Chapter 2978

"So, our Tiansha Temple is a neutral organization in the Shishen Realm. It's just that after so many years of establishment, our Tiansha Temple inevitably has some good and bad. Therefore, I hope you can promise this elder a condition." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"What conditions?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Binghan curiously.

"You become the inspector of our Tiansha Temple." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"What? Inspector? What kind of job is this?"

Zhang Tianhao was a little curious at the moment.

"The inspector has a very special status in the Tiansha Temple. Its rank is only equivalent to that of an ordinary deacon, but it belongs directly to the hall master. It can punish the members of the Tiansha Temple who violated the discipline of the Tiansha Temple in various places. It has the right to kill first and then act." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao said.

"What? It directly belongs to the hall master. Aren't you the elder of the Tiansha hall? Do you have this right?" Zhang Tianhao was a little confused at the moment.

Gu Binghan didn't care about Zhang Tianhao's eyes, he just looked at him and said with a smile, "Just say if you want to?"

"This one……"

Zhang Tianhao still hesitated.

However, Zhang Tianhao quickly made a decision.Although he doesn't have the ideal of being a savior, he really hopes to build his own team.Especially towards him when there are still some people who are alone in the beginning of God Realm.Without any background, it will undoubtedly be difficult for him to grow up in the Beginning God Realm.But the power of the Tiansha Palace moved him very much.If he could become the inspector of the Tiansha Temple, he would undoubtedly have a great say in the Tiansha Temple.This will undoubtedly be of great benefit to him in building his own team.In Tianhai City today, he had already seen that he had killed so many city guards in the street. Facing several elders of the Zhao family, none of them dared to offend Elder Gu. Be afraid of the Tiansha Temple behind the ancient elders.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao did not agree to the other party so easily. He looked at Gu Binghan and said seriously: "Elder Gu, I want to know, why did you choose me? I don't seem to have anything special, right?"

Gu Binghan suddenly laughed loudly, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously: "Good question, the biggest reason is because of your potential, you are already a master at a young age, and you are in Tianhai From the performance in the academy, the old man is very clear that you have a sense of loyalty, you are loyal to your brothers, and you have a full sense of justice. This is what our Tiansha Temple values ​​most."

"Elder Gu, are you investigating me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Binghan with an unhappy expression.

"Don't mind you kid. As the first-level deacon of our Tiansha Temple, this is not a small position. Naturally, it is impossible to easily give this position to someone who doesn't know anything. Our Tiansha Temple has an obligation to organize If you are just an ordinary member of the Temple of Heavenly Evil, you naturally don't have this restriction." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao and said earnestly.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and felt that what Gu Binghan said was reasonable.Indeed, as he said, for an organization as big as the Temple of Heavenly Evil, it is indeed necessary to understand the members of the organization, or to mix in some people with bad character, which will naturally be a great harm to the Temple of Heavenly Evil.

"Well, Elder, I understand." Zhang Tianhao said with a slight smile to Gu Binghan.

"Then what is your position as the patrol envoy now?" Gu Binghan asked with a smile, staring at Zhang Tianhao.

"Boy agreed." Zhang Tianhao cracked his lips and smiled.

"Great." Gu Binghan rubbed his hands, obviously very happy with Zhang Tianhao's decision.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and decided to tell Gu Binghan about the blood pill.After all, it is too tragic to use the blood of ordinary people to refine elixirs. Since Tiansha Temple is a righteous organization, it is necessary to know.

"Boy, there is something recently, if you have the opportunity, pay more attention to it..."

Before Zhang Tianhao could tell about the blood pill, Gu Binghan said to him first: "Recently, in the generation of Jiuling County of the Tianhai Empire, many warriors disappeared for no reason, and we sent warriors from Tiansha Palace to investigate, but to no avail. Your kid's luck has always been good, if you have been to Jiuling County for a generation, you can check it out."

"The warrior is missing?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"That's right, it's the warriors who disappeared. These warriors are all low-level warriors, the highest is only the Martial Emperor realm. But these warriors are the future hopes of the big families. Just disappearing for no reason, and now the Tianhai Empire is panicking. I am worried that the power sent by the enemy country is causing trouble. Now the royal family of the Tianhai Empire is asking for help from our Tiansha Palace." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"The warrior is missing? Could it be related to the blood pill?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"Boy, you seem to know something?" Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

"Well, the kid knows something, but I don't know if the two are related."

Zhang Tianhao decided to tell Gu Binghan about it.After all, he did have this need to know.The mastermind behind that scene obviously came from a big family.Zhang Tianhao is alone and has no way to fight.At this moment, if he can get the support of Tiansha Temple, it will be a great help.

Next, Zhang Tianhao told Gu Binghan exactly what he knew.


When Gu Binghan, who was originally calm and calm, heard Zhang Tianhao tell him what he knew about the blood pill, his beard and hair were all furious.

"Boy, are you sure you are responsible for what you said?" Gu Bing's cold eyes fell on Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao looked very calm, looked at Gu Bing and said coldly: "Elder Gu, do you think I will benefit from lying?"

Gu Binghan shook his head, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "I just think this is too shocking, so I don't suspect you kid."

As he said that, Gu Binghan paused his words, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boy, do you think this matter has something to do with the disappearance of warriors in Jiuling County?"

"Boy, I'm just skeptical. After all, these warriors will not disappear for no reason. Moreover, refining blood pills requires essence energy. If you use the blood essence of warriors to refine pills, it will naturally be stronger than ordinary villagers. Ten thousand times. Of course, this is just a boy's suspicion." Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Bing coldly and said.

"Well, what you said is also very reasonable. Our Tiansha Palace will intervene in this matter, but as a first-level deacon, you also have this responsibility." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Elder Gu, I decided to go to Jiuling County to investigate this matter, but the academy..." Zhang Tianhao hesitated.

"Hahaha, is it just a show for you to be the first-level deacon of our Tiansha Temple? As long as you are willing, this elder will naturally communicate with the academy. Don't worry..." Gu Binghan looked at Zhang Tianhao with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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