The strongest fury system

Chapter 3004 Imperial Magic City

Chapter 3004 Imperial Magic City

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Xie Zhen's expression froze.Look a little incredible.

Zhuo Mingwei also said in disbelief: "Yeah, how is this possible? How could it be possible to kill a dozen warriors from the Demon Race with just a few weak chickens."

The elder's expression sank and he said, "You are questioning my identification."

As he spoke, there was a slight pause at the elder's words.Said: "And among his horns, there is a pair at the commanding level..."


Both Zhuo Mingwei and Xie Zhen felt incredible, because the strength of the demon warriors at the commander level is definitely stronger.Ordinary human warriors will not be opponents.And even if it can be defeated, it is very difficult to kill.But if you can kill a leader of the demon clan and bring back the double horns, you can get a generous contribution value.

"Kneel down and kowtow!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the two of them firmly and said.


"Boy, we are members of the big family of the Tianhai Empire. You dare to make us kneel, aren't you afraid of offending our family?" Xie Zhen looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"That's right, it's best to expose this matter right now, and accept it as soon as you see it... Otherwise, the consequences are not what you can expect." Zhuo Mingwei looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted his teeth.

"is it?"

Naturally, Zhang Tianhao would not let the other party expose it, and suppressed it with a big hand of vitality towards the other party's body.

"Hand of death!"

The powerful hand of true essence patted Zhuo Mingwei's body like an invisible mountain.

"What, damn it, you dare to attack me, who gave you the courage?" Zhuo Mingwei roared angrily.

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Mingwei stabbed Zhang Tianhao's vitality hand with his sword.This sword wanted to pierce Zhang Tianhao's palm.

But Zhuo Mingwei's cultivation base was too far behind Zhang Tianhao's. This terrifying sword was instantly shattered by Zhang Tianhao's palm.


Zhang Tianhao's palm crushed Zhuo Mingwei like a mountain.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's palm directly hit Zhuo Mingwei's body.Let him scream, the whole person fell to his knees on the ground, his face was pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"And you..."

Naturally, Zhang Tianhao would not forget Xie Zhen next to him.Xie Zhen's strength was not the same as Zhuo Mingwei's.Seeing Zhuo Mingwei being suppressed so easily at this moment, his face turned pale.Some are unbelievable.

Seeing this situation, the elders were originally prepared to interfere.But after thinking about it, I held back.After all, as a witness, he shouldn't favor one side.

Zhang Tianhao slapped Zhuo Mingwei's body again.

"Hand of death!"

As the power of the law of nirvana.This palm covered the sky and the sun, and it was extremely powerful.Zhuo Mingwei was directly suppressed to the ground.


Zhuo Mingwei let out a scream and fell to his knees on the ground.His face was extremely sluggish.

"Elder, are you just watching him bully us like this?" Zhuo Mingwei looked at the elder of Tianhai Academy with some displeasure.

"How about not letting you stay? You agreed to bet against him." The elder of Tianhai College said coldly.

"Don't think that the elder will help you. He didn't help me to suppress you. He has given you face. Now you better fulfill the previous agreement and kowtow to my companion to apologize. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel." Zhang Tianhao looked at Xie Zhen And Zhuo Mingwei said coldly.

"If you want us to kowtow to you and apologize, don't even think about it."

"That's right, you dare to make us kneel and kowtow, can you bear it?"

Both Xie Zhen and Zhuo Mingwei looked at Zhang Tianhao viciously.

Zhang Tianhao said coldly: "It's fine if you don't kneel down and kowtow, I will abolish your cultivation, and from now on, you will be useless, what do you think?"

"you dare……"

Both Zhuo Mingwei and Xie Zhen were pale. They knew that if they really became useless people, they would not be considered meritorious deeds here.Even if it is self-protection, there will be big problems.Going back to the family will become a joke of the family.

The elder next to him was actually related to the head of the two families, so naturally he couldn't just ignore it without saying a word.Therefore, he said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boy, why not change it to ten strokes, everyone take a step back..."

Zhang Tianhao frowned.But it's just to teach the other party a lesson.Therefore, he nodded and said: "Ten rattles, only ten, if you bargain again, it will not be so simple!"

Zhuo Mingwei and Xie Zhen looked at each other with humiliation on their faces.But ten rattles are better than a hundred rattles.Therefore, the two kowtowed ten times to Zhang Tianhao's companion with humiliation.

However, both of them had resentment in their hearts.If given the chance, they would never let Zhang Tianhao and his companions go.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the two of them would not be so reconciled.But he doesn't care either.If in the battlefield of humans and demons, these two guys still don't know how to restrain themselves, if they are still doing some small tricks in the dark, he will definitely not let the other party go so easily, and it is not impossible to directly let the other party evaporate.

It seems that because of Zhang Tianhao's deterrent, there was no other incident.Several flying boats flew all the way to Yumo City.

The Demon City, as the name suggests, is a warrior specially used to resist the demons.The city wall is hundreds of meters high, tall and strong.And there is a large defensive array.

The Imperial Demon City has existed for tens of thousands of years.The city wall is red. It is said that the city wall was originally white, but after tens of thousands of years of tug-of-war with the demons.I don't know how many lives fell in this magic city, and finally this city turned into its current color.

For this legend, Zhang Tianhao still firmly believed, after all, the Imperial Demon City was the center of the battle between humans and demons.There are many wars every year.And for tens of thousands of years, even if the hundreds of meters high city wall was stained red with blood, it was actually not impossible.

In the Demon City, most of them are fighters who came to fight against the demons, not only the fighters from the Sky Sea Empire, but also some fighters from the surrounding areas of the Sky Sea Empire.Of course, there are also students from some major colleges.

In addition to the accident that the college students were recruited by the empire and the academy, there are also many bounty hunters, and these bounty hunters are purely for the rewards of the empires.After all, they also get a lot of rewards for killing these demons.Of course, the strength of these bounty hunters is definitely not weak.Otherwise, they would not dare to come to the Demon City to resist the demons.

After tens of thousands of years of construction, this imperial city is very large, and all kinds of facilities are sound. There are even merchants' shops in the city, which is not much different from the cities in the hinterlands of major empires.

(End of this chapter)

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