Chapter 2977

"Hahaha. If I catch you, that magical skill will be mine." Second Elder Zhao Shengde was overjoyed.

Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully: "Do you think it's so easy to want my things?"

But at this moment, Zhang Tianhao is only a strong outsider.

"court death……"

Just when Zhao Shengde was about to make a move.

A stern voice sounded.


"One day the ruler will appear?"

A powerful aura permeated this piece of heaven and earth.


The warriors of Tianhai City around thought that Zhang Tianhao would surely die, but seeing a figure appearing at a high speed at this moment, they all had some doubts about who this person was.

"It's you?"

Zhao Shengde looked at the old man with white beard and hair in surprise.His expression was extremely fearful.

The old man who appeared suddenly was none other than Gu Binghan, the elder of Tiansha Palace.

"Elder Gu, this is a matter of our Zhao family, and it has nothing to do with your Tiansha Palace, right?" Zhao Shengde tried to speak to the old man in a calmer tone.

After all, the strength of the Tiansha Temple, not only the Zhao family, even the royal family of the Tianhai Empire dare not offend easily.After all, the power of Tiansha Temple spread all over the world of Shishen.In the Tianhai Empire, it was just a branch hall.And the elders of the Tiansha Palace in the Tianhai Empire are also powerful figures.

"Who said that it has nothing to do with the old man, Zhang Tianhao is the first-level deacon of our Heavenly Demon Palace. Tell me, can this elder take care of it?" The elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace looked at Zhao Shengde and asked coldly.

This time, Zhao Shengde was speechless.Indeed, if that's the case, the other party really has the qualifications to take care of it.

"He's a first-level deacon? Elder Gu, are you joking?" Zhao Shengde didn't believe it.

"Boy, if people don't believe that you are from our Tiansha Temple, tell me yourself?" Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"That's right, when I entered Tianhai Academy, I was already a member of Tiansha Temple, so I should be a first-level deacon now, right?"

Zhang Tianhao said, looked at Gu Binghan and said with a slight smile: "Elder Gu, have you brought my token?"

"Hey, here you go, let your kid come to Tiansha Temple to get a token when you have time, but you just don't want to, now you are in trouble? But, let's see who dares to touch people in our Tiansha Temple today?"

Gu Binghan exuded a boundless evil spirit, extremely domineering.

"Elder Gu, you are going too far, do you really want to fight us?" Zhao Shengde looked at Gu Bing coldly.

"Against it? I think you want to fight against our Tiansha Palace. There are thousands of fighters in our Tiansha Temple in the entire Shishen Realm. Every spit on your Zhao family can drown your Zhao family. .” Gu Binghan said disdainfully.


Zhao Shengde's pupils shrank, facing Gu Binghan's threat, he was speechless.Indeed, even though the Zhao family is in the Tianhai Empire, it is only one of the top ten forces.But the Tiansha Temple is a top-level power in the entire Beginning God Realm and in the Central Continent.Although the Tiansha Temple only has one branch hall in the Tianhai Empire, it is not something the Zhao family can offend.

"Boy, let's go... Let's see who dares to stop you, the old man will kill him..." Gu Binghan said domineeringly.

At this moment, even the city guards of Tianhai City of the Tianhai Empire dared not stop Zhang Tianhao anymore.One by one retreated silently.After all, the power of Tiansha Temple is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In another corner of Tianhai City, a middle-aged man was suspended in the void, exuding a powerful aura. This old man was none other than Qi Xiao, the vice president of Tianhai College.

Originally, when he learned that Zhang Tianhao was in trouble in Tianhai City, he was about to come, but he found that a strong man had appeared and rescued Zhang Tianhao.

A look of confusion appeared on Qi Xiao's face.He murmured: "This kid, when did he get in touch with this old guy. It seems that this old guy is quite protective of him."

Qi Xiao shook his head, turned around and flew away.

And Zhao Shengde, the second elder of the Zhao family, was furious at this moment, feeling very unhappy.

"Damn it, such a good opportunity just disappeared! Gu Binghan is really abominable." Zhao Shengde looked extremely cold.

It's just that although Zhao Shengde was very upset, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the status of the master of Tiansha Hall was much stronger than his Zhao family.It is not comparable to him at all.

Outside Tianhai City
Zhang Tianhao said gratefully to Gu Binghan, the elder of Tiansha Palace: "Senior, thank you for saving your life."

"Hmph, did you forget about Tiansha Temple, kid? You haven't returned to Tiansha Temple for so long." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao angrily.

Zhang Tianhao was slightly embarrassed, because his main purpose of joining the Temple of Heavenly Demons was to be recommended by Tianhai College, and he really had no intention of working for the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

Although he really thought so in his heart, Zhang Tianhao naturally wouldn't say so, but looked at Gu Binghan and said with a little embarrassment: "Senior, the kid who enters Tianhai Academy now, the most important thing is to improve his strength. Others, really I didn’t think too much about it.”

"Boy, I know what you mean. Do you know the purpose of our Tiansha Temple?" Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Senior, isn't Tiansha Hall a gathering place for a group of body refiners?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Binghan in surprise.

Gu Binghan nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said: "You are right, but our Tiansha Temple appeared in the ancient times. At that time, the founders of Tiansha Temple were a group of human races without any cultivation talent. Cultivation talent has been ridiculed and even persecuted endlessly. However, this group of human races without any cultivation talent finally discovered that although they did not have any talent for Qi cultivation, they possessed a rare physique for body cultivation. Body cultivation is also a part of cultivation. A kind of Dao, if one can cultivate to a high level, the body refiner is even stronger than the Qi refiner."

When Zhang Tianhao heard this, he immediately understood.Looking at Gu Binghan, he asked: "Senior, could it be that this group of body refiners finally established the Tiansha Temple?"

"That's right, this group of body refiners are the ancestors of our Tiansha Temple. They finally killed all the enemies who persecuted them, and established the Tiansha Temple by killing them. Because although they have suffered endless persecution, A tooth for a tooth has caused endless killings, but I still have a heart of compassion. I hope to maintain world peace through the Temple of Heavenly Shame. Return the world to a brighter world." Gu Bing said coldly.

Zhang Tianhao was in awe when he heard this.Obviously, he didn't expect the people in the Temple of Heavenly Evil to have such great ambitions.There is also such a mind.

"Boy, how do you feel now?" Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao with a smile.

"I think the founder of Tiansha Temple is very respectable." Zhang Tianhao nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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