The strongest fury system

Chapter 906 Lin Chaohua's Killing Intent

Chapter 906 Lin Chaohua's Killing Intent

Zhang Tianhao left the outer door and headed directly to the registered disciple area.Before reaching Tian Liang's residence, suddenly, a young man ran towards him in a hurry.

"Well, it's Lin Yuantu. It looks like something happened?" Zhang Tianhao frowned involuntarily.

When Lin Yuantu saw Zhang Tianhao, he was overjoyed, and quickly said to him: "Haotian, I was going to find you, but you came here unexpectedly."

Zhang Haotian had only casual acquaintance with Lin Yuantu in the past, so he asked in surprise, "Is there something wrong?"

"Just now a group of people rushed into our residence and took Tian Liang away. They also left a letter for me to leave for you." Lin Yuantu took out a letter.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and opened the letter for a look.

"What? Damn it!"

Zhang Tianhao immediately turned around and left.

The person who left this letter to him was none other than Lin Chaohua.Lin Chaohua asked him to meet him in the grove outside Yunyuezong.If you don't come, Tian Liang will die.

"You can't live by yourself. Lin Chaohua, I wanted to save your life for a few days. Since you don't cherish it yourself, don't blame me." Zhang Tianhao murmured, and quickly walked towards the small forest.

At this moment, in a small forest outside Yunyue Sect.More than [-] young people are gathering together.

A young man with a terrified expression was chained to a big tree.It was Zhang Tianhao's roommate Tian Liang.Standing beside him was a young man with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Brother Hua, do you think that kid Zhang Haotian will come?" A young man with a roe-headed mouse said worriedly.

"It should be. Although this kid is a little ignorant, he still has a bit of loyalty. Knowing that his good brother has been arrested by us, he will definitely not stop coming." Lin Chaohua smiled faintly.

It has to be said that Lin Chaohua's judgment on Zhang Tianhao's temperament is still accurate.

"Well, here?"

Lin Chaohua heard footsteps coming from ahead.His expression changed.

Sure enough, a figure came from a distance, it was Zhang Tianhao.

"Zhang Haotian, I don't know if I should call you stupid, but you really came. For such a friend, is it worth it? I'm actually a little moved." Although Lin Chaohua said so, his expression was more of a sneer .

"Haotian, you shouldn't have come. They will kill you." Tian Liang shouted anxiously to Zhang Tianhao.

"Don't worry, these people can't kill me."

Zhang Tianhao took a look at Tian Liang, and was a little moved in his heart.This Tian Liang is still thinking about him so much at this time, it seems that the friend Zhang Haotian made is not useless.

"Boy, do you think you can escape from this place?" Lin Chaohua looked at Zhang Tianhao with disdain.

Zhang Tianhao didn't answer, but just said to Lin Chaohua: "Since I came here as promised, please let my friend go!"

"Don't worry, if I kill you, I will let him go."

Lin Chaohua seemed to have no intention of letting him go at the moment.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and his gaze was fixed on Tian Liang.At this moment, Tian Liang's body was covered with scars.There are criss-cross scars all over the body.Apparently just been tortured.


Murderous intent flashed in Zhang Tianhao's heart.Naturally, Tian Liang was tortured a lot before he came.These bastards are too cruel.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao has already sentenced this group of people to death in his heart.

"Break his hands and feet for me, and I will slowly torture him to death. Let him know what will happen to Lin Chaohua if he offends me." Lin Chaohua said proudly.

Three youths from Wu Zongjing rushed towards Zhang Tianhao first.

Three fierce attacks came from three different directions, blasting towards Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Death to me!"

Zhang Tianhao didn't retreat but advanced, he went up to him as quickly as lightning.Three punches came out in shock.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The three screamed, and their bodies were directly sent flying.It hit hard and bounced off the three big trees, and it seemed that he couldn't live.

"Ding dong!"



Lin Chaohua was extremely shocked, the three Wuzongs were |killed just like that.These are the masters of the three inner sects!When did this outer disciple become so scary.

"Kill me! Life or death!"

Zhang Tianhao's terror had already made Lin Chaohua feel threatened, and he no longer asked to be caught alive.

More than a dozen Wu Zong rushed towards Zhang Tianhao as if they had just woken up from a dream.


Zhang Tianhao launched Lingbo Weibu, his body was like a phantom, and he was as fast as lightning.Kill the group of warriors in the past.

"Bang" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The bodies of the three Wu Zong were pierced by Zhang Tianhao's heavy punches, as if their bodies were as fragile as paper in front of Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao's speed is too fast.The group of warriors only had time to see a black shadow rushing towards them, and their bodies were pierced in the next second.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, after killing a warrior, he immediately rushed to the next one.

Every time Zhang Tianhao punched out, he killed a warrior.

Although there was only one person, it looked more like Zhang Tianhao was besieging and killing this group of warriors.

In less than ten breaths, more than a dozen Wu Zong were all killed.It turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience value.

"Crazy, crazy..."

Lin Chaohua was stunned, he never thought that what he provoked was not an outside disciple, but a devil.He grabbed Tian Liang's neck, and said to Zhang Tianhao sternly: "Zhang Haotian, you let me go, and we will settle our suspicions. From now on, you will follow your Yangguan Road, and I will take my single-plank bridge. Well water does not interfere with river water."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Lin Chaohua with the eyes of an idiot and shook his head: "Why did you go long ago? We didn't have much hatred at first, but you provoked me several times, and now you are threatening me with my friend, and now you still want to fight with me." Do you think it's possible to settle your suspicions?"

"You... If you don't agree to me, I will kill him." Lin Chaohua looked like a crazy tiger, as if he would die together.

"Kill me, you are the grandson of the third elder. I just have a bad life. If I exchange one life with you, I will make money too. Haotian, leave me alone and kill him. If I, Tian Liang, frown He is the son of a turtle." Tian Liang laughed loudly.

"shut up."

Tian Liang's words hit Lin Chaohua's sore spot.Naturally, he was not reconciled to exchanging his and Tian Liang's lives.

"As for me, what I hate the most is when people threaten me. I don't like people threatening me very much."

Zhang Tianhao walked towards Lin Chaohua step by step with a calm expression.

"Don't come here, come here again and I will really kill him, believe it or not." Lin Chaohua watched Zhang Tianhao walking towards him, and his expression suddenly became terrified.

But Zhang Tianhao didn't stop at all, and still walked towards Lin Chaohua step by step.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao didn't care about the hostages in his hands at all.Once Lin Chaohua became ruthless, he would kill Tian Liang.

This is the time!

Zhang Tianhao's figure flickered, and he rushed towards Lin Chaohua.

(End of this chapter)

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