Chapter 918 No.11

The final result came out, and a total of eleven places were determined.But out of eleven, only ten can enter the inner door.Yun Yuezong strictly limited the number of people entering the inner sect to ten people.One more place was not added just because eleven places were finally determined.

The elder of the inner sect who was in charge of this assessment said: "This time, a total of eleven outer sect disciples have entered the finals, but this time our Yunyue Sect only has ten promotion places. According to the ranking, No. 11 who advanced, You can choose one of the top ten disciples at will, and if you defeat the opponent, you can replace the opponent's ranking."

In fact, this rule is quite reasonable.Anyway, it depends on strength.The top ten disciples who are capable naturally sit back and relax, and those who are not challenged by others blame themselves for not being strong enough.

But if the challenged one loses, he also loses, there is no second chance.After all, if you lose, you can challenge other people again, so there is no game left.

According to the ranking, Zhang Tianhao is No.11.Wu Mengjie No.10.Yang Yanfang No.9.This ranking is based on performance on the court.It is nothing more than a few factors, the cultivation of the warrior, the speed of defeating the opponent, and the performance on the court.

Therefore, Cheng Jinzu is ranked No.1 regardless of all aspects of the conditions.

On the surface, Zhang Tianhao's cultivation level is that of King Wu's seventh heaven.Coupled with the slow speed of defeating the opponent, it is naturally ranked No.11.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao did this on purpose.Combined with what Wu Mengjie told himself, the experience of previous assessments.He knew how to arrange the promotion match in the end.Yes.Zhang Tianhao let himself be ranked No.11, so that he would have a chance to challenge.

"Zhang Haotian, who are you going to challenge?"

The Great Elder of the Inner Sect on the battle stage looked at Zhang Haotian.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Zhang Tianhao should be challenging the tenth ranked disciple.After all, ranking represents strength in some respects, so it is safest to replace the opponent.

Wu Mengjie was also a little nervous.Although she knew that Zhang Tianhao would not challenge herself.But after all, he is indeed the most suitable target, and he can enter the inner door by defeating him.Faced with such a temptation, she can't guarantee that Zhang Tianhao will turn a blind eye.And if Zhang Tianhao challenges herself, Wu Mengjie knows that she is definitely not Zhang Tianhao's opponent.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes fell on Wu Mengjie's body, Wu Mengjie's heart tightened.But soon, Zhang Tianhao's eyes flicked across Wu Mengjie's body.It soon fell on the others.

"I challenge Cheng Jinzu." Zhang Tianhao's gesture landed on Cheng Jinzu's body.

"What, he wants to challenge Cheng Jinzu, did this man get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

The outer disciples under the battle arena were a little stunned.

From everyone's point of view, Cheng Jinzu was the least likely to be challenged. After all, Wu Zong's cultivation level crushed the audience.In fact, Cheng Jinzu was able to enter the inner door last year, but because of bad luck, he met another opponent, which led to staying in the outer door.Otherwise, Cheng Jinzu would have been an inner disciple long ago.

Not only the outer disciples, but even the elders of the inner sect were a little surprised at the moment.

"Are you sure?" The elder of the inner sect looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Sure." Zhang Tianhao nodded.

"Okay, the final round of assessment begins." The Great Elder of the Inner Sect announced.

Cheng Jinzu then rushed onto the stage, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Boy, I will let you know that choosing me as your opponent is your biggest failure."

"Just you?" Zhang Tianhao smiled mockingly.

"Don't worry, I will torture you and let you know what will happen if you choose me."

Cheng Jinzu felt extremely shameless, and the way he looked at Zhang Tianhao at this moment was like that of a wild animal.

"The contest begins." The Great Elder of the Inner Sect announced himself.

"Breaking the wind!"

Cheng Jinzu waved his big sword, and slashed towards Zhang Tianhao's body fiercely.

This sword came too fast.With thunderous power.

Zhang Tianhao was as motionless as a mountain, as if Cheng Jinzu's sword wasn't aimed at him.

Just when Cheng Jinzu's sword was about to fall on Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Tianhao moved.An old punch hit Cheng Jinzu's body.

This move is very similar to the tricks used by gangsters on the street to fight, without any rules.

It was such an ordinary punch.But it gave Cheng Jinzu an unavoidable illusion.


This punch passed through Cheng Jinzu's knife net, and directly hit Cheng Jinzu's cheek.

Cheng Jinzu let out a scream and flew upside down.

"Crack!"Cheng Jinzu just fell to the ground.There was blood all over his cheeks.

"Damn, bastard!"

Cheng Jinzu roared angrily and got up from the ground.Going towards Zhang Tianhao again, the endless sword force crushed Zhang Tianhao's body fiercely.

But no matter what tricks Cheng Jinzu used, Zhang Tianhao just hit him with an old fist.Beat Cheng Jinzu to pieces.


Every time Cheng Jinzu pounces on Zhang Tianhao, he must be punched several times by Zhang Tianhao.At this moment, Cheng Jinzu's face was covered with blood.It looks like a ghost.

"You managed to piss me off."

Cheng Jinzu's original violent breath suddenly subsided at this moment.He walked towards Zhang Tianhao step by step.Every step he takes, the aura on his body will become stronger.

"Death to me!"

Cheng Jinzu blasted Zhang Tianhao with his sword.

With this sword, it was as if a mountain was rolling down on Zhang Tianhao's body.

The void seemed to stand still under this sword.Zhang Tianhao could feel the energy around him being emptied at once.

"Gravity artistic conception?"

Zhang Tianhao felt the power of artistic conception.This surprised him a little.Although this gravitational artistic conception is not a great artistic conception.But with Cheng Jinzu's great sword, the attack power can be increased several times.Generally, even a martial artist who is stronger than Cheng Jinzu will still suffer a loss or even be defeated when encountering this sword.But unfortunately, this time I met him.

"Let me see how strong your gravitational artistic conception is?"

Zhang Tianhao didn't retreat but advanced, and punched him.With this punch, he used [-]% of his physical strength.

Even if Zhang Tianhao only used the physical strength of a punch.But this power is already terrifying.It should be known that Zhang Tianhao's body training is the sixth heaven of Wu Zun.

Moreover, when Zhang Tianhao was training his body before, he used gravity to cultivate, and this point of gravity was completely pediatrics for him.

When Cheng Jinzu saw that Zhang Tianhao wanted to catch his sword with his fist, he sneered, and increased his strength, preparing to crush Zhang Tianhao with one blow.


Zhang Tianhao's fist collided with Cheng Jinzu's sword in the void.


Cheng Jinzu felt an infinite force crush his sword in an instant, which made him feel extremely incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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