The strongest fury system

Chapter 31 The Arrogant Fourth Master Li

Chapter 31 The Arrogant Fourth Young Master Li

"I have something to talk to you about!" Ye Chuqing stared at Zhang Tianhao with her beautiful eyes.

"Oh! Tell me!" Zhang Tianhao was turned away from the other party's face.

It has to be said that this girl in Tsing Yi is indeed of a class that is disastrous to the country and the people.Especially those big eyes that can talk, as if they can see through a person's heart.

"I was the one who competed with you for the colorful stone just now!"

Only then did Zhang Tianhao know that the other party was coming for his colorful stone.Pretending to be puzzled, he said: "I auctioned off this seven-colored stone. If you stop me, are you robbing money?"

Ye Chuqing laughed angrily at the way the other party saw the thief, and snorted, "If Miss Ben wants to rob money, do you think Miss Ben will stand here and chat with you?"


Zhang Tianhao hugged his body, looking terrified, and then, with a very coy look, looked at Ye Chuqing and said timidly: "Miss, don't tell me... do you want to be robbed? I know he's handsome, but I don't know Not in public... or you can find a secluded place..."

Ye Chuqing: "..."

It was the first time Qin Zinan saw his brother playing tricks like this, he covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

Jin Bao and Zhang Jianfeng were not surprised at all.

"Hmph, why do you think so dirty, I came to you this time. I hope you can transfer the colorful stone to me." Ye Chuqing looked at Zhang Tianhao as if it was a matter of course.

"Of course, I will buy it with double the amount you auctioned off the Seven-Colored Stone, so that you won't suffer a loss and make a profit. How about it?" Ye Chuqing looked at Zhang Tianhao and said incredulously.

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback, this condition is not bad.The seven-colored stone is doubled, which is 700 million.If it was an ordinary person, he would have been tempted long ago, but the importance of the colorful stone to Zhang Tianhao is self-evident, so naturally he would not give up.Therefore, she said to Ye Chuqing: "Miss, I'm sorry, this colorful stone is equally important to me, so I'm sorry I can't give it to you."

"Three times!" Ye Chuqing raised the price again.

Zhang Tianhao was almost ready to agree.But this is the stone of critical strike!Besides, his heart is no longer measurable by money.

"Miss, if you really have so much money, you should have got the colorful stone just now, right? You don't need to buy it from me."

Ye Chuqing blushed suddenly, feeling like she had been seen through.He muttered: "Of course, there are prerequisites. I will settle all the money within seven days."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "There's nothing to talk about. I also use this colorful stone. I can't give it to you."

With that said, Zhang Tianhao had to wait.

"Wait! Don't you think about it, I can give you four times the price, of course..." Ye Chuqing threw out an olive branch again.

"Of course what?" Zhang Tianhao asked.

"Of course, I have to take the colorful stone away first." Ye Chuqing said seriously.

"We are not relatives, so why should I trust you? If you take away your things and run away, why should I trust you?" Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly.

Ye Chuqing was about to go crazy with anger. Originally, 1000 million silver was just a drizzle to her.Only this time, he went out too quickly, so he didn't bring enough money.She didn't want Zhang Tianhao's seven-colored stone because she didn't want to renege on it, because only by refining the treasure could she return to the family as soon as possible.

"But it's not impossible." Zhang Tianhao said badly.

"What way?" Ye Chuqing was delighted.

"Kiss me, so that we have a close relationship, I can consider letting you take the colorful stone back first?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Ye Chuqing and smiled jokingly.

"Bastard! Disciple!" Ye Chuqing stared at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao instantly felt the temperature around him drop by half.He realized that this girl's cultivation was far above her own.If the opponent wants to grab it by force, it's really hanging.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Ye Chuqing in surprise, as if he didn't expect this girl to have such strength.

"Business can't be benevolent!" Zhang Tianhao yelled.

"Hmph, apprentice, you will regret it sooner or later." Ye Chuqing stamped her feet, turned and left.

"Boss, what is the origin of this girl? She scared me to death just now. I feel that she can easily kill me." Jin Bao wiped his cold sweat.

"I have the same feeling." Zhang Jianfeng also felt a little guilty.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, thought for a while and said, "This girl has a lot of background, let's try not to provoke her."

"Boss, let's leave quickly. After all, we have photographed two treasures, and we are worried that someone will covet them!" Jin Bao said solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew the truth about not revealing money.Although I waited for others to stay in the box all the time, it is still very easy for those who are interested to know that they are waiting for them.

The four of them just left the Haitian Chamber of Commerce.A group of people stood in front of him.


More than a dozen people blocked the way of the four of them, and the one who walked in the front was the oily-haired and flour-faced young master.A look of superciliousness.


Zhang Tianhao frowned, and gently squeezed Qin Zinan's little hand beside him, telling her not to be nervous.

"Just now at the auction house, you were the one who snatched our fourth son's treasure?" A middle-aged man looked at Zhang Tianhao and snorted coldly.

Only then did Zhang Tianhao suddenly realize: "It turns out that you are a dead son, disrespect and disrespect..."

Zhang Tianhao pretended not to know, and deliberately accentuated the word "death".

"It's not the dead son, it's the fourth son." The middle-aged man frowned.

"For me, the fourth son and the dead son are the same. Besides, we bought the treasures from the auction house openly. How could it be snatched by your mouths full of dung?" Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully.

"Do you know who you offended? This is the fourth son of the Li family of our Vasi country. If you offend the Li family, you will die in the Vasi country."

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Tianhao and said unquestionably: "I advise you to hand over the things you snatched from our son, and then kneel down and call grandpa three times. Our master does not remember the faults of villains, so I can spare your life."

The fourth son Li Qingshan looked at Zhang Tianhao with a half-smile, and said in a condescending tone: "That's right, don't say that the master won't give you a chance."

Inside Haitian Auction House
Meng Qi and the old man who handed over the token to Zhang Tianhao and the others are also paying close attention to the situation here.

"Miss, do you want to help the kid in the eighth box? What he said today, it can be regarded as helping our auction house." The old man couldn't help but said.

Meng Qi thought for a while, and was a little moved, but finally shook her head and said: "No, they are not causing trouble in our auction house, and we have no reason to take action. Moreover, Meng Qi always feels that the boy is a little bit unclear, maybe, He will surprise us!"

Outside the auction house, Zhang Tianhao laughed loudly after hearing the other party's humiliating words: "Interesting, I'll give you this in exchange. Kneel down and kowtow to me immediately, and call grandpa three times, otherwise, I'll break your legs."

As he said that, a murderous aura erupted from Zhang Tianhao's body.

(End of this chapter)

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