The strongest fury system

Chapter 903 Cursed Mark

Chapter 903 Cursed Mark
At the same time, there is a hell hundreds of thousands of miles away, surrounded by blood mist and filled with dark and evil atmosphere.

In a palace made of bones, a haggard man in a blood robe who looked like a mummy was facing a man in front of him who was also like a mummy and said gloomyly: "Is the investigation clear? How did the blood bones die?" of."

The man said: "King, the blood bone is a genius of our clan. The soul lamp has sensed it for hundreds of years since it disappeared, but before the soul lamp suddenly went out, it is very likely that it was killed by someone."

"Bastard, Bloodbone is a genius of my Bloodbone Clan, yet someone dares to kill him. This is the biggest challenge to my Bloodbone Clan. For nearly a thousand years, maybe my Bloodbone Clan has been too low-key. As a result, no one will kill us." The Bloodbone Clan takes it seriously. Go and find out who killed the Bloodbone. We must avenge the Bloodbone." The king of the Bloodbone Clan said coldly.

"Respected king, my subordinates have investigated it. I can't sense the distance." The man's voice was a little helpless.

"What? I can't sense the distance, what's the reason?" the king of the Bloodbone Clan asked a little dissatisfied.

"My lord, there is only one possibility. The person who killed the blood bone is not in the imperial domain." The man said.

"Damn it, but it doesn't matter, that person will come to the Emperor's Domain sooner or later. Killing him with blood bones will definitely leave the curse mark of my blood bone clan on him. If the mark is not destroyed, he will not be able to escape the curse of my blood bone clan." Hunt down." The king of the blood-bone clan said cruelly.

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that he was actually being targeted by the blood and bone clan hundreds of thousands of miles away at this moment.

Humming a little song comfortably, he came to Yunyuezong's Cangzhen Pavilion. It can be said that Yunyuezong's Cangzhen Pavilion is definitely much bigger than Haoxianzong's Cangzhen Pavilion.There are several classifications based on contribution points.For example, those with less than [-] contribution points and those with less than [-] congratulation points.Less than [-] contribution points.

There are many sect disciples on the first floor.Everywhere is bustling.Because this Cangzhen Pavilion is a place where inner sects, outer sects, and even elite disciples can come.

Zhang Tianhao browsed on the first floor.Although there are many pills on the first floor, it is not bad.But for him, it didn't reach the level of heartbeat.

Thinking that I have 17 contribution points, I simply went directly to the next level.

Came to the fifth floor and above.Sure enough, I found something good.Most of them here require more than [-] contribution points.Maybe it's because it requires too many contribution points.As a result, not many sect disciples came here to exchange treasures.Of course, what Zhang Tianhao said was not much, compared to the number of bustling crowds on the first floor.There are still dozens of disciples of Yunyue Sect on this fifth floor.

Those disciples of Yunyue Sect were a little surprised when they saw that Zhang Tianhao was wearing clothes from outside sect disciples.An outer disciple actually came to this place, is there any contribution?
"Boy, isn't this where you came from?" A white-browed young man stared at Zhang Tianhao and said mockingly.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned, looked at the white-browed young man with some puzzlement and asked, "Could it be that there are inner or outer disciples in Cangzhen Pavilion?"

The white-browed young man glanced at Zhang Tianhao, and said lightly: "Not really, but this is the fifth percent of the Treasure Pavilion, and all the treasures here cost tens of thousands of contribution points. Do you have so many contribution points? No Could it be that you came here to feel your presence?"

The other inner disciples beside him were also amused by the white-browed youth's words, and looked at Zhang Tianhao with a trace of disdain in their eyes.


Zhang Tianhao shook his head, ignoring the white-browed youth.Go find your favorite treasure on your own.

"What? What did you say to me?"

The white-browed young man exuded fierce coercion, covering Zhang Tianhao like a mountain.It seemed that he wanted to use coercion to make Zhang Tianhao succumb.

However, Zhang Tianhao is a Wu Zun, so how could he, a Wu Zong, be able to submit to him.


I feel that my coercion has no effect.The white-browed young man was a little stunned.


Although the white-browed young man was angry.But at the moment also helpless.After all, this is the Treasure Pavilion.Impossible to do it here.Otherwise, they will be severely punished by the sect.Therefore, even if he was angry with Zhang Tianhao again, he would never dare to do anything wrong.

Zhang Tianhao didn't think too much at the moment.Instead, he resorted to searching for treasures that are useful to him.

"Supreme Beast King Pill!"

[-] contribution points per piece
Tut Tut: This is really expensive!Although Zhang Tianhao now has 17 contribution points.But this one requires [-] contribution points.It still made him feel like Cao Ni|Ma.

Read the introduction.

Supreme Beast King Pill: It can improve the bloodline of the pet.Restricted to the level of mysterious beasts and below.A battle pet can only use the Supreme Beast King Pill once.

Zhang Tianhao felt normal when he saw this.Otherwise, every warrior will use the Supreme Beast King Pill, and any battle pet will become a beast.And the battle pet is drug-resistant.

Just when Zhang Tianhao was considering whether to exchange it.Xiao Hei and Xiao Long couldn't hold back in the battle pet space for a long time.Xiao Hei simply came out of the battle pet space directly.Sitting on Zhang Tianhao's shoulders.His eyes greedily looked at the Supreme Beast King Pill placed in the blue enchantment.

"Boss, I want this Supreme Beast King Pill. Xiao Hei feels that if he has this Supreme Beast King Pill, Xiao Hei will definitely be able to break through from the middle level of the mysterious beast to the high level of the mysterious beast." Xiao Hei flattered Zhang Tianhao Said.

"All right!"

As soon as he heard it, Xiao Hei could break through to the high level of profound beasts.Zhang Tianhao was also moved.A high-level mysterious beast is equivalent to a human martial master!

"Boss, Xiaolong also wants it! If Xiaolong has this Supreme Beast King Pill, he can also break through to the high level of profound beasts."

Xiao Hei in the battle pet space jumped up and down anxiously.He couldn't leave the battle pet space like Xiao Hei, he could only be in a hurry.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable. No matter what I do, the boss, I will not be partial." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

Zhang Tianhao took out the number card that belonged to Zhang Haotian, and swiped it on a black device on the blue barrier.immediately.The blue enchantment disappeared.He had exchanged both Supreme Beast King Pills.There is only one Supreme Beast King Pill left in it.


The white-browed youth who had been paying close attention to Zhang Tianhao and was ready to retaliate at any time felt disdainful when he saw Zhang Tianhao took out his number plate and was about to brush it.Any of the most common treasures here are beyond the affordability of an outer disciple.Originally, he planned to watch Zhang Tianhao make a fool of himself, and then come out to ridicule him.But he never thought that the reality was quite different from what he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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