super agent

Chapter 110 Ways to strike up a conversation

Chapter 110 The way of chatting up (one more)
PS: If there are no accidents today, Xiao Zeng will explode a little bit, and please support me a lot, give rewards, recommend tickets and so on, please join us!
Ten minutes later, Ling Wei came out of Zhao Wanrong's office, and went straight to Teacher Tony who was already sitting on Ye Fei's desk to check things, and put her arms around her and urged, "Mr. Tony is done!"

"Don't worry about my work." Mr. Tony stood up while typing on the keyboard, and said with a smile, "I have found out where Miss Qian Songyi is staying in Zhonghai City this time. Let's talk as we walk."


Ling Wei nodded slightly, then looked at Ye Fei with a smile, winked and said, "Xiaoye, let's go."


Ye Fei immediately picked up the car keys and walked towards the elevator with Teacher Tony and Ling Wei.

In the elevator, Teacher Tony explained to Ling Wei and Ye Fei: "I checked just now, Miss Qian Songyi is here to promote the 'World Environmental Protection Charity', she will stay in Zhonghai City for a week, during this week We have to convince her, and then she lives in the Fortune Hotel in the city center, now we will go to the Fortune Hotel and wait for the arrival of Miss Qian Songyi."

"Then how should we approach the conversation?" Ling Wei nodded, then raised her eyebrows to look at Teacher Tony.

"How to strike up a conversation?"

Teacher Tony was taken aback immediately, and looked at Ye Fei blankly.

Seeing this, Ye Fei tilted his head to look at the elevator display screen, what are you looking at me for.

"That's right, we didn't make an appointment with Qian Songyi, so naturally we had to find a way to strike up a conversation first, and then ask her if she's interested in endorsing things in China!" Ling Wei explained from a professional perspective.

"This... this, I'm not very good at it, so you should do it." Teacher Tony waved his hand quickly.

"Me? No, I'm in charge of discussing cooperation projects and analyzing our company's advantages, and I have to observe Qian Songyi from the sidelines, make plans, and match what he likes, so that we can talk about projects more smoothly without feeling Are there any restrictions, do you understand?" Ling Wei spoke in a clear and logical manner, telling Teacher Tony directly that she didn't know how to speak.

Teacher Tony was stunned for a moment and came back to his senses, quickly pointed at himself, and said with a mournful face: "I really can't do it, firstly, I talk carelessly, secondly, my image is not very good, why don't you let Xiaoye go, he is handsome , and very stylish!"

Ye Fei immediately stared at Teacher Tony with wide eyes, and cursed secretly in his heart: "Fuck, the beauty consultant dares to say that he has a bad image, so he must be sick for wearing such fancy clothes every day."

Thinking of this, Ye Fei quickly shook his head and said: "I can't, I'm a fool, and I'm not a fan, I haven't heard of Qian Songyi before, if you ask me to strike up a conversation, I will probably be thrown away by the bodyguards. "

"It's okay, I like Xiaoye..."

Teacher Tony watched Ye Fei wave his hand, and then encouraged Ye Fei with a smile.

"It's the first floor."

Just at this time the elevator came, Ye Fei found a neutral position, and walked out of the elevator without saying a word.

"Hey, I think I'll let Xiaoye go." Teacher Tony glanced at Ye Fei who walked out of the elevator with a smirk, then looked at Ling Wei and said.

"Let's watch it then, let's go there first and talk about it." Ling Wei walked out of the elevator casually.

"it is good."

Teacher Tony responded lightly and walked out of the elevator.

Ye Fei had already consciously driven the car to the door. After Ling Wei and Teacher Tony got in the car, Ye Fei searched the navigator, and after finding the location, he drove directly towards the Fortune Hotel.

Half an hour later, when Ye Fei drove to the entrance of the Fortune Hotel, he saw that the entrance of the hotel was full of people. A large group of fans holding Qian Songyi's photo sign were waiting in place. These people also know that Cheon Song Yi will come back here next time,
At the same time, in addition to the fans, there are also reporters carrying cameras and cameras, who are also adjusting the equipment in their hands, waiting for Cheon Song Yi to come back.

"Wow, how can I strike up a conversation? There are so many people, I squeezed in front of Qian Songyi, and they were all trampled to death." After Ye Fei stopped the car, he glanced at the situation outside the window, and his eyes widened. Turn around, look at Ling Wei with a smile and say: "Why don't you change the way, people might think that I have ulterior motives when trying to strike up a conversation."

Damn it, when I was driving to the hotel just now, Ye Fei was so annoyed by Teacher Tony that he couldn't help it, so he had to agree, and he still has to do the thing about hitting on Qian Songyi later.

However, seeing so many people in front of him now, he really didn't know what to do.

"Xiaoye, it's nothing, just have more people, it's okay to squeeze."

Teacher Tony immediately waved his hand and gave Ye Fei a blank look.

"Your sister, you think it's breasts, and it's okay if you squeeze them, so go!" Ye Fei glanced at Teacher Tony speechlessly. He really didn't want to strike up a conversation for no reason. The fact is that it's too boring. Although Qian Songyi is a beautiful woman, he doesn't have the leisure to do such a painful thing!
Immediately, Ye Fei looked at Ling Wei, after all, Ling Wei had to give orders in this matter.

"It is necessary to strike up a conversation. First of all, she must be able to talk to us. Otherwise, if she doesn't even talk, what else do you think?" Ling Wei stared out the car window, pondered for a moment and opened her mouth to look at Teacher Tony and Ye Fei Said.

"Yes, yes, yes, what Weiwei said is very reasonable, and she really deserves to be an excellent publicist." Teacher Tony quickly nodded and flattered her.

Ye Fei was helpless, just about to nod his head in admission——


Ling Wei's words suddenly took a turn. She frowned and glanced outside, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "There are indeed too many people. I think it is impossible to strike up a conversation. In such chaos, Qian Songyi has already dealt with the fans. Time to chat!"

"That's right, I'll just say..."

After hearing Ling Wei's words, Ye Fei's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and applauded.

"Then Weiwei, what do you say?"

Teacher Tony hesitated for a moment, glanced at Ye Fei, and then asked.

"Let's change it another way." Ling Wei said casually.

"How to change?"

Ye Fei asked with a sad face, "Auntie, please don't make trouble with me!"

Teacher Tony on the side also pricked up his ears and looked at Ling Wei closely.

"It's not good to strike up a conversation outside, so let's strike up a conversation inside."

Ling Wei glanced at the hotel door outside the car window and said with a smile.

What do you mean?
Ye Fei and Teacher Tony looked at each other, but they didn't understand for a while, and then they continued to look closely at Ling Wei.

"Stupid, don't you understand this?"

Ling Wei glanced at the two of them, and then said angrily: "It's very simple, there are so many people now that we can't strike up a conversation, so we will talk to Qian Songyi after she enters the hotel room!"

"It looks like they have bodyguards, will they let you in?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

Teacher Tony sitting next to him nodded, agreeing with Ye Fei's opinion.

"Then outsmart."

Ling Wei's beautiful eyes flashed, and she spoke.

"How to outsmart?"

Teacher Tony asked in a daze.

"Find a way to sneak into Qian Songyi's room, such as cleaners, waiters... people like this, this kind of identity is the most perfect."

Ling Wei explained, then stared at Ye Fei with a smile.

Teacher Tony's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he understood it, and turned his eyes to Ye Fei.

"I'm going too?"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ye Fei burst into tears.

 If there are no accidents today, Xiao Zeng will explode a little bit, and please support me a lot, give rewards, recommend tickets and so on, please join us!
(End of this chapter)

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