The strongest fury system

Chapter 902 Refining Diamond Pill

Chapter 902 Refining Diamond Pill

Most of the warriors present were deceived by Zhang Tianhao's nonsense, only the deacon was extremely disdainful, he naturally knew that what Zhang Tianhao said was impossible.

The Earth Bear is a high-level profound beast, and the Fire Wing Wolf King is only a middle-level profound beast. Although it is the peak of the middle level, the gap is a world of difference.Even if the Fire Wing Wolf King counts its younger brother, it will definitely not be the opponent of the Earth Bear, at most it will add some rations to the Earth Bear.

But people have their own secrets.Since Zhang Tianhao didn't want to talk about it, the deacon didn't go into it.

"This Earth Bear is a high-level mysterious beast. According to the task, you can count 100000 contribution points!" The deacon said to Zhang Tianhao.

The warriors in the mission hall gasped at the moment, they never expected that Zhang Tianhao would earn contribution points that an outside disciple might not be able to earn in a lifetime in a short period of time.

"Thank you Deacon!"

After the deacon collected the contribution points for Zhang Tianhao.Zhang Tianhao was all smiles.As someone who has been in Haoxianzong and Tianwu Academy, he naturally knows what contribution points represent, which represent cultivation resources. 17 contribution points are enough for him to squander it.

"Tsk tsk, I don't know how to spend so many contribution points, it's so depressing!" Zhang Tianhao said intentionally when he walked to Lin Chaohua's side.


Lin Chaohua naturally knew that Zhang Tianhao was provoking him.

"Hehe, let's go!"

Zhang Tianhao said to Wu Mengjie, Chen Xiaolu, and Li Jian.

After watching the three of Zhang Tianhao leave the mission hall.Lin Chaohua, who was slapped in the face, looked extremely gloomy.

"Boy, let's wait and see, anyone who offends me, Lin Chaohua, will definitely die a miserable death." Lin Chaohua murmured.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do now?"

A younger brother next to Lin Chaohua asked Lin Chaohua.

Lin Chaohua snorted coldly: "Go back first, this kid won't be arrogant for long."

After Zhang Tianhao returned to his residence, he began to retreat and refine the Vajra Pill.This time, the medicinal materials for his Vajra Pill were ready.

Zhang Tianhao took out the cauldron.

This Vajra Pill is only a ninth-level elixir, and Zhang Tianhao can still refine it.

"Ding dong! Player Zhang Tianhao failed to refine the vajra pill, proficiency level 1." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao didn't expect the first refining to fail.Fortunately, he prepared three servings of medicinal materials.

Continue refining for the second time

"Ding dong! Player Zhang Tianhao failed to refine 'Golden Pill', proficiency level 1"

I wipe, Zhang Tianhao is a little depressed.In rare cases, he would fail to refine the elixir twice in a row.However, this Vajra Pill is a ninth-level elixir after all, and it is relatively difficult to refine in the ninth level.It is reasonable to fail twice.It's just that he only prepared three copies of this medicinal material, and if he failed again, it would be troublesome.

The other medicinal materials were alright, but he had worked so hard on the blood carnation, but he could only find one plant.If it's lost, it's gone.

correct.I'm so stupid, don't I have star grass?
Star Grass can not only increase the success rate of the pill, but also improve its quality.

Zhang Tianhao secretly scolded himself for being stupid, so he took out the star grass.

After taking out the star grass, I broke off a small petal of the star grass.Zhang Tianhao mixed it into the third batch of medicinal materials and put them into the Danding together.

Zhang Tianhao meditated on refining.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, you have successfully refined 'Vajra Pill'. Proficiency 6" the system's prompt sounded.

Hehe, it was refined, and it also increased the proficiency by six points.

This proficiency is not static.After all, this diamond pill is not so easy to refine.

Zhang Tianhao let out a deep breath.Opened the Dan Ding.It was found that there were eight pills the size of longan lying in the cauldron.emerald green.Crystal clear.

"Wow, it's not only refined. It's also a top-grade pill." Zhang Tianhao was very happy.

These eight vajra pills are all top grade.The quality is much stronger than the one Yang Yanfang gave her.

Now you can continue to improve the realm of body training.

Zhang Tianhao forced himself to suppress the ecstasy in his heart.This time, he told himself that he must break through the realm of body training to the peak of Wu Zun's intermediate level.Infinitely narrow the gap with Qi training.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the Thunder Pond of Nine Heavens Palace.This time, Zhang Tianhao directly entered the eighth thunder pool.

The purple lightning of the eighth thunder pool is completely different from the previous ones.The fault is that Zhang Tianhao's body refining realm is already extremely powerful at this moment, and he absolutely cannot persist in this terrifying purple lightning.

Zhang Tianhao immediately took out the first Vajra Pill.

As soon as the Vajra Pill entered Zhang Tianhao's body, it immediately turned into energy, strengthening his physical body.


The purple lightning kept bombarding Zhang Tianhao's body.It became the catalyst for Zhang Tianhao to digest the energy in his body.After the energy of the Vajra Pill was digested, Zhang Tianhao took out a second one.

a day later
Body Refining Martial Sovereign Three Heavens

Zhang Tianhao's expression was extremely joyful, and he finally broke through.

However, after Zhang Tianhao felt that the effect of the eighth thunder pool on him had weakened, he entered the ninth thunder pool without hesitation.

The purple lightning in the ninth thunder pool is even denser.The power of each purple lightning is three times stronger than the previous one.Every streak of purple lightning seems to have a destructive aura.

Zhang Tianhao took out the third diamond pill without hesitation.

It wasn't until Zhang Tianhao digested the fifth Vajra Pill that he finally felt that the effect of this thunder pond on him had weakened again.But at this moment, his body training has already broken through to the fourth heaven of Wu Zun.

The last tenth thunder pool is left.This tenth thunder pool will definitely help me break through to the peak of Wu Zun's middle rank.

after three days
Zhang Tianhao is in the Thunder Pool.At this moment, all his clothes were ruined.All naked.Lightning flashed on his body.The terrifying purple lightning around him poured down on him.It was as if he wanted to kill this human who dared to challenge Thunder's coercion.

However, even though the purple lightning poured down violently.However, those thunderbolts fell on Zhang Tianhao's body, but they had no effect at all.It seemed that what it killed was not a person, but a stone.

Zhang Tianhao opened his eyes.There was a hint of pleasure on his face.He murmured: "Sure enough, the Vajra Pill did not disappoint me. Now I have finally broken through the realm of body training to the peak of Wu Zun's middle level, and infinitely approached Wu Zun's seventh heaven. It is almost the same as the realm of Qi Refining."

"It's time to go out now. After earning 17 contribution points, it's time to go to Zangzhen Pavilion. I don't know if there is anything that will help me improve my strength."

Zhang Tianhao thought of the 17 contribution points he earned.I still feel very refreshed.But he also knows that this contribution point is not spent, lying in the token is just a set of numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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