super agent

Chapter 117 The Cautious Policeman

Chapter 117 A Cautious Policeman (Fourth Update)

PS: Xiao Zeng is working so hard, everyone give rewards, recommend votes to spread!

Sure enough, Bao Gang calmed down immediately after being drunk by the police officer.

Ye Fei, who was standing outside, took out his phone speechlessly, turned to Xu Qing's phone, and dialed: "Hello..."

"What's the situation now?" Before Ye Fei could speak, Xu Qing on the other end of the phone asked eagerly.

"The current situation is not bad, I have killed those people, but your people seem to be more cautious, hiding in a corner and refusing to come out, you probably thought I was lying to them, you call Go over and explain." Ye Fei glanced at the dozens of corpses under his feet and said calmly.

"Is it settled?"

Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, it seemed that Ye Fei was really good, and he settled it in a few moments. Thinking of this, she said repeatedly: "Well, I'll call them, and then you wait for me at the same place, I'm almost there."

"Okay, you can call."

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone, then took out a cigarette, lit it, and waited quietly.

At the corner of one of the alleys.

"Huh? The phone rang. Could it be that Captain Xu is here?"

The police officer who was not injured suddenly felt his pocket vibrate, and his face immediately showed joy. He put down the gun, took out his mobile phone, and asked urgently in a low voice as soon as he connected, "Captain Xu, are you here?"

"Zhao Qiang, you are all right now, is there someone calling you outside where you are hiding?" Xu Qing called the uninjured policeman and asked.

"Uh, Captain Xu, how do you know there is someone outside?"

Police officer Zhao Qiang asked in a daze.

"Nonsense, he is my man. He just called me and said that you are hiding somewhere and won't go out." Xu Qing said angrily.

"Xu...Xu team, are you... are you sure you are your own? It seems that we were surrounded by dozens of people just now, can one person do it?" Zhao Qiang was surprised, but more he didn't believe it.

"Ah? You were surrounded by dozens of people just now?"

When Xu Qing heard this, she was also shocked. In other words, Ye Fei just took care of dozens of people at once, and those people were all armed with guns!

"Yeah, so I really can't believe it, that person outside is ours." Zhao Qiang nodded and said.

"Yes... I really can't believe it." Xu Qing was too shocked to speak, but she remembered what Ye Fei said that day that her individual combat ability is super strong, so she immediately felt relieved and said affirmatively: "Yes Take care of yourself."

"Captain Xu, are you sure?"

Zhao Qiang asked with a mournful face, going out is a life-and-death ah.

Of course it's okay if it's one of your own, but if it's an enemy, isn't it tantamount to a sheep going into a tiger's mouth.

"OK, sure."

Xu Qing said impatiently, "Think about it, if you're not your own, but dozens of people are surrounding you, what kind of tricks do you need?"

"Uh, yes!"

Zhao Qiang nodded, and continued: "Then I'll try to make a sound and ask, but you should come here quickly, by the way, what's his name?"

"It's called Ye Fei." Xu Qing responded, and continued to ask: "By the way, is Bao Gang okay?"

"It's okay, just Sun Jian was injured, he needs to be treated as soon as possible." Zhao Qiang glanced at the injured policeman and explained.

"Okay, tell him to hold on, I'll be right there."

Immediately, Xu Qing hung up the phone.

"How to say?"

Injured policeman Sun Jian looked at policeman Zhao Qiang and asked.

"Captain Xu said she would come right away, but the person outside seems to be really his own."

Zhao Qiang opened his mouth to explain.


Sun Jian continued to ask.

"Captain Xu nodded affirmatively, but let's try and ask."

Zhao Qiang nodded, then stood up, and warned Bao Gang: "Don't bark, be careful I'll beat you right now."

After a warning, Zhao Qiang walked slowly to the wall, and asked in a deep voice, "Hey, what's your name?"

In the silent night, a ray of fire flickered, Ye Fei leaned against the wall and smoked, because he was sure that those people were hiding here.

Sure enough, not long after the phone call, there was movement.

"My name is Ye Fei."

Ye Fei smoked a cigarette, moved his ears, and immediately determined the direction where those people were hiding, but he didn't rush there. After all, those people were frightened at this time. Once they passed, it would be a pity to cause unnecessary damage.

"Ye Fei? It's really Ye Fei!"

Zhao Qiang muttered immediately, it seemed that Xu Qing was right.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Sun Jian next to him and said, "It seems that there is nothing wrong."

"Is it Ye Fei?"

Sun Jian asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Captain Xu told me so." Zhao Qiang nodded.

"Then go out, I trust Captain Xu, she won't cheat us."

Sun Jian thought for a while and said decisively.

"it is good."

Zhao Qiang nodded, then pulled up the bag and walked outside, "Go, go out."

Immediately, the three walked out slowly.

"Come out?"

Ye Fei, who was leaning against the wall and smoking, immediately threw the cigarette butt away and walked towards him slowly.

When Zhao Qiang and Sun Jian saw a figure approaching, their vigilance dropped a lot. After all, there was only one person, but the guns in their hands did not relax, and they would immediately explode if something was wrong.

"You are Ye Fei? Where are those who chased us down?" Zhao Qiang walked ahead and asked Ye Fei through the faint light.

"They die, they walk away."

Ye Fei pointed to the dozen or so corpses lying on the ground in a pool of blood and said calmly.

Then he looked at the middle-aged fat man who was brought out by two police officers, and he recognized who it was at a glance, and asked, "Are you Bao Gang?"

"you are?"

Bao Gang looked at Ye Fei puzzled, he had never seen this young man before.

"That year, the son-in-law of the couple you killed."

Ye Fei said, I don't know how Yang Manying will feel when she sees this person!


As soon as Ye Fei said that, not to mention Bao Gang, even the two policemen next to him were stunned.

"It seems that there is some confusion at the station due to the gunfire just now. Shall we retreat first?" Ye Fei looked at the few people who were stunned, and said.

"Wait a minute, our captain is coming soon."

Zhao Qiang said.

"Okay then, but is this person's injury all right?" Ye Fei nodded and looked at Sun Jian.

"It's alright."

Sun Jian nodded stiffly.

And Ye Fei looked at the two policemen, they looked pretty good, just now they were the two hiding in the dark, so cautious and resourceful, among ordinary policemen, they were pretty good.

In less than 5 minutes, Xu Qing came by car.

"Are you coming alone?"

As soon as Xu Qing got out of the car, Ye Fei asked with a puzzled face, she dared to come alone, and she still drove a private car.

"I just got home from get off work, and they called me, and then I called you, how can there be so much time to gather people?"

Xu Qing got out of the car and looked at Ye Fei and explained: "Besides, didn't you say that you are very capable in individual combat, so you can just test it out, but judging from the current results, it is indeed very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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