The strongest fury system

Chapter 1495 Wu Zixu Exits

Chapter 1495 Wu Zixu Exits

"Well, big brother, Xiaoling will definitely work hard." Xu Xiaoling said firmly to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao then returned to Xiaoyaozong through the teleportation array.This time, he went to Yelongtan to gain quite a lot.If he absorbed that Dragon Soul Qi, he would definitely be able to make another breakthrough in his cultivation.Although he does not need to rely on pills to upgrade, he needs to kill monsters to upgrade.But if this energy is given to body refining.Maybe he can make another breakthrough in his body training.In the end, it will be equal to his own qi refining, which is also unknown.

After Zhang Tianhao returned to the courtyard of Xiaoyaozong, he entered Jiuxiao Palace for retreat again.

Zhang Tianhao once again came to the gravitational space that he had practiced before.This time, he took several steps more than before.Wait until the limit is reached.Zhang Tianhao sat down cross-legged.

He took out that dragon soul energy, although he had already divided it into five parts.But just such a small group.Zhang Tianhao still felt that there was an extremely strong power in it.

Zhang Tianhao swallowed the energy of the dragon soul.A majestic force boiled in his body.He felt that the pores of his whole body seemed to be stretched at this moment.

Zhang Tianhao hastily activated the God Demon Tyrant Body Art to absorb this energy.

Every minute and every second, Zhang Tianhao felt that the strength of his physical body was growing.

about an hour later
Zhang Tianhao's physical body stretched out cracklingly.His physical body seemed to be much more solid.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Tianhao murmured: "That's right, the body-refining Martial Emperor Bachongtian."

Although this dragon soul only raised his physical body to a higher level, it was enough.After all, Zhang Tianhao's current body training is already at the Martial Emperor level.This dragon soul is only one of them.Therefore, it is not easy to advance again.Every small realm requires vast energy.

However, even though he had only advanced to a small level, he felt that his combat power had improved a lot, and it was definitely not the same as before.

At the same time, in a certain courtyard of the inner gate of Xiaoyao Sect

A powerful breath burst out.

Feel this extremely terrifying power.Countless figures came from afar.

"Senior Brother Wu must have broken through to the half-step Martial God. Who else is Brother Wu's opponent in this inner sect competition?"

"That's right, Senior Brother Wu is at the peak of Emperor Wu, and there are few opponents in the inner sect. Only Lin Zetao and Han Jinwu can slightly suppress Senior Brother Wu, but now Senior Brother Wu is the first to break through to the half-step Martial God. In the inner sect, Senior Brother Wu can definitely be called For the first."

"It seems that Senior Brother Wu got a great opportunity in the secret realm last time. Half-step Martial Gods who are less than 25 years old are rare in the entire Imperial Domain. Senior Brother Wu is the number one genius of Xiaoyao Sect!"

The inner disciples present all complimented endlessly, looking at the direction of the courtyard with fiery eyes.

Next second

A white figure appeared on the top of the courtyard, with a slender figure, an arrogant expression, and a hint of evil temperament.It was Wu Zixu, the third-ranked inner sect master.

"I've met Senior Brother Wu! Congratulations to Senior Brother Wu for his great achievement and aspire to the Xiaoyao Sect!"

A group of inner disciples shouted at Wu Zixu.

"En!" Wu Zixu nodded reservedly.

"Where is the fairy!"

Wu Zixu asked a warrior with thick eyebrows beside him.

The warrior with thick eyebrows hurriedly came to Wu Zixu's side and said to him: "Senior brother, Miss Xian'er, during this time, whenever you have time, run to Zhang Tianhao's mansion."

"Zhang Tianhao, is that the kid Li Feixiong mentioned?" Wu Zixu raised his brows and said calmly.

"Yes, Senior Brother Wu." The warrior with thick eyebrows said.

"What on earth does Li Feixiong eat? It's been so long and he still hasn't figured it out. What a waste. Well, why didn't he come to see me?" Wu Zixu seemed to have thought of something.

The thick-browed youth frowned and said, "Senior Brother Wu, after Li Feixiong took a dozen of our people out the day before yesterday, he never came back."

"What do you mean?" Wu Zixu frowned at the thick-browed man.

"After they knew that Zhang Tianhao was going out, they went out together and planned to kill that kid. But they haven't come back yet, so I think they should all have been murdered by Zhang Tianhao," said the thick-browed youth.

"What, are those people useless? Li Feixiong's cultivation is not weak, so he can't kill even a dozen or so people." Wu Zixu snorted coldly.

"Senior Brother Wu, that kid is very evil. I heard that Li Xinjie also took people to intercept him, but he didn't come back. This kid's fighting power is seriously inconsistent with his cultivation base." The thick-browed youth said.

Wu Zixu frowned slightly.He still knew about Li Xinjie.He is also a well-known warrior in the inner sect.He nodded slightly and said: "Well, this kid is interesting, but if he dares to touch my woman, he will definitely die."

In Wu Zixu's eyes, a fierce murderous intent shot out.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao was playing checkers with Murong Xian'er in the yard.

During this time, whenever Murong Xian'er had time, she went to Zhang Tianhao's place to play with him.From time to time, I have whimsical ideas, such as raising small pets on the roof of his garden, and raising small snakes in the ornamental fish pond in his garden.After several ponds of small fish died in his pond, Zhang Tianhao finally couldn't take it anymore.He took out the earth jumper and taught Murong Xian'er how to play.

In Zhenwu Continent, although there are things like chess and go, girls generally don't like to play such things.It was chess that successfully attracted Murong Xian'er.One play is an afternoon.

Zhang Tianhao is not very proficient in checkers either.He is a master of chess and go.At first, it still has a little advantage.After three games, Zhang Tianhao was completely inferior to Murong Xian'er who had already mastered the skills in checkers.

"Brother-in-law, you are so stupid, you lost this round again." Murong Xian'er said triumphantly after winning another round against Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao was depressed.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help frowning.

A figure appeared directly above him.

"Zhang Tianhao!"

In the void, there was a young man in white with a slender figure and an arrogant expression.The sharp eyes like a knife shot on Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Wu Zixu, what are you doing here? You are not allowed to touch my brother Tianhao!"

Murong Xian'er seemed to sense Wu Zixu's malicious intentions, and immediately stood in front of him.He looked at Wu Zixu warily.

"Xian'er, this is the person you like? I don't think it's all that good?" Wu Zixu looked at Murong Xian'er.

"Wu Zixu, don't worry about my affairs. No matter what kind of person Tianhao brother is, Xian'er just likes him." Murong Xian'er said, hugging Zhang Tianhao.

"You...Xian' you know what you are doing?"

Wu Zixu's eyes almost burst into flames.That way, it was as if seeing a beloved thing fell into someone else's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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