super agent

Chapter 109 Convincing Ling Wei

Chapter 109 Convincing Ling Wei
Teacher Tony came out of Yang Manying's office with a sad face. He was happy to give Yang Manying an opinion, but he didn't expect that after the opinion was finished, the work was also taken over.

"Hey, there's no other way. Now that Mr. Yang is giving orders, I can only take orders."

Teacher Tony sighed helplessly, and took the elevator to the floor of the public relations department.

One minute later, Mr. Tony came to the PR department, and first wandered around Zhao Wanrong's door. Seeing that Zhao Wanrong was staring at the computer all the time, and didn't even look at the door, he was obviously very busy. He knew that Zhao Wanrong must be Don't think about it, she must not be free.

Immediately, he started searching in the PR department, and didn't know who to contact for a while. Yang Manying had mentioned to him that Ling Wei's negotiation skills were very strong, but no one came yet.

Seeing this, Teacher Tony saw Ye Fei who was sitting, thought about it, and hurriedly walked towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who was playing a game, heard the other employees next to him calling out to Mr. Tony one after another. He immediately turned his head and looked at the side as if he was nervous, and saw Mr. Tony coming slowly.

"No way? Come again, do you think I'm the queen driver?"

Ye Fei suddenly looked at Teacher Tony wanting to cry, he would rather be a coolie than be this guy's driver!

"Xiaoye, are you busy?"

Teacher Tony came to Ye Fei's desk and greeted him with a smile.

"Yes... yes!"

Ye Fei forced a smile and nodded.

"Well, you're really diligent. You'll work as soon as you come back."

Teacher Tony looked at Ye Fei and nodded appreciatively.

Being stared at by Teacher Tony, Ye Fei had no choice but to compromise and said: "Mr. Tony, do you have something else?"

"Hehe, Xiaoye is still very good, you can tell people's thoughts at a glance." Teacher Tony smiled immediately.

Nima, you can't even tell, think of me as an idiot!

Ye Fei was speechless, picked up the car key and asked, "Teacher Tony, tell me, where are you going?"

"Wait, I'm not in a hurry to go out right now, just to remind you that there may be important things to do next."

Teacher Tony waved his hand quickly, and continued: "I have already convinced Mr. Yang, she promised to find Ms. Qian Songyi to speak for her, but she actually asked me to do it."

"Good thing, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei put down the key, and saw Mr. Tony crying with a puzzled face.

"My public relations skills are not strong, and in front of the goddess, how can I speak? It is too difficult for me to do this."

Teacher Tony complained.

"No way? Knowing that you are not capable, Mr. Yang still let you go?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

"Of course I didn't let me go alone. She said that she could find someone from the public relations department to go with her."

Teacher Tony nodded and said.

" don't plan to find me, do you? Although I'm in the public relations department, I'm just playing soy sauce, and my public relations ability is not good."

Ye Fei opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise.

"I'm not looking for you, Mr. Yang said that I can find a female publicist with strong ability, and the most capable female publicist in the entire public relations department is naturally Miss Wanrong, but she is so busy now, she definitely won't go, now I don't I know what to do." Teacher Tony said helplessly.

"Sister Wanrong can't go? Then ask Sister Lingwei to go, she just came back."

Ye Fei muttered softly, and at a glance, he saw Ling Wei walking out of the elevator with a tired face.

"Vivi is back?"

Teacher Tony's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he turned around, he also saw Ling Wei walking in, and hurriedly greeted her with a smile, his expression looked quite lewd, and one could tell that it was either rape or robbery.

"Teacher Tony stop!"

Just as Ling Wei was about to walk back to her desk, she saw Mr. Tony walking towards her with his mouth open and his hands in his hands. He quickly pointed and asked in confusion, "What do you want?"

"Savior, I finally waited for you."

Teacher Tony stopped in his tracks, and then said to Ling Wei with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Ling Wei looked at Teacher Tony in puzzlement. She just came back from outside, but she didn't do anything!
"Vivi, can you do me a favor? Of course, you can't say that you are doing me a favor. In fact, Mr. Yang gave the order." Teacher Tony looked at Ling Wei with a serious expression.

"what's up?"

Ling Wei asked with a frown.

"Help me get a client."

Teacher Tony spoke.

"Fix clients? Isn't it our PR department's business? Why are you, a beauty consultant, doing this?"

Ling Wei was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Teacher Tony in puzzlement.

"Hey, I can't help it either, Mr. Yang insists on me to do it."

Teacher Tony sighed.

"Who is it? But I'm also very busy here now. I'm just getting some things when I come back, and I'm going to meet other customers to discuss cooperation projects soon."

Ling Wei was a little embarrassed to speak, after all, her own work was still there.

"It's okay, Mr. Yang said it himself, your customers can make an appointment first, and my customers, that's terrible, Qian Songyi, you know?"

Teacher Tony quickly waved his hand and explained.

Cheon Song Yi?
"Wow, Mr. Tony, the client you want to meet is Qian Songyi, let me go, I'll help you talk."

As soon as Teacher Tony's words came out, a short-haired publicist next to her immediately stood up and looked at Teacher Tony with excitement.

"I'll go, I can do it."

"Let me go, I can."


What Teacher Tony said was like a stone that stirred up thousands of waves. The female publicists next to each other became more and more crazy, and they all put down their work and begged Teacher Tony for their lives.

"Forget it, everyone, Mr. Yang has already issued the order to let Weiwei go, everyone should stop arguing, I want to see Miss Qian Songyi, when we finish talking, there will be plenty of opportunities."

Teacher Tony quickly waved his hand and explained to everyone.

As soon as they heard that Mr. Yang personally gave the order, the restless female PRs gave up their thoughts and had to go back to work.

"You said that the client you are talking about is Qian Songyi? Why are you talking to her?"

Seeing the crowd disperse, Ling Wei stepped forward to Teacher Tony and said in confusion.

"You're stupid, don't you need to find an endorsement when a new product is produced?"

Teacher Tony rolled his eyes.

"Oh yes, so..."

Ling Wei immediately realized that if Qian Songyi was really appointed as the spokesperson for the new product, it would be awesome. After all, she knew how popular Qian Songyi is now. She nodded after thinking about it. Confirmed again: "You said this matter was specially approved by Mr. Yang, right?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll take care of things."

Teacher Tony patted his chest and promised.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go and tell Sister Wanrong, now you go and find out the address where Qian Songyi is staying in Zhonghai City." Ling Wei nodded, and walked towards Zhao Wanrong's office after explaining.

"Okay, it's definitely done. In 5 minutes, I will find out all the information about Miss Qian Songyi."

Teacher Tony quickly responded, with Ling Wei going, he felt relieved this trip

 Three shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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