The strongest fury system

Chapter 1473 9 Point of Space Artistic Conception

Chapter 1473 Nine Points of Space Artistic Conception
The power of this fire crystal essence is indeed much stronger than that of the fire stone.Zhang Tianhao could clearly feel that his Fire Physique became stronger.

About an hour later, the essence of fire was also sucked dry.into powder.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao 'Huoyuan Holy Physique' who has been promoted to primary Huo Yuan Holy Physique."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for obtaining the inheritance 'Fire Sun God's Palm'" the system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed.Tsk tsk, not bad!One Fire Essence allowed him to advance to the next level.

However, neither the Flame Stone nor the Essence of Fire was easy to obtain. After absorbing it by himself, he was promoted to the primary Flame Holy Physique.Then there are intermediate and advanced ones.Doesn't that require more resources?Zhang Tianhao was speechless.This body training is really a bottomless pit!
However, after the fire element became stronger, Zhang Tianhao felt that his affinity with the fire element had increased by more than ten times than before.And the speed of absorption has also increased ten times.This improvement of one's own strength is definitely a qualitative change.Because of the increase in absorbing the power of the fire element, let him borrow the power of the fire element.Even more powerful.

No wonder Lu Dingtian is so awesome, he is still an alchemist.Otherwise, with so many training resources, it is probably impossible for Lu Dingtian to cultivate to the half-step Martial God.

"Continue to improve!"

After the promotion of the Huoyuan Holy Body, Zhang Tianhao tasted the sweetness and was ready to start to enhance the power of the space artistic conception.His spatial artistic conception, after the last improvement, and the increase of the gate of the artistic conception of the Nine Heavens Palace, is only three points of the peak.Now with the help of the space spar, his spatial artistic conception should be greatly improved.

Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the space spar.

The improvement of the artistic conception of space will take longer.Time passed by every minute and every second.Time passed slowly for two days.

"Four-dimensional artistic conception!"

"Five-point space artistic conception!"


In the end, this space spar directly raised Zhang Tianhao's spatial artistic conception from three points to nine points.The improvement of Jiufen's artistic conception of space has greatly improved the speed and time for Zhang Tianhao to use the artistic conception of space.

Of course, the reason why the increase is so large is also because the level of the artistic conception of this space is relatively weak.If it is the space mystery, then I am afraid that the rate of improvement will not be so high.

It felt that the barriers surrounding Dingtian Cave Mansion were much weaker.

Walking to the gate of Dingtian Cave Mansion, he looked at the thin barrier.Zhang Tianhao punched him.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The enchantment was instantly exploded.

Zhang Tianhao walked out calmly.

"Finally someone came out."

"start work!"

All the warriors looked at Zhang Tianhao greedily.It seems that Zhang Tianhao is not alone at this moment, but a golden treasure house.

"Boy, you who are sensible, hand over the treasure on your body."

"That's right, he's the only one here, obviously he's very rich."

"You mean to rob me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the group of warriors in front of him, and said with a half-smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the things, otherwise, do you think you can bear the anger of so many warriors?"

A group of warriors looked at Zhang Tianhao with cold eyes.

"That's right, if you dare to refuse us, we will break his limbs and light up sky lanterns, and let him die of torture."

Zhang Tianhao's expression became more and more gloomy, and these people seemed to be convinced of him.

"I'm standing right here. If you want something from me, you can get it yourself!"

Zhang Tianhao folded his hands, looking like he was fooling around.

"Then I'm welcome."

A big man closest to Zhang Tianhao.He strode towards him.


Zhang Tianhao punched out.

This punch was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it landed in front of the big man, crushing his head directly.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Wu Bin, the experience value is 100 billion real yuan, 1000 million, and the violent energy is ten!" The system's prompt sounded.

"Bold, dare to resist, we kill him, and then share his things equally."

A rogue-like warrior said to the hundreds of warriors around him.

"Yes, we killed him!"


Zhang Tianhao's face turned cold, most of these warriors were warriors in the emperor realm and some warriors in the emperor realm.Plus a few warriors in the Great Emperor Realm.With such strength, he dared to make trouble for himself.I just killed a half-step Valkyrie.

More than a dozen warriors rushed towards Zhang Tianhao first.

Zhang Tianhao's complexion darkened, and he said coldly: "Looking for death!"

"A knife of nirvana!"

The long knife in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed out like lightning.The dozen or so fighters who rushed towards him didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a chill on their necks, and their heads flew out.


People make money and birds die for food. Zhang Tianhao's killing did not stop those warriors, but made them more and more crazy.The treasure on Zhang Tianhao's body was everything that attracted them.

Although Zhang Tianhao is the great emperor, he dare not neglect in the slightest in the face of the besieged and slaughtered by so many warriors.

"Fifth-order infinite rage!"

"One mind, two swords!"

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao's attributes increased by 32 times.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

In an instant, a hundred sword glows slashed out.In an instant, more than a dozen warriors were blown up.It turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience value.

The killing has not stopped, it is still going on.

More fighters came to Zhang Tianhao, and they continued to follow.

"Bold, you murderous demon, this great emperor will do justice for the sky." A great emperor rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully and said: "If you want the treasure on my body, just tell me, don't talk about these useless things."

He was talking in his mouth, but the movements in his hands were stagnant like no one would.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

The blood sword in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed out like lightning.

Under the profound meaning of the quick knife, the shadow of the knife slashed by the blood god knife, a hundred knives condensed into one knife.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for using 'Hundred Swords' to trigger the instant kill attribute."


The martial artist in the Great Emperor Realm was horrified to find that the knife in front of him suddenly exploded with countless times of power.

"Do not……"

The great emperor roared.But the terrifying blade glow still annihilated him.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Xue Fei. The experience value is 700 billion, and the real yuan is 7000 million. The violent energy is ten!" The system's prompt sounded.

Damn, this can trigger instant kills, brother, this really can only be blamed on your own bad luck.Zhang Tianhao shook his head and was speechless.

The probability of triggering a "second kill" with Hundred Swords Slash is really very small.

After Zhang Tianhao instantly killed the great emperor, the warriors who surrounded and beat him hesitated.After all, the vast majority of warriors during this period are weaker than the great emperor just now.

(End of this chapter)

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