super agent

Chapter 105 Asking about the Situation

Chapter 105 Asking about the Situation

For a moment, the most embarrassing person present was naturally Ye Fei, who was the person involved. He glanced at Yang Manying, and saw that she was sitting upright with no expression on her face. Ye Fei could only sigh, even if this woman didn't care. will show on the face.

Then Ye Fei turned his head and stared at Susan speechlessly, then lowered his head and poured himself a drink.

"Hehe, are you kidding me? Why are you so serious?" Susan immediately stuck out her tongue and explained to everyone with a smile.

"Yeah, I can tell at a glance that Boss Su is joking."

Jiang Tianxiong came over, smoothed things out with a smile, then stood by the dining table with the expression of a host, "Now that everyone is here, let's serve the food."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Tianxiong winked at Xuetu, and immediately Xuetu nodded and went out.

"However, before the dinner started, I, Jiang Tianxiong, punished myself with three cups to show my disrespect to the two ladies last time. I hope you can forgive me." Jiang Tianxiong picked up the Moutai wine on the table without saying a word , Just pour yourself a glass and drink it all in one gulp.

"Director Jiang was joking. Since we went to the appointment, we naturally didn't care about what happened last time."

Yang Manying watched Jiang Tianxiong wave his hands.

"That's right, Boss Jiang, we're here, just pretend nothing happened. After all, it's because we didn't do it right first." Susan also said.

"If you two don't mind what happened yesterday, then I can rest assured."

Jiang Tianxiong was very satisfied with the attitude of the two women, and subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei while pouring the wine. What he really cared about was Ye Fei's attitude.

Then, Jiang Tianxiong finished the three cups by himself, but he didn't stop, but came to Ye Fei with Moutai, "Mr. Ye, I also toast you, I hope we don't know each other."

"You're welcome, just call me Xiaoye."

Ye Fei waved his hand and smiled.

"Xiaoye? Oh hehe, okay, then if you think highly of me, you can call me Lao Jiang."

Jiang Tianxiong was taken aback after drinking the wine, then quickly opened his mouth to get closer.

"haha okay."

Ye Fei nodded and smiled.

Not long after, Xuetu came in, followed by waiters who served colorful, fragrant and delicious dishes, and soon a large table was set up.

"Okay, not bad, it's all authentic Chinese food, I like it."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Ye Fei suddenly moved his index finger.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, come on, you two are welcome, and I don't know if these suit your appetite."

Jiang Tianxiong looked at Ye Fei's expression, his face was filled with joy, and then he flattered the two women.

"not bad."

Yang Manying smiled and nodded.

"is acceptable."

Susan also agreed.

Then, everyone ate and chatted, and they ate quite harmoniously.

Three rounds of wine.

Yang Manying was overwhelmed with alcohol, her beautiful face was slightly flushed, she put down her chopsticks, looked at Jiang Tianxiong with a smile and said: "Mr. Jiang, we may develop a new product recently, I don't know if your Hongtian Group has any Interested in investing a little bit, or can you provide some help at that time?"

"Development of new products?"

Jiang Tianxiong's face turned red, he put down his wine glass and was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Miss Yang, if you have something to say, we Hongtian Group will definitely support you. , Absolutely unambiguous, you can rest assured that when the time comes, how much to invest, or what materials to mention directly, I will call the people in the company tomorrow and ask them to contact you, and you can tell me if you have anything."

"Mr. Jiang, I hope we cooperate fairly. I, Baimei International, will never covet half of your interests, and our new products of Baimei International will definitely make a profit. You will definitely not lose money if you invest in it." Yang Manying Hastily shook his head and said.

"Cooperation? Okay, cooperation, Ms. Yang can do whatever you want." Perhaps because he had drunk too much, Jiang Tianxiong's words sounded a bit incoherent, so he agreed without saying a word.


Yang Manying nodded in satisfaction. Most of the reason why she came to this dinner today was because she could win Jiang Tianxiong as a big client. After all, Hongtian Group is a bigger enterprise than Yang's Group.

Jiang Tianxiong is a person who can enjoy both black and white. With such a partner, she can make Baimei International even better. Although she is not ashamed of what Jiang Tianxiong did when he started, but a businessman can do it for profit. Give up a lot.

For Yang Manying to become an outstanding business woman, a decisive style of acting is naturally necessary.

"Have you finished asking? Let me ask." Ye Fei who was eating next to him also put down his chopsticks and turned to look at Jiang Tianxiong.

Susan, who had already finished eating, was taken aback when she heard Ye Fei's words. She seemed to guess what Ye Fei was going to ask next, and it should be what he asked her during the day.

"Xiaoye, what do you have to ask? If you need anything, just say it."

As soon as Jiang Tianxiong heard Ye Fei speak, he immediately turned serious.

"I just want to ask you something to understand."

Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

"Ask, I know I must tell you."

Jiang Tianxiong nodded in response.

"Nine Lives Demon, do you know?"

Ye Fei asked.

When Jiang Tianxiong heard Ye Fei say the name, his face tightened immediately, his brows were slightly frowned, and he asked in puzzlement, "What do you want to know about the Nine Lives Demon?"

Xue Tu who was standing next to him immediately looked at Ye Fei closely when he heard this word, because this name is so familiar to the gangsters.

"I want to talk to him about life, and mainly I want to see if his life is really that long."

Ye Fei grinned.

"You... are you going to trouble him?"

Jiang Tianxiong looked at Ye Fei with a shocked expression on his face. This sentence was really shocking. Apart from the police and soldiers, if they want to trouble that guy, I really can't imagine that ordinary people would dare to trouble the Nine Lives Demon.

"Entrusted by others."

Ye Fei nodded in response.

"Can you push it away?"

Jiang Tianxiong looked at Ye Fei with a frown, and explained: "Nine Fate Monster, it's too mysterious. Once Huaxia Kingdom dispatched a division of troops to encircle and suppress that guy. At first, he thought that guy would definitely die. Who knew half a month later, the army retreated. That guy appeared alive and kicking in people's eyes again. This is a relatively feat. He has escaped from death many times, and every time it makes people feel unbelievable, but he is real. He really survived, and he is still a hero now, the giant whale in Zhonghai City is one of his bases, I heard that he will come here once a year or two or even a few years."

"Soldiers from a division can't kill a single person?" Yang Manying looked surprised when she heard Jiang Tianxiong's words, but there was a bit of disbelief in her beautiful eyes.

"It's really not that simple. It's a person. I'm quite curious about what kind of person this guy is." Ye Fei nodded and pondered. After finding out the real cause of death of Yang Manying's parents, he really wanted to see that guy. How powerful it is.

"Who are you entrusted by? To deal with such a person, you don't want to die?"

Yang Manying frowned and looked at Ye Fei dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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