The strongest fury system

Chapter 32 My name is Zhang Tianhao

Chapter 32 My name is Zhang Tianhao

"It's so courageous to talk to our fourth son like that."

Li Qingshan's followers rushed forward.

"Jianfeng, Jinbao, protect my sister!" Zhang Tianhao's eyes flashed sharply.

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao grabbed a young man's wrist and folded it.

"Ah~!" The young man screamed.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and struck down with a left uppercut without hesitation.It directly hit the young man's cheek.The young man suddenly screamed.He vomited blood and flew out.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, and took another stride, boasting.Two punches hit the other two youths.Those two youths flew back faster than when they came.

"Get lost!" Zhang Tianhao gave a backspin kick.

The leg was like a windmill, sweeping the faces of the other four youths.The four youths screamed and flew out like a spinning top.

It's a long story, but it's just a few breaths.The dog legs beside Li Qingshan fell to the ground.

Li Qingshan was a little dumbfounded, when did these dog legs who usually followed him to show off their might, so they couldn't help but beat them up.

Zhang Tianhao walked towards Li Qingshan step by step.

"Ah Fu!" Li Qingshan was a little scared by Zhang Tianhao's fierce gaze.

Originally Li Qingshan was not so timid as a cultivator of the Nine Heavens of Martial Artists, but as a direct son of the Li family, he was pampered and treated well since he was a child, and the peers he usually sees are not respectful to him, such as Zhang Tianhao who dares to be rude to him , unique.

"Hmph, boy, I thought I would dare to show off my power in front of the Fourth Young Master after picking up a few garbage. Let me watch you take down."

The middle-aged man who had been standing beside Li Qingshan stood in front of him, exuding a powerful aura.

"Second martial artist?"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt the aura of the middle-aged man from the other party's aura.Although he was stronger than Zhang Tianhao in terms of cultivation, Zhang Tianhao was not afraid.

"Lie down for me!"

Ah Fu punched Zhang Tianhao in the face.

Fast as a movie, fierce as the wind.


Zhang Tianhao's eyes were like swords, and he didn't dodge, he punched him.


Both sides took two steps back.The body shook a few times.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, but Ah Fu was extremely shocked.He originally thought that Zhang Tianhao was just a warrior, but he didn't expect that this punch was evenly divided.

"It's useless to hide your cultivation, but it's useless, let's see how I can take you down."

"King Kong Fist!"

Ah Fu kicked heavily on the ground, and there was a deep footprint on the ground.His whole body flew away like a dry field pulling onions.He punched Zhang Tianhao.

Its momentum is like the wind, with the momentum of crushing everything.It was as if everything in front of him was going to explode.

"Arhat Boxing!"

Zhang Tianhao's face was solemn, and he punched out.In an instant, the surrounding Sanskrit sounds curled up, and the phantom of an arhat appeared in the void.


The two fists bombarded together in the void.

"Congratulations to the host, Arhat Fist triggers a critical strike."

"Ah!" A scream.

Originally, the power of Arhat Fist was enough to defeat the opponent, not to mention triggering a critical strike.

Ah Fu was knocked out by the way, slammed into the wall hard, and fell down.His arm was broken, dripping with blood, and he fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to trigger a critical strike so soon after the critical strike rate was increased. It's so cool!" Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied.

Zhang Tianhao walked towards Li Qingshan step by step.

Seeing Zhang Tianhao approaching fiercely, Li Qingshan was a little scared to pee.But he still has the confidence, watching Zhang Tianhao yelling crazily: "Boy, I am the fourth son of the Li family, if you dare to do something to me, my father will not let you go."

There are a lot of onlookers around at the moment, bustling and whispering.It seems that liking to watch the excitement is not Huaxia's patent, it is the same everywhere.

The people around were a little surprised when they heard that this Li Qingshan was the son of the Li family. The Li family is one of the three major families in the Vaxi Kingdom, but they are huge!

Zhang Tianhao flew up and kicked Li Qingshang in the chest.

Li Qingshan suddenly let out a scream, and flew out backwards.Spit blood at the mouth.

"You dare to hit me..."

Before Li Qingshan finished speaking, a slap was slapped on his face.

"you dare……"



"Slap!" Zhang Tianhao slapped again without hesitation.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly fell in love with the feeling of slapping someone, it feels really good.After all, he is a greasy-faced young master!
In Zhang Tianhao's view, a person like the other party needs to be ruthless, secondly, and lastly.

"Stop beating, stop beating." Li Qingshan was terrified of being beaten.

As a son who has been pampered since childhood, how could he be bullied like this.Meeting such a crazy and ruthless person at this moment, he can only admit defeat at this moment.

The surrounding onlookers were stunned. When did the fourth son of the Li family, who was like an emperor in Ninghai City, be beaten into a dead dog?

Although Li Qingshan looked at Zhang Tianhao with strong hatred.But he doesn't care.If I can step on him once, I can step on him ten times.

"Let me go, let me go, I will never trouble you again, really." Li Qingshan was already deeply afraid of Zhang Tianhao at this moment.

Zhang Tianhao squatted down, and gently patted Li Qingshan's face with his hands.Seeing the flash of resentment in Li Qingshang's eyes, he said contemptuously: "I know what you are thinking, you want to go back and trouble me again."

"No... no... I didn't think so." Li Qingshan really thought so, but at the moment when it came out of Zhang Tianhao's mouth, he felt terrified.

Zhang Tianhao smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you think so, just feel free to trouble me, I can even tell you that my name is Zhang Tianhao."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao had an evil smile on his lips, and said to Li Qingshan: "I'm waiting for you to trouble me."

"Zhang Tianhao...Zhang Tianhao, so it's him?"

Li Qingshan couldn't help shaking when he heard this name.The expression became more and more fearful.He naturally knew Zhang Tianhao's name. In fact, these three words, Zhang Tianhao, have been widely heard in the Li family these days.His second brother died at the hands of Zhang Tianhao.

Li Qingshan was a little scared at the moment.Zhang Tianhao even killed his second brother, so killing him was no problem at all.He is more fortunate now.The thought of seeking revenge on Zhang Tianhao disappeared.Nonsense, even my own father is swallowing his anger, let alone him.

After returning to the mansion, Zhang Tianhao immediately practiced Yan Yingpiao.

Even for some super geniuses, it would take a few days or even longer for Yan Yingpiao to get started.But for Zhang Tianhao, getting started is as easy as drinking water.Just click OK.

Zhang Tianhao immediately recalled Yan Yingpiao's attributes,

Martial Skill: Yan Yingpiao (Yellow Rank Top Grade??)
Level: Beginner

Proficiency: 1/1000
Special attribute: confusion) (has the effect of interfering with the enemy's line of sight, making it impossible for the enemy to accurately capture the player's position.)
Description: Only one-tenth of the full version of the exercises can still be practiced. If you can collect other missing exercises, you can break through the existing power.

(End of this chapter)

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