super agent

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
When Ye Fei walked out of the Fortune Hotel with Teacher Tony and Ling Wei, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon. They found a relatively high-end restaurant, and Ye Fei and Ling Wei naturally slaughtered Teacher Tony severely.

Especially Ye Fei, he was about to be beaten to death by Teacher Tony today, and now when he encounters the opportunity to slaughter this guy, he naturally firmly grasps it, he is all about picking up expensive things, and it hurts Teacher Tony.

However, Teacher Tony felt relieved when he thought that the task was almost completed and he could ask Yang Manying for credit.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Fei, Teacher Tony and Ling Wei ate for an hour before walking out of the restaurant. Ye Fei and Ling Wei ate brightly, while Teacher Tony's face was gloomy.

After dinner, Ye Fei sent Ling Wei and Teacher Tony back to the company, but he didn't go in again, so he explained to Ling Wei and asked him to take a leave of absence for himself and Zhao Wanrong, while he drove home , I was really cheated to death by Teacher Tony, and all I played were difficult jobs.

When he got home, Ye Fei took a cold shower and then took a nap.

And just when Yang Manying was making the new product flourish, some people were not happy about it.

In the most prosperous area of ​​Zhonghai City, in front of a majestic building, stood a gray-white stone tablet with the inscription 'Yang's Group' on it.

Yes, this is the headquarters of the Yang Group. Originally, Yang Manying was supposed to be the helm of this super-large enterprise, but she was hindered by her relatives.

"Develop new products? This girl has really developed a lot of skills!"

Belonging to the highest floor of the entire building, in the chairman's office of the Yang Group, Wu Weisen is sitting on the chairman's black leather swivel chair, enjoying a glass of red wine with a relaxed expression on his face.

On the seat in front of his desk was Yang Xueqin, who still had a charming face and heavy makeup. She also held a glass of red wine in her hand. After taking a sip, she curled her lips and said, "The sons and daughters of my Yang family are naturally brainy." Awesome, otherwise do you think such a huge enterprise can be built casually?"

"Okay, okay, okay, your Yang family is amazing, but now is not the time to discuss this matter, and now your good niece has seriously threatened my status." Wu Weisen put down the wine glass in his hand, and continued to Yang Xueqin: "She wants to do everything possible to make achievements, so she naturally wants to join the board of directors, and once she is allowed to join the board of directors, those diehards will naturally support her with all their strength, and they will talk about the right of inheritance when they find an opportunity..."

"What are you afraid of? Hasn't she not succeeded yet?" Yang Xueqin immediately cursed.

"Then what do you think we should do? Some measures must be taken? Otherwise, why not let her develop?" Wu Weisen said with a worried face.

"Nonsense, if she can still be allowed to develop, then she won't fly to the sky. We have worked hard for so many years, are we really going to hand over the Yang Group!" Yang Xueqin snorted coldly, and continued with a sinister face: "After all, I was just picked up by the Yang family. If my brother didn't have a car accident, I really never thought that one day the Yang family would fall into our hands. Manying is still too young, and she thinks that she can accomplish great things in a hurry. In this way, You send someone to stop it secretly, and let those companies that cooperate with her cut off all ties. If this is not enough, then be more ruthless. Doesn’t she make facial cleanser? Let's see what face she still has in the Yang Group."

"Uh, I really doubt that one day you will betray me?" Wu Weisen heard Yang Xueqin's vicious words, and suddenly felt that this woman was simply disowned by her relatives, even if she was not her own, but the Yang family treated her well back then. !

"Let's talk about it when the day comes."

Yang Xueqin glared at Wu Weisen, then a stern light flashed in her eyes, and she said coldly: "Actually, none of these methods can cure the disease. Only by getting rid of that wild man, Manying will have no support. She will rely on her alone. It’s not up to us to decide.”

"That's right, if that guy didn't show up at some point, we would have married Manying to Young Master Li long ago, why would we have so many troubles now!" Wu Weisen nodded in agreement.


Suddenly, Wu Weisen's cell phone rang.

He was taken aback immediately, picked up his phone and looked at it, raised his brows, and said to Yang Xueqin with a smile: "I just talked about the people from the Li family, but unexpectedly Li Guotai called."

"Li Guotai? Why did he call you? Didn't he ignore us after that meal?" Yang Xueqin frowned immediately, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Forget about that, I'll connect first and see what he says."

Immediately, Wu Weisen made a silent gesture to Yang Xueqin, and then connected the phone: "Hahaha, why did Mr. Li have time to call me again?"

"Hehe, I thought about the matter of Director Wu's last meal. I blamed that man and it has nothing to do with you. I'm just saying sorry to Director Wu." Li Guotai called and said politely first. Fan, and then said: "I want to deal with a person, Wu Dong won't have any objection?"


Wu Weisen was taken aback immediately.

"Just the last meal, that person named Ye Fei." Li Guotai said.

"Against Ye Fei?"

Wu Weisen glanced at Yang Xueqin with a puzzled face. It is said that the last time it was just an unpleasant meal, why did Li Guotai, the helm of Li's enterprise, want to deal with that guy, but he still turned his mouth up quickly: " I wonder where that wild man provoked you?"

"I'm not sure about this point. I just came to ask Wu Dong what he meant. I was quite angry this time and wanted to cut off contact with your Yang Group directly, but after thinking about it, I think this matter has nothing to do with you. So, now I just want to deal with Ye Fei's man, and then Yang Manying, this woman, I will not let him go, do you have any objections?" Li Guotai said straight to the point.

"Hey, I believe that since Director Li will call me, he should know that I don't have a cold with them. If you want to deal with them, I absolutely agree with it. Even if there is a place where Dong needs help, I am also very happy. It was shot." Wu Weisen immediately said with a smile on his face, he was still worrying about this just now, unexpectedly Li Guotai called him to ask him to deal with Ye Fei and Yang Manying, God help him!

"Hehe, okay, at that time, I also hope that Wu Dong will give less support to Baimei International. If it can be suppressed, I will do my best to suppress it. At that time, your company will lose too much, and I am willing to make some compensation." Li Guotai is gloomy. Laughter came.

"Small idea, Baimei International had planned to give up a long time ago." Wu Weisen said indifferently.

"Okay, Mr. Wu is refreshing, then we will make a deal like this."

Li Guotai got a satisfactory answer and immediately hung up the phone.

 Keep going!
(End of this chapter)

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