Chapter 3246

Zhang Tianhao stared fiercely at the hot bead, but he didn't expect the other party to pass by just like that.

"Captain, don't worry about Bingting, just go there!" Han Bingting looked at Zhang Tianhao's silence, thinking that he was worried about herself.

But Zhang Tianhao shook his head, said with a faint smile: "Here, of course you have to go by yourself, I can't help you."

Zhang Tianhao took out an anti-drug pill, and said to Han Bingting: "Take this pill, it is highly poisonous and cannot affect you."

Han Bingting froze for a moment, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Captain, do you want me to try?"

Seeing Han Bingting's hesitation, Zhang Tianhao smiled heartily and said, "Are you worried about my medicine?"

"Bingting dare not!"

Han Bingting cupped her hands.

"That's right. You don't need to worry about the rest. You have an [-]% chance of passing." Zhang Tianhao said to Han Bingting with a slight smile.

Han Bingting froze for a moment, but she didn't know why Zhang Tianhao was so confident.Therefore, he nodded and said: "Since the captain said so, then follow the captain's meaning! Bingting will give it a try!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Han Bingting with a soft look in his eyes.He knew that although Han Bingting said it was a temporary attempt, he still needed to take a lot of risks.It's all about trusting yourself.

However, before Han Bingting tried it, several people started to try it. After all, Ye Xiong's success still aroused the ambitions of many young people.

However, these people did not have hot beads.In the end, they all became snacks for those birds and beasts.There were at least three, all torn to shreds on the spot.

Han Bingting, who was still eager to try, now has a pale face.

"Why, hesitated?"

A faint voice sounded in Han Bingting's ear.

"Captain, I..."

Han Bingting looked at Zhang Tianhao with some embarrassment.

Zhang Tianhao said seriously to Han Bingting: "Are you willing to stop here?"

Han Bingting was taken aback for a moment, but she also understood that this was not a good thing.Although she doesn't have the ambition to be top [-], but she is not reconciled to letting her stop here prematurely.

"Captain, I'll try."

Han Bingting's beautiful eyes were full of determination.

At this time, thousands of warriors gathered in front of the cliff, and they were all a little surprised when they saw a girl coming out.Obviously, he did not expect that under such circumstances, this girl would dare to try.

"Don't worry, Bingting, those birds and beasts will not attack you." Zhang Tianhao looked at Han Bingting and said inscrutablely.

Han Bingting was a little surprised when he heard this.She didn't know why Zhang Tianhao was so sure that these birds and beasts would not dare to attack her.After not being afraid of the poison, these birds and beasts became what Han Bingting feared the most at the moment.But at this moment, Han Bingting didn't ask much.She has always trusted Zhang Tianhao the most.Since Zhang Tianhao said so, Han Bingting naturally trusted him.


Han Bingting immediately flew towards the opposite side of the cliff.

"Hey, this lady is too careless. There are so many birds and beasts and they are highly poisonous, this lady is probably in danger."

With so many lessons learned, no one believed that Han Bingting could be spared.All of them looked at Han Bingting with regretful eyes.

Han Bingting is going well in the front.She wasn't too afraid of the poison.Han Bingting breathed a sigh of relief when she felt that none of the poisons could penetrate her body.

"Great, it's all right..."

Although Han Bingting looked confident in Zhang Tianhao's words, Han Bingting was really at a loss as to what was going on. Seeing that the elixir given by Zhang Tianhao was indeed effective, Han Bingting breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the biggest hidden danger at the moment is not the poison, but those birds and beasts, which are extremely breakable.Swarming, covering the sky and the sun, even the strongest fighters are helpless in the face of these terrifying birds and beasts at this moment.

Han Bingting has passed two-thirds of the distance between the flashes and the fire.As long as one-third of the distance is passed, it will be fine, and Dang Ke will reach the opposite side.

But at this moment, thousands of birds and beasts appeared in the void.

"What's going on, didn't the captain say that these birds and beasts wouldn't attack me? Could it be that the captain is lying to me?"

This idea quickly emerged from Han Bingting's mind.But soon, Han Bingting himself denied this idea.

"No...the captain will never lie to me, the captain will never lie to me..."

However, those birds and beasts still swarmed towards Han Bingting's place from all around, and surrounded Han Bingting in an instant.

"My life is over!"

Han Bingting immediately felt terrified.She even felt that her body was torn apart by the black birds in an instant.Even those warriors on the edge of the cliff thought that this time, Han Bingting would definitely confess here.

However, Han Bingting then found that those terrifying birds and beasts flew in front of her, but they did not move forward.

"what happened?"

Han Bingting was surprised.

Han Bingting was a little surprised, why those birds and beasts only surrounded her, but they seemed to be afraid of something and didn't dare to approach her.

Although Han Bingting didn't know what was going on.But at this time, it is a good opportunity.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao naturally knew what was going on.Because he quietly attached Xiaolong to Han Bingting.Xiaolong is a prehistoric alien beast, and his natural bloodline is suppressed, which makes these alien beasts fearful and dare not attack Han Bingting.

Finally, Han Bingting reached the other side of the cliff safely without the attacks of these strange beasts.Seeing that I have finally passed this level.She was pleasantly surprised.

"Why? Why don't those birds and beasts dare to attack her?"

"Yeah, it's really strange, is there any mystery?"

All the warriors felt very strange at this moment.

Finally, three more youths couldn't hold back, and also began to fly towards the opposite side of the cliff.They believe that if Han Bingting can do it, so can they.

However, the reality is cruel.Those birds and beasts did not dare to attack Han Bingting, but they once again showed their sharp claws to other warriors.Tore up all the warriors.

"Hmph, I'm really looking for death, do you think it's me?" Zhang Tianhao became disdainful.

next.Zhang Tianhao also began to fly towards the opposite side of the cliff.Seeing Zhang Tianhao's life-and-death behavior, those warriors still wanted to try, and all of them showed disdain for Zhang Tianhao.But what happened next made them feel unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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