super agent

Chapter 104 Dingxin Hotel

Chapter 104 Dingxin Hotel

An hour later, around six o'clock in the evening, Ye Fei drove the car, guided by the message address sent by Jiang Tianxiong, and finally arrived at the gate of a luxury hotel.

This hotel, one can tell from a glance that it is one of the best luxury hotels in Zhonghai City. The appearance alone looks majestic and full of international style.

Dingxin Hotel has a total of [-] floors. The exterior of the entire building is made of silver-white high-end glass. Near night, the whole building is shining with silver light. A magnificent visual impact.

Generally, people who don't have any family background dare not go in this building, because they don't need to think about how expensive the consumption inside is!
At the entrance of the Dingxin Hotel, all kinds of famous cars of noble brands are parked, such as Ferrari sports car, Bentley, Mercedes Benz...

The people who came in and out were naturally business elites, socialites, and big bosses, which naturally gave Dingxin Hotel a high-society aristocratic atmosphere.

"Wow, this hotel is so domineering. It seems that Jiang Tianxiong is quite sincere."

Ye Fei found a parking space and stopped the car. He opened the door and got out of the car to have a look. He was immediately amazed.

But then again, can Jiang Tianxiong not show sincerity?Today's Ye Fei is simply his idol!

"Sir, you... are you wearing something like this?"

Ye Fei went straight to the door, but was suddenly stopped by the reception staff at the door.

"Me? How am I dressed?"

Ye Fei was blocked, and suddenly looked at the receptionist in astonishment, and then at his clothes, it's not too dirty, a white sweatshirt looks very righteous, doesn't it?
Of course, Ye Fei thought so.

"Sir, we need to wear suits to enter."

Seeing Ye Fei's tone, the reception staff explained politely, obviously they just saw that Ye Fei came driving a BMW.

"Huh? You have to wear a suit to get in?"

Ye Fei was stunned immediately, Nima, you are so cheating, why are you still dressed so formally for a meal!

"Yes, sir, this is a rule, and there is nothing we can do about it."

The receptionist said politely.

"Accommodating, please?"

Ye Fei was speechless, he was blocked out of the door because of such a trivial matter.

"Sir, it's really not possible, why don't you go to the nearby mall and buy a set." The receptionist continued to shake his head.

"Khan, okay."

Ye Fei was speechless, so he could only turn around first, took out his mobile phone and called Yang Manying.

When the phone was connected, Ye Fei asked, "Hey, where are you?"

"Where are you? Is everyone waiting for you?" Yang Manying's slightly annoyed voice rang through the phone.

"Ah? You're here, and I'm here too, but they won't let me in. There's nothing I can do."

When Ye Fei heard this, he immediately knew that Yang Manying was already in the hotel.

"You didn't go home at all, did you?"

Yang Manying asked repeatedly.

"I went home, but I didn't change my suit, why don't you come out and bring me in?"

Ye Fei opened his mouth to answer.

"Well, you guy really can't do anything about you."

In a luxurious private room near the window on the second floor of Dingxin Hotel, Yang Manying hung up the phone with a cold face, walked from the window to the big dining table in the middle of the private room, smiled at Jiang Tianxiong, and was about to explain ——

Jiang Tianxiong was an old man, and he could see Yang Manying's expression at a glance, so he got up and asked, "Is Mr. Ye here?"

"Yeah, that bastard was blocked outside, and he didn't come out with a suit when he came."

Yang Manying raised her eyebrows and said.

When Jiang Tianxiong heard Yang Manying's words, his shrewd eyes rolled, and he said with a sneer, "In that case, I'd better pick up Mr. Ye next time. After all, today is my treat. It's my fault that I didn't make it clear to Mr. Jiang. Go, I'll go..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Tianxiong turned around and beckoned to Xuetu next to him, and then walked towards the door together.

"Ah? Mr. Jiang, why don't you just ask someone to bring him here, why did you ask you to go there yourself?"

Yang Manying said with some embarrassment.

"I'll go there in person, Mr. Ye is my distinguished guest!" Jiang Tianxiong walked to the door, opened the door, turned around and smiled at Yang Manying, and then walked outside with Xue Tu.


Seeing this, Yang Manying wanted to say something, but Jiang Tianxiong had already left.

"Miss Yang, let him pick it up. He obviously wants to flatter Lao Ye, so you should give him a chance."

At the dinner table, Susan was drinking red wine to herself, smiling comfortably.

"Miss Su, I heard that you have an unusual background in Yanjing, why did you come to Zhonghai City to do things for the underworld?"

Seeing this, Yang Manying raised her eyebrows, glanced at Susan and asked with a smile, the woman in front of her had an affair with Ye Fei.

"I like freedom."

Susan shrugged and took a sip of wine.


At this time, Jiang Tianxiong went straight downstairs with Xuetu, and came to the entrance of the living room on the first floor. Through the transparent glass door at the entrance of the hall, the two of them saw Ye Fei outside the hall at a glance.

"hurry up."

Jiang Tianxiong waved at Xuetu, and then walked towards the entrance of the hall at a faster pace.

Ye Fei was standing bored outside the door, when two familiar figures suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes, he turned around and walked to the door of the hall.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you clearly before."

As soon as Jiang Tianxiong walked to the door, he quickly explained to Ye Fei with an apologetic smile.

"Hey, I made a joke because I didn't pay attention to my manners. Can you settle them?"

Ye Fei sighed helplessly, then pointed to the two waiters at the door.

"This is my industry."

Jiang Tianxiong smiled at Ye Fei, then turned serious, and told the two receptionists at the door: "From now on, when this gentleman comes here, he will let in whatever he wears if he is bored, you know?"

"Yes, Chairman, we didn't know you knew this gentleman before."

The two receptionists at the door hurriedly nodded in sweat.

"I'm dizzy, your property? Why don't you just make a phone call before, and let you go for nothing."

Ye Fei immediately walked into the hotel first.

"It's more sincere this way!"

Jiang Tianxiong quickly put his hand in front of him and said politely.

Immediately, under the leadership of Jiang Tianxiong, Ye Fei came to the private room on the second floor. As soon as he opened the door, Ye Fei saw two beautiful people sitting together, talking about something vividly.

Seeing this, Ye Fei smiled immediately, walked quickly to the dining table, sat down familiarly, and said with a smile: "You two beauties, what are you talking about? You are so involved in the chat? It seems that you can talk quite well. Well."

"Heck~~~ It's okay, Miss Yang has already agreed to let me be your mistress."

Susan giggled, staring at Ye Fei and winking.


For a moment, all the people present were stunned. This sentence was really ambiguous and speechless. How could I have seen Xiao San dare to be so bold, so straight to the point in front of the real card!
(End of this chapter)

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