The strongest fury system

Chapter 3005 Demon Race News

Chapter 3005 Demon Race News
After the warriors from Tianhai Academy arrived at the Demonic City, they were all arranged to live.The residence is not bad, five people share a room.Although it was a bit crowded, but considering that the Imperial Demon City has received warriors from all walks of life, it is not bad to have the current conditions.

After Zhang Tianhao and others arrived at the Demon City, they felt the atmosphere was very tense, as if warriors from the Demon Race would invade at any time.

"Boss, is it true that warriors from the Demon Race will attack at any time? Can we still survive?" Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, the boss is here, nothing will happen to you," Zhang Tianhao said.

It was the first time for Wang Jianwu, Su Donglai and others to experience such a thing, so they were all very nervous.But Zhang Tianhao can also understand, because they are all young.The battle between humans and devils has always been a meat grinder.It is no exaggeration to describe the human race who participated in the war as narrowly escaped death.

"Boss, you are not much older than us, why are you not nervous at all?" Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked in confusion.

Zhang Tianhao secretly smiled.Damn it, the scene in the Demon City, in his opinion, is nothing short of meaningless.When he was in Zhenwu Continent, he directly faced the Demon Emperor.At that time, he wasn't even in the Domination Realm.Now that his strength has improved greatly, he still has a certain psychological advantage in facing the demons.

"This is not the first time I have fought against the demons."

Zhang Tianhao was concise and to the point.

"All warriors gather in the square."

In the void, a middle-aged man shouted.

The man is dressed in imperial attire.Because the Imperial Demon City is under the jurisdiction of the Sky Sea Empire, the management right is naturally in the Sky Sea Empire official.

After hearing the words, all warriors rushed to the square.

This square is very large, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.There is no problem in gathering [-] warriors at once.

"According to our information, the army of the Demon Race has rushed to the Imperial Demon City. This time the scale is not as small as before. It is the largest battle in the past ten years. Therefore, everyone must do their best Go. Because this is related to the life and death of our human beings. If the demon city is breached by the demons, then the demons can drive straight into the hinterland of our human race." The middle-aged man said.

"My lord, since this battle is so important, do we have any reinforcements? It won't be just us warriors, right?" A warrior asked the most critical question.

"Of course there is, it's just because of the sudden large-scale invasion of the demons this time, it came very suddenly, and the major empires were not prepared. Therefore, even if there are reinforcements, we must stick to it for a month. If within a month, we defend If the magic city is breached, then we are sinners. Therefore, everyone, no matter what, you must stick to it for a month." The middle-aged man said.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao said in confusion: "Strange, it only takes a few days for our Tianhai Empire to arrive at Yumo City, why does the lord of the empire say that it will take a month."

Su Donglai looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled slightly: "Boss, this is normal. The imperial capital of our Tianhai Empire is quite close to Yumo City. It can be said that when the Tianhai Empire established the imperial capital, it was to allow the emperor of the Tianhai Empire to Sticking to the Demon City is the reason why the City and the Emperor are so close. This also makes every emperor not dare to slack off. This method is indeed very effective. For tens of thousands of years, every emperor of the Tianhai Empire, They will invest a lot of manpower and material resources in the Imperial Demon City, so that the Imperial Demon City will always be as strong as gold."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao felt that it was indeed the case.It's like in the Ming Dynasty in China, the emperor guarded the gate of the country, and the king died in the country.

"Furthermore, the territory of the Tianhai Empire is also very large. It will take a certain amount of time to recruit fighters from all over the place, and then gather together to come here. This will take a long time, so a month is actually already a long time. It's very long." Su Donglai looked at Zhang Tianhao.

After hearing Su Donglai's explanation, Zhang Tianhao felt that it was true.

Stick to it for a month.This is indeed somewhat difficult!The strength of demon warriors has always surpassed that of human warriors.And this time the demon warriors invaded again on a large scale, and it is not known how many demons invaded.The warriors present all felt dignified.

After that, for a while, the atmosphere in the entire Yumo City became tense to the extreme.And during this time, there were several episodes.Many warriors from the human race were about to escape from the Demonic City, but they were all killed by the warriors from the Demonic City's law enforcement team.After killing several waves of warriors in the Imperial Demon City, there were no deserters in the Imperial Demon City.

"Next, start assigning tasks."

The elders of Tianhai Academy summoned all the warriors of Tianhai Academy in their residence.Look serious.

"This time, the mission was jointly assigned by the Empire and our Tianhai Academy. Because of the seriousness of the mission, a military order must be signed... This is also to prevent people from being greedy for life and fearing death, or even fleeing. The team killed a large number of fighters who were greedy for life and fear of death. Now that the Imperial Demon City has begun to control, any warrior in the Imperial Demon City, regardless of their status, must be recruited and become a warrior who resists the demons." The elder of Tianhai Academy road.

All the students of Tianhai College originally had some small thoughts in their hearts, but after hearing the elder's words, all the small thoughts in their hearts were extinguished.

"Elder, what does the military order mean?"

A curious student from Tianhai Academy asked.

"It means that all the students who are assigned to complete the task must sign the military order and must complete the task. Otherwise, they will be dealt with by military law." The elder said seriously.

All the students of Tianhai Academy felt creepy.Although the elders didn't explain it clearly, they naturally knew what the so-called military law disposal meant.

The elder didn't pay attention to the expressions of all the students of Tianhai Academy present, and said calmly: "Don't blame the empire and the academy, this is also unreasonable. Although the invasion of the demons this time is just a test, it is to prepare for the next invasion. If we let the demons succeed and break through the Demon City, then the time for the demons to invade the human continent will be advanced. Then we humans are not ready yet, facing the invasion of the demons will become a catastrophe. So, this time, no matter what, we must stick to the Demon City and wait for the arrival of human reinforcements."

The students of Tianhai Academy present looked solemn.Although they were still a little scared, their strong sense of mission made their blood boil at the moment.

"Elder, assign tasks, we are not afraid." A student from Tianhai College said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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