The strongest fury system

Chapter 1496 The Golden Wu Zixu

Chapter 1496 The Golden Wu Zixu

"Of course I know." Murong Xian'er looked at Wu Zixu happily and fearlessly.

"Xian'er, your master and my grandfather have intentionally brought us together. Does your master know that you are doing this?" Wu Zixu looked at Murong Xian'er and said coldly.

"Wu Zixu, don't mention Xian'er's master. Xian'er's master is Xian'er's master. Whether you agree or not depends on Xian'er's intentions. Xian'er just doesn't like you." Murong Xian'er looked at Wu Zixu angrily the way.

Wu Zixu's expression was already extremely gloomy.Staring at Zhang Tianhao who was standing behind Murong Xian'er.

"Zhang Tianhao, if you are a man, don't hide behind a woman."

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and jokingly smiled at Wu Zixu: "Of course I am a man, but unfortunately you are not a woman, otherwise I will prove it to you. Of course, if you insist on proving it, I have a way."

As Zhang Tianhao said, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. All boys on the earth understand this smile.

"Xian'er, back off, as a man, I don't want to be looked down upon." Zhang Tianhao said to Murong Xian'er.

Murong Xian'er was a little worried, but looked at Zhang Tianhao's firm expression.Also a little helpless, had to retreat to the side.

Zhang Tianhao flew into the void, hovered in front of Wu Zixu, and confronted him.

Both Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian looked worriedly at Zhang Tianhao who was confronting Wu Zixu.

"Zhang Tianhao. If you leave Murong Xian'er in the future, I can let the past go and let you go. How about..." Wu Zixu looked at Zhang Tianhao with an air of superiority.

Zhang Tianhao raised his brows, looked at Wu Zixu, "Pfft!" He smiled and said, "Fuck, who are you, who is I with, and who cares about you? Kneel down and call Dad, maybe I will treat you like you!" If I'm not sensible, I might agree to you... how about it?"

"What did you say?"

Wu Zixu was extremely angry, and a monstrous killing intent erupted from his body.

Zhang Tianhao felt the terrifying killing intent on Wu Zixu's body, and his heart froze.The whole god became vigilant.Wu Zixu in such a state gave Zhang Tianhao an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Well, the golden light, the golden purple, this is the rhythm of the big boss!"

"Blow him up, find a chance, and definitely blow him up..." Zhang Tianhao looked at Wu Zixu, who was shining golden light all over his body, his eyes sparkled.

Damn, if you explode him, coupled with the berserk energy, maybe something amazing can be exploded.

"Zhang Tianhao, die for me!"

"Meteor God Palm!"


A domineering palm erupted in the void.

Zhang Tianhao felt that the space around him seemed to be imprisoned.His hairs were trembling at this moment.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous.

"Fifth-order infinite rage!"

"Explosive punch!"

Zhang Tianhao instantly exerted all his strength to the limit.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.


Zhang Tianhao felt his strength collapse instantly with this punch.The opponent's blow swept towards him like a bamboo shoot.

"Golden wall battle body!"

At the critical moment, Zhang Tianhao propped up his protective gas mask.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

Zhang Tianhao snorted, and flew back upside down like a kite with a broken string.It was smashed to the ground by a huge impact force.


Zhang Tianhao's surroundings exploded.The sky is full of dust and dust.

"Hahaha, this guy should be dead now, right? That's what happens if he dares to provoke Senior Brother Wu."

"That's right, I overestimated my own strength, and didn't even weigh myself, to go against Senior Brother Wu."

"I think he should be broken into slag now. Senior Brother Wu has achieved a great achievement. Now he has become the first victim to be sacrificed by Senior Brother Wu."

"If he is still alive, I will eat Xiang. It must be gone by now."

The supporters of Wu Zixu on the side talked a lot.But no one was optimistic about Zhang Tianhao, and they all thought that Zhang Tianhao must be dead at this moment without a place to bury him.

Hearing the discussions of these warriors, Song Sitian, Zhang Xixi, and Murong Xian'er rushed towards the pit in anxiety.

"Brother Tianhao!"


"Zhang Tianhao!"

Zhang Xixi, Song Sitian, and Murong Xian'er rushed towards Zhang Tianhao's place.

"I'm fine!"

A figure flew out from the ruins, re-suspended in the void, it was Zhang Tianhao.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhang Tianhao is currently dressed in rags, his face is black and blue, and he is in a state of embarrassment.But his expression was extremely determined, without any fear.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Wu Zixu and said calmly: "Your Excellency's palm is not very good! I am still standing here in a good manner. What is the number three in the inner sect? Pooh, it must be a waste of fame, right?" ?”

"What? How could he not be dead?" The guy who said he wanted to bet on Chi Xiang earlier also had a dull look.

"Damn it, is this guy a cockroach? He won't die like this."

"Impossible, I must have hallucinations, it must be hallucinations..."

The warriors on the side couldn't believe their eyes at this moment.

Wu Zixu's expression also sank. He is a half-step martial god, and he can still challenge the half-step martial god. With this palm, he is confident that he can kill the emperor.Even if he is a half-step martial artist like himself, Wu Zixu is confident that he can seriously injure or even kill.After all, Wu Zixu's cultivation has soared by more than a hundred times after he was promoted to the half-step Martial God.But this kid can go on.It was really beyond his expectation.

"Hmph, sure enough, I did something wrong, but I only used [-]% of my strength before. Since you want to die, I will help you."

Wu Zixu smiled coldly, and a murderous intent erupted from him.

"Brother Tianhao, no..."


Murong Xian'er, Zhang Xixi, and Song Sitian all desperately wanted to rush towards the battle circle.But Wu Zixu's strength formed an aura on the scene.The three of them couldn't rush in at all, and were blocked outside by an invisible force.

"Xian'er, Sitian, don't worry, you have to trust Brother Tianhao that I will be fine." Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth and said.

At this critical juncture, Zhang Tianhao did not dare to hold back any more.The Huoyuan Holy Body was displayed.

"Give me death!"

Wu Zixu had already plotted to kill Zhang Tianhao.A palm covered Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Scorching Sun God Palm!"

Zhang Tianhao also showed no sign of weakness.

The golden palm shadow appeared in the void.With a radius of tens of meters, the sun and the moon are darkened.The temperature suddenly rose by a thousand degrees.


Two terrifying palms collided fiercely in the void.There was a violent explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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