bear the two beasts and Zhao Ling'er, and began to feast on them.

Even the lady Zhao Ling'er didn't feel like eating when she saw such delicious food.

Soon, more than half of the ten BJ roast ducks were wiped out.Even the Xiaotian dog that came out at the end didn't look good either.
"Xiaotiangou, don't you have delicious food in Tianting. There should be a lot of delicacies in Tianting, right?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiaotiangou who was devouring it voraciously.

In other words, Xiaolong, Xiaohei, and Xiaotiangou, the tallest of the three beasts should be Xiaotiangou.That's heaven!It is the pet of Erlang God.

Xiao Tianquan felt aggrieved and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Master, this heaven is not as good as you thought. Xiao Tianquan usually eats the same food. Think about it, eating the same food for decades. Even the elixir has become a poison."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiaotiangou and said he felt sympathy.

Zhao Linger touched her belly, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with satisfaction: "Master, next time Linger comes out, don't forget the roast duck, Linger's world doesn't have such a thing."

"Well, Linger's words are also my words. Young master, next time you come here, can you improve my strength a little bit?" Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said resentfully.

Zhang Tianhao smiled at Li Xiaoyao and said, "This is no problem."

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger left satisfied.

After Zhang Tianhao collected the three beasts into the battle pet space, he looked at the enchantment around him, and it seemed a little unstable.It seems that it won't be long before this place will be opened.

Because of Lu Dingtian's conspiracy, this Dingtian Cave Mansion can only be entered and cannot be exited.For hundreds of years, the few warriors who were able to escape from the Dingtian Cave Mansion obviously had unknown trump cards like the flying feathers.Otherwise, if you want to escape from Dingtian cave, you must kill Lu Dingtian.

This time, the reason why the enchantment around these four weeks will be opened is also because the power of the previous battle is too strong.In the end, Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao jointly performed the Valkyrie Summoning, and the Valkyrie broke the barrier by himself.In addition, Zhan Feiyu used the big teleportation talisman to forcefully tear open the space before, and after doing this several times, the barrier was almost on the verge of collapse, otherwise Zhang Tianhao would need to use some means to leave here.

"Well, but it will take three days for the barrier to collapse. I can take advantage of this time to improve my strength." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

The time required for body training is uncertain.After all, he didn't know much about Tongyuan Jindan.I don't know how much time it will take, so Zhang Tianhao prepares for this time and first uses it to increase the power of the Huoyuan Holy Body.

Zhang Tianhao found a secret room.But before that, he first took out the alchemy pill.This refining alchemy can allow warriors who have half-stepped to the Martial Saint Realm to break through to the Martial Saint Realm.This is very against the sky.Zhang Tianhao was also a little curious about this elixir.

This is a elixir the size of a longan.blood red.It looks a little weird.


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for his successful appraisal. The appraisal result appears on the player's system panel. Please check it yourself." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system space to check.

Item: Unfinished Elixir.

Rank: Spirit rank? ?

Description: Only the last step is needed to complete the alchemy of alchemy.

Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised that this turned out to be a spiritual elixir.But this is also normal.After all, this alchemy is a pill that can allow half-step martial gods to break through to the realm of martial gods.It's just that Lu Dingtian can refine alchemy alchemy, so he is a spiritual alchemist.After all, this spirit-level pill requires a spirit-level alchemist to refine, which is common sense that all idiots know.

"Master, you are wrong, Lu Dingtian is not a spiritual alchemist." The system's voice said.

"What, isn't it an alchemist of the spiritual rank, is it higher?" Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised.

"Lu Dingtian is only a ninth-rank alchemist." The system said.

"Ah, a ninth-level alchemist? How is this possible? How can a ninth-level alchemist refine a spiritual elixir?" Zhang Tianhao felt that his head was not enough at this moment.

The system said: "Under normal circumstances, this is naturally the case, but there are exceptions. It took Lu Dingtian hundreds of years to complete all the steps. So much time to prepare, plus a lot of blood essence from body refiners, to refine the alchemy pill , this is not impossible. It can be said that Lu Dingtian used time to make up for the gap of this level."

It took hundreds of years to refine a pill, this Lu Dingtian is really patient.But think about it, as long as this Martial Emperor does not fall, he will have a lifespan of thousands of years.These 500 years are really nothing.If he can successfully break through to Valkyrie, he will have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.Compared with ten thousand years, these 500 years are really nothing.

Thinking about this, Zhang Tianhao also figured it out.

"System, do you know what this last step is? Can I make it a complete pill?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

But at this time, the system remained silent.

Zhang Tianhao was a little depressed, but he had long been prepared for the urgency of the system.

never mind.Let's heal first!
Although with the help of the Immortal Golden Cicada, Zhang Tianhao has not fully recovered at this moment.The Immortal Golden Cicada will only make a move when Zhang Tianhao's blood value is almost at the end.

Zhang Tianhao meditated cross-legged, took out a Bi Ling Pill and swallowed it.

About half an hour later, Zhang Tianhao opened his eyes.He murmured: "[-]% has recovered. It's almost there. Now it's time to start upgrading the Huoyuan Holy Body."

Right now, his Fire Essence Saint Body is still in its infancy, so it must absorb the energy of the fire attribute to complete it.

Zhang Tianhao held the Huoyan Stone in his hand and began to absorb the energy of the Huoyan Stone.

Zhang Tianhao was running the Huoyuan Holy Physique.A violent fire attribute force was sucked into his body from his hand.

Zhang Tianhao could feel that his Huoyuan Saint Physique was getting stronger and stronger.He felt that he seemed to be growing stronger every minute.

After a cup of tea, the fire stone in Zhang Tianhao's hand was absorbed.He was a little depressed, he didn't expect the fire stone to be so useless.Therefore, he took out the essence of fire.Hold it in your hand and continue to absorb it.

(End of this chapter)

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