The strongest fury system

Chapter 907 Killing Lin Chaohua

Chapter 907 Killing Lin Chaohua

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao's figure appeared beside Lin Chaohua like a ghost.He punched out with one punch.

"Boom!" sounded.

This punch directly wiped out all of Lin Chaohua's attacks.Then he punched Lin Chaohua in the chest.

"Bang!"It directly knocked Lin Chaohua into the air.

Lin Chaohua lay on the ground.The air is like a gossamer.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to Lin Chaohua, looked at him and said coldly, "Hmph, how is it?"

Lin Chaohua looked at Zhang Tianhao with some fear, and said, " dare to kill me, my grandfather will not let you go."

"And your grandpa, what I hate the most is hitting the young ones and the old ones, do you think this is interesting?" Zhang Tianhao shook his head helplessly.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao punched him without hesitation.This punch directly hit Lin Chaohua's head.


Lin Chaohua's head shattered like a watermelon.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, for killing Lin Chaohua. Experience value 100000 True Qi 10000 Fury Energy 10" The system's prompt sounded.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a skill pill." The system's notification sounded again.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to Tian Liang, untied the rope on his body, looked at him and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

Tian Liang shook his head to Zhang Tianhao and said, "It's okay!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Liang said firmly to Zhang Tianhao: "Are you really Haotian?"

Zhang Tianhao patted Tian Liang on the shoulder and said, "What do you think?"

But Tian Liang shook his head, and said very seriously: "I don't think you really look like you. I don't know why since you came back last time, I feel that you are a little strange. Zhang Tianhao, who I admit defeat, is definitely not as good as you. I In fact, I really suspect that you are not Haotian."

Zhang Tianhao was silent for a while, and said to Tian Liang: "You just need to feel that I don't have any malice towards you, why bother to think so much!"

Zhang Tianhao actually knew that after he saved Tian Liang, he would doubt it no matter what.But there is no way.

"What about him?"

Tian Liang pointed to Lin Chaohua's body on the ground.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Lin Chaohua's body and frowned.A few fireballs were thrown out, and all the fireballs around were burned out.

Tian Liang said helplessly to Zhang Tianhao: "I think it's useless. The third elder is a martial artist at the peak of the Martial Emperor. Sooner or later, he will come to him."

Emperor Wu?Zhang Tianhao sneered in his heart.

Emperor Wu is nothing to Zhang Tianhao.If you don't come, forget it, if you come, you can definitely make the other party disappear.

"Don't worry, if there is no evidence, even if Third Elder Lin finds me, he will have nothing to do with me." Zhang Tianhao said confidently.

Tian Liang looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise, as if he hadn't expected it.Zhang Tianhao is so confident.Emperor Wu!For someone like him who is not even Wu Zong, that is absolutely superior.

However, Zhang Tianhao was indeed a little worried about Tian Liang.I'm fine, but if it's Tian Liang, if the third elder Lin finds him, Tian Liang doesn't have much ability to resist.

"Tian Liang, you are right. The Third Elder can find us easily. We must be careful." Zhang Tianhao's expression suddenly became serious.

"Haotian, what do you mean..." Tian Liang's heart tightened.

Zhang Tianhao said with a solemn expression: "In fact, this matter needs to be investigated very quickly. You and I can be found by following the clues. After all, there are too many people involved."

When Tian Liang heard this, his heart tightened.I also feel that what Zhang Tianhao said makes sense.Therefore, looking at Zhang Tianhao, he asked: "Tianhao, tell me, I will follow your instructions on how to do it."

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and said to Tian Liang: "It's very simple, you first find a mission with the longest time for the registered disciple, and then leave Yunyuezong. Avoid the limelight."

When Tian Liang heard this, he also felt that Zhang Tianhao's method was good.It's just that he doesn't know how long he will have to avoid the limelight.Although he is only a registered disciple of Yunyue Sect, Tian Liang cherishes this hard-won opportunity very much.

Zhang Tianhao also seemed to see something.Smiling to Tian Liang, he said, "Don't worry, although you are asked to avoid the limelight, it will definitely not be too long."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao took out two bottles of pills and said to Tian Liang: "This is the pills Martial King Pill and Pozong Pill I exchanged for you in Cangzhen Pavilion. If I remember correctly, you are from the Eighth Heaven of Martial Kings." Cultivation base. If the cultivation base is further advanced, it is absolutely possible to enter the inner door."

" are you so kind to me..." Tian Liang looked at Zhang Tianhao gratefully.

Zhang Tianhao patted Tian Liang and said, "Tian Liang, we are best friends. It's natural to be nice to friends. And what happened just now was actually because of me. If it wasn't because of me, the other party wouldn't have come to you of."

Tian Liang said to Zhang Tianhao: "Take me as a friend, don't say that."

Zhang Tianhao took out three more martial arts books, and said to Tian Liang: "These three martial arts books are all earth-level martial arts skills, you can practice them, but in fact your cultivation level is not low, if you don't have good martial arts skills, you would have been able to do it a long time ago." Enter the inner door."

"Haotian, you..."

Tian Liang's eyes were almost filled with tears at this moment.

"Hahaha...don't be too moved." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

"Well, Haotian, we will be good brothers from now on." Tian Liang looked at Zhang Tianhao.

at the same time
Yunyue Zongnei
Elder Lin San was furious at this moment.His expression was extremely gloomy, because people from the Yunyue Zonghuntang came to report that his precious grandson's soul card had been lost.How can this make him bear it.At his age, there is only such a grandson, who is usually pampered.At this moment, in the Yunyue Sect, he let his precious grandson die.

"Investigate, let me investigate. The murderer who killed my grandson must be found out, and the old man will definitely tear him into pieces." Third Elder Lin roared angrily.

In fact, this matter is not complicated. Lin Chaohua asked someone to trouble him, but was eliminated instead.After all, more than [-] inner disciples were involved.So, soon someone replied to Elder Lin San.

"How is it?" Third Elder Lin looked at a warrior in front of him and said.

The martial artist respectfully said to Elder Lin San: "Elder, the subordinates have found out. This matter is related to an outer disciple named Zhang Haotian. There was a conflict between Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhang Haotian. In the end, Mr. Lin wanted to take revenge The other party kidnapped Zhang Haotian's friend Tian Liang and..."

"And then?" Third Elder Lin saw that the martial artist didn't speak.frown.

"Then, Mr. Lin invited twenty inner disciples to deal with him. It was in the small forest outside Yunyue Sect. His subordinates are not very clear about what will happen next. Because there is no news of Mr. Lin anymore. "The warrior lowered his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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