The strongest fury system

Chapter 1475 Black Tiger Gang

Chapter 1475 Black Tiger Gang

"You really have the face to bully a weak woman!"

Zhang Tianhao came out calmly, looked at the warrior in blue and said with disdain.

"Who are you, do you know who we are?"

The warrior in blue struggled vigorously, but in vain, and became a little angry from embarrassment.

"Who are you? I'm sorry, I don't know you well." Zhang Tianhao said with a joking smile.

"We are members of the Black Tiger Gang. In Lingxi City, who doesn't know the Black Tiger Gang." The warrior in blue threatened Zhang Tianhao.

"Black Tiger Gang, I'm so scared."

The warrior in blue didn't hear Zhang Tianhao's teasing.Thought he was really scared.He said proudly: "It's good to know the Black Tiger Gang, apologize immediately, and then get out..."

"The Black Tiger Gang? I don't seem to have heard of the Black Tiger Gang." Zhang Tianhao scratched his ears, looking very confused.

Now, the warrior in blue realized that he had been tricked by Zhang Tianhao.Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he roared angrily: "You are courting death!"


The warrior in blue said to the members of the Black Tiger Gang around him: "Give it to me, life or death!"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, these warriors of the Black Tiger Gang are just junior warriors.In his eyes, they are like ants.Naturally, I will not take it seriously.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the martial artists who were rushing towards him.He snorted coldly.With a ruthless stomp on his feet, a tyrannical shock wave, with him as the center, rushed towards those people.


The martial artist from the Black Tiger Gang had just rushed forward when suddenly a burst of energy exploded under his feet.With a scream, he was thrown into the air, and he was turned on his back for a while.

" dare to offend our Black Tiger Gang?"

The warrior in blue was furious, looking at the cold Zhang Tianhao.Take a few steps back.He took out a command arrow in his hand and shot it into the void.


A firework exploded.Colorful and bright.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop the warrior in blue. This time, since he had to do it, he had to solve it all at once.It's just that when I was in Lingxi City, I didn't seem to have heard of the Black Tiger Gang. It seemed that it was an organization that sprang up after I left.

Damn it, it hasn't been long since this young master left before some kind of black tiger gang appeared.I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be another White Tiger Gang.How can I not show my sense of existence.

Less than half a cup of tea.

More than a dozen powerful auras appeared.

The leader was a tall, burly black-clothed warrior in his thirties.With a hulking back and waist, he exudes a sturdy aura.It should be the leader of the so-called Black Tiger Gang that the blue-clothed youth said.

"Xiao Bai, who dares to provoke our Black Tiger Gang?" The leader of the Black Tiger Gang walked over with big strides.

The blue-clothed youth pointed at Zhang Tianhao and shouted, "The chief is this guy. He beat up members of our Black Tiger Gang. Several brothers were injured."

Zhang Tianhao held his hands.He stared coldly at the leader of the Black Tiger Gang and the dozen or so warriors around him.The leader of the Black Tiger Gang, his cultivation base is not weak, and he has the cultivation base of Emperor Wudi.Most of the dozen or so warriors around him have the cultivation base of high-level warriors.This strength, if you say that when you first arrived in Lingxi City, maybe you really have to weigh it.But now he is the cultivation level of Emperor Wudi Bazhongtian, even in the face of ordinary half-step Martial Gods, he is not afraid, and he can even defeat them.Therefore, these warriors in front of him are nothing more than ants.

"You are the leader of the Black Tiger Gang?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the man and said.

"That's right, I am the leader of the Black Tiger Gang." The man looked at Zhang Tianhao with a scrutinizing gaze.

After a while, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang felt a little dignified.The man gave him an aura of danger.Although he couldn't see his cultivation, it was obvious that he had practiced some kind of breath-holding technique.This made him, who was about to go crazy, be careful.This is also Wu Heihu's attitude in dealing with the world.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said lightly to Wu Heihu: "It is said that Xu Haiwei owes you 100 million low-grade crystals?"

Wu Heihu didn't know what was going on in Zhang Tianhao's stomach, but he still asked someone to bring over the paperwork.He said to Zhang Tianhao: "This is written evidence. Xu Haiwei owes us the Black Tiger Gang 100 million low-grade crystals. You should have no objection, right?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the paper, showed it to Xu Xiaoling who was beside him and asked, "Are you Xiaoling?"

Seeing this big brother who stood up and helped her, Xu Xiaoling suddenly became dependent.

"Big Brother, why did you help me?" Xu Xiaoling looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Although Xu Xiaoling developed a sense of dependence on Zhang Tianhao, she did not completely give up her vigilance.

"Hehe, because big brother is your brother's friend." Zhang Tianhao smiled gently at Xu Xiaoling.

Xu Xiaoling was overjoyed, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Big brother, you are really my brother's friend."

Immediately, Xu Xiaoling was a little confused again, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "My brother rarely has friends, and Xiaoling also knows those few friends, why hasn't my brother mentioned big brother?"

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "Because I met your brother on Jigong Mountain. Xiaoling, you naturally don't know me, big brother."

Zhang Tianhao thought that Xu Xiaoling didn't know that his elder brother who loved him the most was dead.I couldn't help feeling pity for her in my heart.He also thought of his younger sister, Qin Zinan.It's been so long since I came to the Imperial Domain, and I still don't know how Zinan is doing now.

Zhang Tianhao was going to find Qin Zinan sometime.When I saw Xu Xiaoling, my mood became more urgent.

"Big brother, do you know where my brother is now?" Xu Xiaoling didn't doubt Zhang Tianhao's words.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't bear to tell Xu Xiaoling the news of her brother's death right now, so he just said to her: "Xiaoling, let's not talk about your brother now, let's deal with the immediate matter first, and talk about your brother's matter later, okay?"

Xu Xiaoling looked at the members of the Black Tiger Gang who were staring at him, and nodded obediently: "Okay big brother, Xiaoling will listen to you."

Zhang Tianhao smiled gently at Xu Xiaoling, and then said to Wu Heihu: "The agreed date on this document says the day after tomorrow, I wonder if I'm right?"

Wu Heihu nodded and said: "That's right, there are still two days left, but our Black Tiger Gang can also take back our loan at any time depending on whether the other party has the ability to repay the loan. Hmph, this little girl's brother may have died long ago, we come to the door Debt collection, why not!"

"Who said they have no ability to repay the debt. The principal of the 100 million low-grade spar, plus your huge interest, is 200 million? I paid it for him."

With that said, Zhang Tianhao took out a crystal card with a quota of 200 million spars, and threw it in front of Wu Heihu.


Wu Heihu's expression suddenly darkened.This was contrary to his original wishes.This manor was bought by Xu Haiwei five years ago. When he bought it, it cost less than a million dollars. But today, a manor house like Lingxi City needs at least tens of millions of low-grade crystals.Zhang Tianhao originally thought that a million crystals could buy the manor, but he obviously didn't understand the current market situation in Lingxi City.

(End of this chapter)

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