The strongest fury system

Chapter 917 C-Class Missions

Chapter 917 C-Class Missions

Of course, Zhang Tianhao has seen many owners of the Dzogchen Sword Intent.For example, Lan Haiping from Tianwu Academy.Lan Haiping's cultivation level back then was about the same as Li Jian's, and he was also a half-step martial artist.But Lan Haiping was several times older than Li Jian.Therefore, comprehending the sword intent in a longer period of time is not a particularly shocking thing.At this age, Li Jian's comprehension of sword intent should be due to his long-term honing between life and death, which cannot be separated from him.

It's just that although Li Jian's reaction is not weak, he has the sword intent of Dzogchen, and he has been tempered in life and death, and he has extremely rich experience in fighting the enemy.But cultivation is his biggest weakness.In the half-step Martial Ancestor Realm, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Tianhao, the monster among monsters, to defeat the enemy across a big realm.


Cheng Jinzu roared angrily.Sweep out with a sword.

Although this sword only used three points of strength because of haste.But it still easily dissipated Li Jian's strength.Under the impact of powerful sword energy.

Li Jian's attack was annihilated inch by inch.At this moment, his intuition was like being in a small boat in a stormy sea.


Li Jian was instantly sent flying.At this moment, he felt that his internal organs were instantly shattered.


Li Jian was about to admit defeat just now.

Cheng Jinzu gave a grin, and caught up with him in the blink of an eye.The big sword in his hand was put away.He punched out directly.

This punch locked Li Jian.And it came straight to Li Jian's dantian.

"Do not……"

Li Jian was seriously injured at this moment, how could he dodge Jin Zu's blow, his eyes were so red.

"Li Jian!"

When Zhang Tianhao, Wu Mengjie, and Chen Xiaolu discovered that Li Jian was in danger, it was too late to rescue him.

Li Jian screamed, and was knocked off the fighting platform.

Zhang Tianhao immediately rushed to Li Jian's side.Looking at Li Jian with concern, he asked, "How are you doing?"

Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu also helped Li Jian up.looked at him extremely worried.

"This battle, Cheng Jinzu won."

Although the elder on the battle stage frowned, he didn't say anything.The assessment only asks not to hurt the opponent's life, but there is no clear regulation on serious injuries.After all, if the competition is too restricted, it will lose its original meaning.

"Hehe, boy, I gave you a chance to surrender, but you didn't surrender, you insisted on suffering this, and now you will be useless for the rest of your life. Hahaha..."

Cheng Jinzu jumped off the stage, glanced provocatively at Zhang Tianhao and the others, and then drifted away.


However, Zhang Tianhao did not retort.It doesn't make any sense to do this at this time.Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Tianhao will tolerate it.According to the rules of the final, maybe he still has a chance to challenge the opponent.Of course, this requires Zhang Tianhao to operate well.

"Li Jian, take my elixir."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Jian who was covered in blood.Immediately, he took out the healing elixir he had refined and swallowed it for Li Jian.

The elixirs refined by Zhang Tianhao are extremely effective.Soon Li Jian's injury was under control.

Li Jian slowly opened his eyes.Looks a little painful.Obviously, the blow that Cheng Jinzu received just now made him still feel bad.

"How's it going, Li Jian?"

The three of Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Jian with concern.

"I...I can't feel my true energy anymore." Li Jian looked a little lost.


Zhang Tianhao didn't check Li Jian's injury carefully just now, but when he heard this, he immediately stretched out his hand to touch his belly.This touch immediately changed Zhang Tianhao's expression.

Wu Mengjie immediately looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Haotian, how is Li Jian?"

Zhang Tianhao's expression became serious.With a wry smile, "Li Jian's dantian has been broken."


Chen Xiaolu.The three of Wu Mengjie were shocked.

It should be known that the most important thing for a warrior is the dantian.The dantian is where the warrior's energy is contained.Without the dantian, it is equivalent to a car without an engine.This is fatal.

"Damn it, Cheng Jinzu is too bad, how could he do this."

Both Chen Xiaolu and Wu Mengjie looked ugly.

"Help him back first. For the time being, this is the only way to go. I will avenge him for this revenge." Zhang Tianhao clenched his fists.

It is not difficult for Zhang Tianhao to restore Li Jian's dantian. In the system mall, there are everything, even better dantians.However, points are required.Now he is so poor that he only needs to be a pair of pants, and he has no points to buy his dantian for the time being.But points can be earned at any time, not in a hurry.

"Ding dong! The system issued a C-level side mission 'Tit for Tat', do you accept it?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Well, side missions? It's still C-level." Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.

Zhang Tianhao has not received a C-level mission for a long time.And it's an optional side mission.

After a little hesitation, Zhang Tianhao chose to accept.

"Ding dong! The side quest has been released in the player's system panel, and the player can go to check it by themselves." The system's notification sounded again.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system panel to check.Let's see what the task is, but judging from the name of the task, it should have a lot to do with Cheng Jinzu.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system panel and checked the tasks related to this time.

Task: Injure Cheng Jinzu with an eye for an eye
Level: C-level task

Mission completed: Reward C-level treasure chest

Mission failed: Level down by one level.

Description: The domineering Cheng Jinzu hurt your friend and ruined your friend's dantian, which is absolutely intolerable.What are you waiting for, boy, avenge your friend!

Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.He muttered: It seems that the system can't stand it, and wants me to take revenge.But that's fine too.

Next, Zhang Tianhao was like a broken bamboo.Defeated opponents one after another.However, he was able to keep a low profile, and it took a while to defeat his opponent.In the end, he won the No.1 of the platform where he was.

In this way, although Zhang Tianhao could keep a low profile, he won the first place in the battle stage, and even defeated Xu Longhai in the battle stage where he was.It still made him the object of attention of the outer disciples.After all, Zhang Tianhao's cultivation is only the seventh heaven of the Martial King.With this cultivation base, let alone the first place in the arena.Just being able to cross the Wooden Man Lane is already a great Tianhao has become no small miracle at this moment.

And Wu Mengjie and Yang Yanfang also successfully won the first place in her arena this time.If there is no accident, the two have officially locked the qualifications of inner disciples.

certainly.Wu Mengjie and Yang Yanfang have put in a lot of hard work to get the first place this time, especially the final battle, which can be described as the most intense.Wu Mengjie won the victory after nearly a thousand moves with his opponent.And Yang Yanfang also defeated her opponent very hard.

(End of this chapter)

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