The strongest fury system

Chapter 1477 City Guard Arrives

Chapter 1477 City Guard Arrives

"This is the buttocks of Wu Heihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang. It's so big and white! I didn't expect Wu Heihu to look so black, but his buttocks are so white..."

"Yeah, people can't be judged by their appearance!"

Wu Heihu was so ashamed and angry that he was the head of the Black Tiger Gang in Lingxi City.To be naked in front of so many people is a fatal blow to his prestige!
"What last words do you have, Wu Heihu?" Zhang Tianhao also knew the name of the leader of the Heihu Gang from the conversations with the melon eaters nearby.

"You dare to kill me?" Wu Heihu's expression flashed a flash of panic.

"What do you say?"

Zhang Tianhao looked a little disdainful.

Just when Zhang Tianhao was about to strike.


There was a shout from the side.

More than a dozen tall horses galloped forward.Followed by hundreds of city guards.

Headed by a general in armor.The strength of Emperor Wudi's First Layer.

"General Nian, help!"

Wu Heihu looked at the general with great joy.

"Wu Heihu, why are you here?"

Wu Heihu scrambled to the front of the general, and cried bitterly to him: "General Nian, help me take down this lunatic, he is cruel and merciless, he has injured many of my subordinates in disregard of Lingxi City's rules .”

This general is Nian Dayong, the deputy commander of the Lingxi City Guards, and he has a deep friendship with Wu Heihu.As the leader of the gang in Lingxi City, it is naturally impossible not to deal with the city guards in charge of law and order in Lingxi City.

"Take him down!" Nian Dayong said to the city guards beside him without the slightest hesitation.

The soldiers of the City Guards rushed towards Zhang Tianhao like wolves and tigers.

The soldiers of these city guards are elite, and all of them have the strength above the elementary martial saint level.Although there are only a hundred people, the combined strength is difficult for ordinary Emperor Wu.Of course, Zhang Tianhao was no ordinary Emperor Wu.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression sank.

"Why, how dare you resist arrest?" Nian Dayong looked at Zhang Tianhao with a half-smile.

"That's how you enforce the law. You don't even ask why?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Nian Dayong and sneered.

"Bold, I don't need you to teach me how to enforce the law!" Nian Dayong looked at Zhang Tianhao angrily.

"Really? If that's the case, then don't blame me for not giving Chen Wei face." Zhang Tianhao's eyes froze.

"Chen Wei?"

Nian Dayong was slightly taken aback, but he didn't think too much about it.If Zhang Tianhao really knew Chen Wei, he would have already reported his name.Why wait until now.Besides, Nian Dayong also has confidence, and is not too afraid of Chen Wei.

Hundreds of warriors from the city guards rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao punched out.

This punch did not use any martial arts, it was purely physical strength.But with his emperor level body training.The power of this punch is extraordinary.


The mighty fist marks blasted towards the soldiers of the City Guards.A dozen soldiers of the City Guard Army at the front were instantly blasted away.

He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

"Bold, how dare you resist arrest?" Nian Dayong was furious.

"Bastard, you lie down for me first!"

Zhang Tianhao threw himself at Nian Dayong with a body shifting technique.He punched him with a punch.


Nian Dayong slashed at Zhang Tianhao.

"Boom!" A loud noise.


Nian Dayong felt as if his knife had slashed against an iron wall.In an instant, the sword light was shattered.


Zhang Tianhao's punch was as powerful as a bamboo, and it hit Nian Dayong's body fiercely.


Nian Dayong let out a scream, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

" dare to hurt me..." Nian Dayong looked at Zhang Tianhao with horror.

"I hurt you, I'm going to kill you." Zhang Tianhao walked towards Nian Dayong step by step.

"You dare to kill me, the city lord will not let you go." Nian Dayong looked at Zhang Tianhao and said sternly.

"The city lord? Hehe, are you sure the city lord will turn against me for you?" Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully.

Zhang Tianhao is now Xiaoyaozong, not to mention Sun Haofeng, even the empress of Kate Kingdom has scruples about him.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao killed Nian Dayong without any pressure.What's more, the relationship between Zhang Tianhao and Feng Qingwu is even more intimate.

"Master Zhang, please be merciful."

At this moment, a voice sounded.Another group of city guards on horseback arrived.This time, it was Chen Wei who took the lead.

It's just that Chen Wei at this moment is extremely respectful towards Zhang Tianhao.He is no longer the same as the original strength.

"It turned out to be General Chen. I thought he was here to get me." Zhang Tianhao looked at Chen Wei and said indifferently.

Chen Wei hurriedly said to Zhang Tianhao: "Young Master Zhang, how dare your subordinates."

Chen Wei placed his position very low.

Nian Dayong looked at this scene in horror, a little surprised, he knew Chen Wei's character very well.Definitely a hardliner.Even to Sun Haofeng, he had never seen Chen Wei put his posture so low.What is the identity of this young man.Nian Dayong felt terrified.At this moment, he felt that he should have kicked the iron board.

"Mr. Zhang, can you give me a little noodle. Please spare General Nian once. He doesn't know your identity." Chen Wei said respectfully to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao waved his hand at Chen Wei and said, "Don't call him a subordinate, I am not your immediate boss."

Chen Wei hurriedly said: "Young Master Zhang, based on your relationship with the princess, you are Chen Wei's immediate boss!"

Seeing what Chen Wei said, Zhang Tianhao nodded and said, "Okay, it's up to you. Put Nian Dayong in the dungeon for three months, and he won't be released within three months."

Chen Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

"Also, these members of the Black Tiger Gang. Everyone cut off a hand." Zhang Tianhao said coldly to Chen Wei.

"As ordered, my subordinates will do as I ordered." Chen Wei said hastily.

"Take Nian Dayong to me." Nian Dayong shouted to the soldiers of the city guards around him.

The surrounding city guard soldiers hesitated for a moment, and rushed forward.

"Chen Wei, what are you doing? How dare you take me down?" Nian Dayong looked at Chen Wei angrily.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly and walked towards Nian Dayong.Said to him: "Nian Dayong, if you don't want to enter the dungeon, I will kill you on the spot now, and the city lord will not blame me."

"What? How dare you..." Nian Dayong was a little frustrated.

"Then try it!" Zhang Tianhao smiled sternly at Nian Dayong.

"The general admits to being killed." Nian Dayong said with some resentment.

Nian Dayong's expression was extremely resentful.Let the surrounding city guards take him down.

"What? I want to take revenge on my son. My name is Zhang Tianhao, and I can teach you anytime." Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully.

"What? You are..."

Nian Dayong looked at Zhang Tianhao in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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