super agent

Chapter 116 Saving People

Chapter 116 Rescue (three more)
After Ye Fei drove out of the house, he found the address of Zhonghai West Railway Station on the navigator, and then drove the speed car through the red lights all the way to get there.

Fortunately, it was just after the rush hour, otherwise even if he could fly, he wouldn't be able to fly!

At seven o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark. Ye Fei drove to Zhonghai West Railway Station, which is the station for trains and bullet trains. He parked the station at the door, and then called Xu Qing: "Hey, where are you?" ah?"

"I was entangled. I just crashed into a car. It must have been arranged by that group." Xu Qing called and said angrily.

"Damn, this group of people are so crazy, the police are even bumping into them." Ye Fei said speechlessly, unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of lawless people in such a bustling city.

"My every move is being monitored by them now, and I can't make it through for a while, it's up to you." Xu Qing said helplessly.

"Well, after they came here, where are they now?"

Ye Fei nodded and asked.


Xu Qing was about to explain immediately.


A high-pitched gunshot sounded from Ye Fei's side. Ye Fei moved his ears, glanced to the left, and said, "I think, I should know where I am. Just like that, I hung up the phone."

As he spoke, he moved his feet and rushed towards the direction where the gunshots sounded.

At this time, in a dilapidated alley next to Zhonghai West Railway Station, there were three figures hiding behind a wall. All three were dressed in ordinary clothes, but two of them held guns in their hands, and the people holding the guns were relatively young. When he was less than ten years old, one of them had blood on his right arm and was forced to hold a gun in his left hand.

And in the middle of the two is a middle-aged man with slightly white temples and a fat body. He looks to be about 50 years old. This man's face is pale and his whole body is shaking.

And those two young men were the policemen Xu Qing sent to bring Bao Gang back. Since Bao Gang had gone back to his hometown, they had to travel all the way. matter.

As for the middle-aged man with a fat body and a frightened face, it was naturally Bao Gang.

"What's the situation now? How long will it take for Team Xu to come? We can't hold on anymore."

The young plainclothes policeman with a wounded arm whispered to another policeman next to him.

"Captain Xu said she is on her way."

The policeman next to him explained to the injured policeman, and quickly and carefully poked his head out to see what was happening on the other side of the wall.

Bang, bang, bang...

Unexpectedly, as soon as he poked his head out, he attracted a series of shots.


The policeman who poked his head out hurriedly withdrew his head, and sat down with his legs limp, his eyes full of horror.

"what happened?"

The injured policeman seemed to realize something and asked quickly.

"There are more and more of them. I just poked my head out to take a look, and I saw more than a dozen at a glance..." The policeman slumped on the ground explained.

"Xu Dui, she..."

The wounded policeman also reported a glimmer of hope.

"It's useless, there are too many people to deal with, even if Captain Xu arrives, we are finished." The policeman sitting on the ground said weakly.

"Damn it, fight them."

The injured policeman said with a bloody face, "How many bullets do you have?"

"Yes, if you fight them, even if you die, you will die in the line of duty, and you won't get the reputation of being greedy for life and afraid of death." The policeman's eyes were hardened, and he quickly got up to look at the bullet clip. He had thought about it before. He handed over the middle-aged man next to him, because these people were looking for this man, but after he thought about it carefully, if he handed him over, he would definitely be able to live?These people obviously intend to kill people to silence them, and if they do so, even if they can survive, but his days as a policeman are over.

"Well, when they come over, we will fight." The injured policeman was still quite stubborn, with a look of death.

"I don't want to die."

When Bao Gang saw the situation of the two people in front of him, he muttered with a mournful face.

"If you don't want to die, then do we want to die? Isn't it because we came to pick you up, hum!" The injured police officer Wang Baogang snorted coldly.

"That's right, what on earth have you done? You actually asked Team Xu to personally order us to come find you." Another policeman had already stood up, and they were in a desperate situation, but they didn't know what was happening in front of them. Why did the guy ask them to pick them up in person?

"Is it because of that?"

Bao Gang suddenly thought of that incident back then, and remembered how fierce those people were, his eyes were filled with panic, and he shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, I will harm my whole family if I do this, those people will Kill my whole family."

After muttering, Bao Gang wanted to rush out.

"What do you want?"

The uninjured policeman had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and quickly grabbed Bao Gang and yelled at him.

"I can't be with you, it's going to hurt my family, please."

Bao Gang burst into tears, desperately trying to break free from the policeman's hand.

Bang, bang, bang...

While they were talking, the sound of a burst of bullets came from afar.

"Quick retreat, the enemy is too strong."

Then, there was a sound of terrified retreat, and then a flurry of footsteps from near to far, and soon disappeared.

"Where is Bao Gang?"

A moment later, a clear young man's voice sounded.

"Don't make a sound!"

In the darkness, two police officers hiding in the corner pushed Bao Gang down, and then the uninjured police officer desperately covered Bao Gang's mouth.

In the situation where the enemy and the enemy were unknown, the two policemen would not make such a stupid mistake and just walk out, maybe they used it as a trick.

Ye Fei frowned and glanced around, supposedly those people were right next to him, it was fine if he didn't see anyone, and he didn't even say a word.

However, he immediately came to his senses and smiled slightly, "It seems that these police officers are not as miserable as imagined."

Originally, Ye Fei had taken a liking to the policemen in Haishi from the Xu Qing he knew, and thought that even a woman like Xu Qing could be the police captain, and her subordinates would not be much better, but now it seems that he really guessed wrong.

"Okay, I'm the person called by Captain Xu Qingxu. Can you tell me if you're hiding?" Ye Fei stood on the side of the road, surrounded by a few alleys. He didn't know where those people were hiding, so he shouted loudly.

"Is it the person called by Team Xu?"

The injured police officer was startled and looked at the police next to him.

"Looks like he's alone?"

The other policeman said in disbelief.

"Yeah, it feels very unreliable." The injured policeman also nodded. They didn't think that one person could kill such a large group of people just now.

"have a look at."

The uninjured officer nodded.


Put down by them on the ground, Bao Gang struggled desperately, his face flushed and whimpering in pain.

"Don't move, I'm going to shoot you with a shot."

The uninjured police officer suddenly turned hard, raised his gun and charged Bao Gang angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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