The strongest fury system

Chapter 90 The Nether Body

Chapter 90 The Nether Body
"Boy, were you playing tricks just now?"

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Gaoyuan stepped forward.He glared at Zhang Tianhao.

After the three of them got out of the blood pool, they confirmed each other that they all knew about the strange situation in the blood pool.But everyone else is normal.The blood of the dragon in the blood pool is abundant, and it is impossible for it to disappear for no reason.The only possibility is that someone tampered with it.The blood pool where the three of them were located was very close to Zhang Tianhao's blood pool, and it was most likely that they were tampered with by Zhang Tianhao.Although they have no proof.

"Hehe, what the hell is going on, I don't understand?" Zhang Tianhao pretended to be confused.

"Boy, you still dare to pretend to be stupid, don't you dare to say it. It's not your fault, why the blood in our blood pool has become weak." Zhang Feng glared at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao said with a look of sudden realization: "So you are talking about this! Hehe, well, I admit that I absorbed a little more when I sucked and sucked. Did you also absorb the blood of the dragon in your blood pool? If so If so, I'm sorry."

What Zhang Tianhao said lightly made Zhang Qixian and the three of them almost vomit blood.What does it mean to suck and suck more?This eventually led to their failure to awaken the bloodline of the second layer.

"Boy, today I must teach you a lesson you will never forget. Otherwise, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth." Zhang Qixian looked at Zhang Tianhao with a murderous look all over his body.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Gaoyuan also locked their eyes on Zhang Tianhao.

"It's up to you, I don't mind letting you have a long memory." Zhang Tianhao said calmly.

Although he didn't improve his cultivation in the high-level blood pool, the bloodline of God of War Xingtian had awakened by 10%.Although only for 1 minute.But this 1 minute is enough to crush them a hundred times.Of course, Zhang Tianhao didn't plan to use the blood of Xingtian, the God of War, to deal with them. It felt like hitting mosquitoes with a cannon.Even if he didn't use the blood of Xingtian, the god of war, Zhang Tianhao was sure to crush them with his cultivation alone.

"Hmph, do you think our cultivation is still the same as that day?" Zhang Qixian shouted angrily.

A strong breath erupted from Zhang Qixian's body.

"Great martial artist first level!"

Zhang Feng and Zhang Gaoyuan also erupted with powerful power at the same time.It is also the first level of a great martial artist.

Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly, and said disdainfully: "I thought when did you become more confident, it turns out that your cultivation has improved."

The first level of a great martial artist?
Although the first level of martial arts master is a big realm higher than his own, Zhang Tianhao is not an ordinary martial artist of the ninth level of martial arts.The first level of a great martial artist is not enough to pose too much threat to him.

"Suffer to death!"

Shadow Whirlwind Slash!
Zhang Feng turned into a puff of green smoke like a ghost, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Tianhao frowned, punched him, and smashed it.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two balls of blue smoke were instantly blown out.Another puff of green smoke came behind Zhang Tianhao at some point.

What a great speed.

Zhang Tianhao's heart was silent.Zhang Feng, who ran behind him, slashed down with a single knife.The sharp blade seemed to split Zhang Tianhao in half.


Originally, Zhang Feng thought that this unexpected attack would definitely kill Zhang Tianhao.But soon, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.Because what he slashed was not an entity, but a phantom.The phantom was directly chopped into pieces.

Afterimage!Zhang Feng was very surprised.Afterimages only appear when the speed reaches a certain level.

Standing ten meters away, Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Feng with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "It seems that you have gained something from this blood pool training?"

Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Tianhao indifferently and said, "Huh, I'm not afraid to tell you, this is my awakened Nether Body, which can be transformed into a Nether, and I'm not afraid of all physical attacks. Although I've only awakened the first floor, it's enough to deal with you." .”

Are you not afraid of all physical attacks?Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes.

"Suffer to death!"

Three streaks of blue smoke appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao in no particular order, and the three knives slashed down at the same time.

"Get out of here!"

Arhat Fist!
Zhang Tianhao punched out, knocking the three green smoke away.But the three streaks of blue smoke were only dispersed, and soon gathered here again.Again, attack Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao realized that the Arhat Fist could knock the opponent apart.But it can't cause too much damage to the opponent at all.The opponent will soon make a comeback again.This made Zhang Tianhao's expression gradually serious.Such an immortal physique.Could it be the body of the nether world?It was really difficult.

Suddenly, the three streaks of blue smoke in front of Zhang Tianhao merged into a cloud, sweeping towards Zhang Tianhao.In the green smoke, a figure held a long knife and slashed at him.

Yan Yingpiao

Zhang Tianhao's body floated three feet away.

A series of saber shadows fell beside Zhang Tianhao, slipping past his body by a hair's breadth.On the ground, a series of knife pits were cut.

The blue smoke wrapped itself around his body like a gangrene.The fierce saber energy slashed over.

What a weird physique.It was the first time Zhang Tianhao had encountered such a difficult opponent.This awakened special bloodline is indeed very powerful.

Fearless of all physical attacks?

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly.He took out the blood drinker knife.Sen Han's saber energy finally erupted in the void, causing the surrounding temperature to drop dozens of degrees in an instant.In the air with a radius of ten meters, there was even heavy snow.

"Get me out!"

Facing the blue figure rushing towards him, Zhang Tianhao swept away with a single knife.

This knife was slashing right at the blue figure.


A piercing scream rang out.Qingyan was instantly torn apart by Zhang Tianhao's blade light.A figure covered in blood fell from the sky.It was Zhang Feng.

"You... How could you break my Nether Body!"

Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Tianhao with an extremely pale expression.

"I don't need to tell you. Now tell me how I will punish you!" Zhang Tianhao walked up to Zhang Feng and said condescendingly.

"Zhang Feng!"

Zhang Gaoyuan and Zhang Qixian saw that Zhang Feng was in danger.He was very anxious, and at the same time stimulated his blood, preparing to deal with Zhang Tianhao to the end.

"Great Vajra Divine Body!"

"Muyang Holy Body!"

The two rushed towards Zhang Tianhao at the same time.Powerful power erupted from them.

Compared with Zhang Feng's Nether Body, these two are much easier to deal with.

"Fuck me!"

The Xueyin Kuangdao in Zhang Tianhao's hand swept out, and the silver-white blade slashed towards the two of them.The bone-piercing saber energy directly hit the two of them.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Zhang Qixian and Zhang Gaoyuan screamed and flew upside down.Although the two had awakened their special bloodlines, they never expected that they would still be unable to catch Zhang Tianhao's sword.The sharpness of Xueyin Kuangdao is too terrifying.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Feng and said with a sneer, "Say, what would happen if you, the so-called genius of the Zhang family, became a good-for-nothing? Isn't it sensational? It's also very interesting? Those good-for-nothings who were bullied by you before How to treat you. Thinking about it, I'm really a little excited!"

"You...what are you going to do! How dare you understand me, my grandfather will not let you go." Zhang Feng said in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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