Chapter 1476

Now, let Wu Heihu lose such a large piece of fat all at once, how willing is he.Although he earned 100 million low-grade crystals because of this, there is still a big gap from the original expectation.

"Your Excellency, isn't it too much?" Wu Heihu looked at Zhang Tianhao with a gloomy expression.

Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly, looked at Wu Heihu with some disdain and said, "Why, the debt is paid back, my son will pay you back, is it wrong?"

Wu Heihu looked at Zhang Tianhao coldly and said, "Your Excellency, don't pretend to be confused. You know what I mean."

Zhang Tianhao's expression suddenly darkened.With lightning-like movements, he snatched back the crystal card from Wu Heihu's hand.He said to him: "Originally I wanted to give you a chance, but since you don't even cherish this chance, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Wu Heihu was startled at first, but he thought that the crystal card was taken away by the opponent because he thought he was careless.After hearing Zhang Tianhao's words clearly, Wu Heihu's expression suddenly turned cold.


"This is the first time I have heard such ignorant words. Your Excellency has really refreshed my recognition." Wu Heihu said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Give it to me, life or death. Today, I want to let him know what will happen to Wu Heihu if he offends me in Lingxi City." Wu Heihu said angrily.

In an instant, more than a dozen high-level martial saints around Wu Heihu were the first to surround and kill Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao blasted out with two punches with one hand, and this punch was just a punch of pure physical body.Did not use any martial arts.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Before the two high-level martial saints knew what was going on, Zhang Tianhao's two punches had already landed on them.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

The two high-ranking martial saints were immediately blown away.

Zhang Tianhao sneered, advancing instead of retreating.Killed the high-level martial saints of the Black Tiger Gang.His speed is now very terrifying.Those high-level martial saints felt phantoms flickering in front of them.Without even seeing a figure, he was blown away.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" The system's notification sounded.

Less than two breaths.The dozen or so high-ranking martial saints at the scene were all wiped out and turned into minced meat.The scene was extremely bloody.

Wu Heihu was stunned.It never occurred to him.The backbone of his Black Tiger Gang was killed just like that.That is the most backbone force of the Black Tiger Gang besides himself!
"Boy, if you dare to kill members of my Black Tiger Gang, the old man wants you to pay in blood."

Wu Heihu was completely angry.The Black Tiger Gang is his painstaking effort, and now it is almost destroyed by the kid in front of him, how can he not get frustrated.

"Come on, let me learn your clever tricks!" Zhang Tianhao said lightly.

Maybe you know that Zhang Tianhao's strength is definitely not weak.Wu Heihu smiled coldly.Inspired the blood vessels.There was a creaking sound on the body.

Wu Heihu's whole body turned black.A sturdy breath erupted from his body.


Zhang Tianhao knew that Wu Heihu might have activated some kind of blood.

"Breaking Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, punched lightly, and greeted him.Still the power of the flesh.


Wu Heihu felt a huge impact coming towards him.Unable to help staggering, he took three or four steps back.

"You... Damn..."

Wu Heihu looked at Zhang Tianhao with a horrified expression.Originally thought that even if he could not defeat the enemy with the power of blood, he could remain undefeated no matter how bad he was.Never thought that this seemingly young young man was so powerful.

"This seat is fighting with you."

Wu Heihu roared angrily.The blood in the whole body was urged to the extreme.

"Tiangang Earth Breaking Fist!"

Wherever this punch passed, the void exploded layer by layer.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and pointed with one hand behind his back.

"Storm Finger!"

It was the Storm Finger that Zhang Tianhao hadn't used for a long time.Although it is only a top-ranked martial arts.But when he uses it now, the power is definitely not much weaker than ordinary holy martial arts.


The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Wu Heihu let out a scream.I felt that my punch was instantly pierced by a sharp force.My fist hurts.

Wu Heihu staggered, and couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.He stepped back a dozen steps in a row.The blood on the fist was dripping.

"It seems that you are at the end of your rope, so there is no need to continue."

Zhang Tianhao swept away like a phantom, and punched Wu Heihu down.


This punch hit Wu Heihu's face fiercely.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao didn't kill him right away, he was going to make him suffer first.

"Ah!" Wu Heihu screamed, and fell into the air.It fell to the ground, and a few teeth fell out.He vomited blood.


Wu Heihu, as the leader of the Black Tiger Gang in Lingxi City, is also a big boss in Lingxi City now. He has never suffered such a big loss.Jumped up from the ground.He rushed towards Zhang Tianhao frantically.


Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully, and punched Wu Heihu again.

This time, it hit Wu Heihu on the other side of the face.


Wu Heihu didn't have the slightest strength to resist, and screamed again.fall to the ground.His face was swollen, like a pig's head.

The movement here has long attracted the attention of the warriors around.The Black Tiger Gang is a tyrant in Lingxi City. Seeing Wu Heihu being dealt with now, many warriors in Lingxi City applauded.Just a little surprised by this young man.I don't know where it is sacred.Of course, many people recognized Zhang Tianhao and were surprised, but they didn't say anything and watched the show silently.

"Who the hell is this person! He is so awesome, even Wu Heihu has suffered such a big loss?" A martial artist said excitedly.

"Hehe, you can tell just by looking at it. If the identity of this person is revealed, it will definitely surprise you." Some warriors also said meaningfully.

"This seat is fighting with you."

Wu Heihu suffered such a big loss in front of so many people.At this moment, he was also crazy, and jumped up from the ground frantically.He rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

"The chrysanthemum remains!"

Looking at Wu Heihu who was flying towards him, Zhang Tianhao suddenly remembered a very obscene move that he hadn't used for a long time.Suddenly my feet itch.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's kick kicked Wu Heihu's fat buttocks hard.


Wu Heihu was hit hard on the hip, and his chrysanthemum was blown off.The whole person screamed and fell forward fiercely.Fell a dog to eat shit.

At the same time, Wu Heihu's pants were kicked by Zhang Tianhao, and they exploded instantly.The white buttocks just showed up like this,

(End of this chapter)

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