The strongest fury system

Chapter 91 The Supreme Elder's Cultivation

Chapter 91 The Supreme Elder's Cultivation
"Your grandfather? This young master is your grandfather now. I will never let go of those who try to kill me." After speaking, Zhang Tianhao punched the opponent's dantian.


Like poking a balloon, the opponent's dantian was punctured.


Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Tianhao in disbelief, and shouted: "You dare to abolish dare to abolish are finished, you are finished..."

Zhang Feng felt a little hopeless.What does it mean for a warrior to have his dantian abolished?It means that he will become a useless person in the future.

Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully and said, "I don't know if it's over, but you are over now."

After destroying Zhang Feng, Zhang Tianhao went to Zhang Gaoyuan again, Zhang Qixian and the two of them.

The two had just seen Zhang Tianhao crippled Zhang Feng, and seeing Zhang Tianhao walking towards them, they were terrified.Hastily said: "Zhang Tianhao, we have no grievances or enmities with you, you let us go, how about it, we will never be your enemy again."

"I will never be merciful to those who want to kill me. It is a great kindness not to kill you. You still want me to let you go." Zhang Tianhao looked at the two with a half-smile, as if looking at a idiot.

" can't kill us!"

But how could Zhang Tianhao be kind?With one punch, the dantians of the two were abolished.

The dantians of the two were instantly shattered.The dantians of the two were destroyed like poking a balloon.

"Ah! Bastard, do you know what you're doing?"

"My God, I, Zhang Qixian, turned out to be a useless person..." Zhang Qixian lost all hope.

From a genius to a waste in an instant, this kind of transformation is not something that just anyone can bear.

Nine days have passed in the blood pool forbidden area, and it is time for the blood pool training to end.

At this moment, all the elders and deacons of the Zhang family are already standing in the Demon Dragon Valley.The elders and deacons all had expectations on their faces at this moment.Many of those who entered the blood pool for training this time were their relatives and friends.They are naturally looking forward to this time, their relatives and friends can awaken their blood and become geniuses of the Zhang family.

"Elder Supreme, Feng'er can definitely awaken her bloodline at this moment. Become the most dazzling arrogance of our Zhang family!" Patriarch Zhang Shiyi said with a smile.

"Hehe, your daughter Xue Ling's aptitude is not bad. I guess the harvest this time is not small." The Supreme Elder stroked his beard and smiled.

Although the Supreme Elder's tone was very humble, but his eyebrows were beaming, it was obvious that the Patriarch had indeed mentioned his itching this time.

In the blood pool forbidden area, Zhang Tianhao was standing at the exit.This time, he gained a lot from the training in the blood pool. Not only did his cultivation improve by leaps and bounds, it could be called a miracle.His cultivation has gone straight from the fourth level of martial arts to the ninth level of martial arts. If this kind of progress is spread, it will be absolutely shocking.But Zhang Tianhao's real gain is not the improvement in cultivation.Instead, it awakened the god-level bloodline, the bloodline of Xingtian, the ancient god of war.

"Wait a moment!"

A crisp female voice came from behind Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao turned around and saw a girl in white who called him.

"You are?" Zhang Tianhao didn't know this girl.

"My name is Zhang Xueling." The girl in white smiled lightly.

"Are you Zhang Xueling who is also known as the four great geniuses of the Zhang family along with Zhang Qixian and Zhang Feng?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xueling and asked.


Although Zhang Xueling didn't like the title of the so-called four geniuses, he still nodded in response.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, looked at Zhang Xueling and asked, "Why, are you here to avenge them?"

Zhang Xueling shook his head and said, "If I wanted to avenge them, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now."

"Then what advice do you have?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xueling in confusion.I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

Zhang Xueling said lightly to Zhang Tianhao: "You don't have to be so hostile to me. In fact, I also have opinions on them. Being too arrogant and domineering is not what my younger brother should do."

"Oh!" Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.Unexpectedly, Zhang Xueling still has such insights.

But because Zhang Xueling didn't join Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng and the others besieged him together.Zhang Tianhao did not have any hostility towards her.He smiled and said, "At last there is someone who speaks the truth."

"Hehe, I'm just talking about the facts. If the other party wants to kill you, you just abolished their cultivation. It's not an exaggeration to retaliate." Zhang Xueling smiled lightly.

"What's the purpose of that girl looking for me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xueling with some doubts.

Zhang Xueling said seriously: "I'm looking for you to remind you. Leave the forbidden area of ​​the Blood Pond, leave the Dragon Valley, and leave the Zhang family immediately."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"Zhang Qixian and Zhang Gaoyuan are nothing to be afraid of, but Zhang Feng's grandfather is the Supreme Elder of the Zhang family. You have abolished Zhang Feng's cultivation. Zhang Feng's grandfather will never let you go." Zhang Xueling looked Zhang Tianhao said solemnly.

"Oh!" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"What is the cultivation level of the Supreme Elder?" Zhang Tianhao asked.

"Wu Wang!"

"King Wu!" Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat.

Even though Zhang Tianhao's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds at the moment, he is still very self-aware.Knowing the gap between himself and King Wu, the opponent can definitely crush him easily.

"Why did the girl remind me specially?" Zhang Tianhao took a deep breath.

Zhang Xueling glanced at Zhang Tianhao with her beautiful eyes.Said: "Because you are the genius of the Zhang family, I don't want the genius of the Zhang family to fall like this."

"Thank you girl, I will pay you back someday." Zhang Tianhao said solemnly.

Zhang Xueling's reminder was timely, otherwise, he would have been caught off guard.If he hadn't been prepared, he would definitely suffer a big loss, and even death is not impossible.

"No, I didn't do anything. I hope you can leave here safely." Zhang Xueling flew away.

At the moment when the time is up, the magic dragon valley enchantment is opened again.

The Demon Dragon Valley outside the blood pool in the forbidden area was full of people.

"Feng'er, as long as you can awaken the two layers of blood, with your ghostly body, you will be invincible in the Zhang family, and you will be expected to take over the position of the young master." The elder Taishang murmured.

The family advocated that Shiyi stood beside the elder Taishang, didn't speak, and didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Come on, come on, someone is coming out, let's see who is coming out"

All the disciples of the Zhang family looked at the person who rushed out excitedly.

The first one, the person who rushed to the forbidden area of ​​the blood pool, was very strange to most people.It was none other than Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, and immediately rushed out of the Dragon Valley, and soon disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Although the Seventh Deacon also saw Zhang Tianhao, he didn't think too much about it.What he is looking forward to most at the moment is his grandson Zhang Wensong.If Zhang Wensong can awaken the two layers of blood of the ancestral gods, he can definitely be listed as a top genius in the Zhang family.Then his lineage can also glorify the ancestors.The Seventh Deacon, while looking forward, was still a little nervous.Because the number of places for training in the blood pool is limited, new members of the family are born every year.Therefore, the family law stipulates that each family member can enter the blood pool at most three times.Even if there is a way to get a quota, it cannot exceed three times.And Zhang Wensong this is the third time.For the third time, if he couldn't awaken the two bloodlines, his talent would be greatly limited.

Suddenly, a stumbling figure appeared at the mouth of the Dragon Valley, it was Zhang Wensong.Zhang Wensong looked haggard and looked embarrassed.

"Wen Song! How are you?" Seventh Deacon hurried forward and asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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