super agent

Chapter 118: Identifying the Murderer Behind the Scenes

Chapter 118: Identifying the Murderer Behind the Scenes (Part [-])

PS: The eruption of the fifth watch is over, how about everyone's support?Xiao Zeng couldn't see it! !

Ye Fei cast a blank look at Xu Qing, you really dare to think, if I'm a scumbag today, it's over for me.

"Okay, let's stop talking."

Xu Qing waved her hand and came to the three of them, her eyes fixed on Bao Gang, then she looked at Sun Jian and asked, "How is it?"

"Can't die."

Sun Jian smiled.

"Well, Zhao Qiang, you send Sun Jian to the hospital now, and I will take this man away."

Xu Qing nodded at Sun Jian, and then gave instructions to Zhao Qiang.


Zhao Qiang glanced at Bao Gang and nodded, walked to Sun Jian's side to support him.

"Well, send it to the hospital quickly, you two are very good, and I will remember you first-class merit this time."

Xu Qing glanced at the two and praised them, then looked at Bao Gang and said, "Come with me now."

"Ah, oh okay."

At this time, Bao Gang was still in shock, and when Xu Qing said to go with her, he quickly nodded yes.

"Captain Xu, let's go to the hospital."

Zhao Qiang helped Sun Jian to go to the street to stop the car to go to the hospital.


Seeing this, Xu Qing turned her head to Bao Gang and opened her mouth.


Bao Gang mechanically came to Xu Qing's car and opened the door to get in the car. He now understands that the police are going to settle the old score this time, but it's okay, he has condemned himself for so many years, and now the truth is revealed , and perhaps relieve his conscience.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you plan to interrogate together?"

After Bao just got into the car, Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei and said.

"Of course."

Ye Fei immediately opened his mouth and walked towards the car.

Immediately, Xu Qing also opened the door and got into the car, started the car and went straight to the police station. Today, she can be said to be full of anger. She never imagined that in Zhonghai City, there are such lawless criminals. She is also very urgent now. I want to know who is behind the scenes.

When the car started, Bao Gang sat on the seat feeling uneasy, looking at Ye Fei from time to time, hesitating for a few minutes, he gritted his teeth and asked Ye Fei, "Are you the son-in-law of that rich couple?"

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Bao Gang and nodded: "Yes."

"Then you want to seek revenge from me?" Bao Gang asked with flickering eyes.

"Revenge? Looking for your revenge?" Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "You think too much, you don't have the qualifications, I know you were ordered, and even listened to what you just said, you killed my father-in-law and mother-in-law You didn't know who they were before, did you?"

"Yes... yes, I only heard that the person who was killed by me after I went to prison was the wife of the chairman of Zhonghai Yang's Group." Bao Gang's eyes flashed a look of struggle. Live with guilt.

"I'm curious, you were threatened by the people behind the scenes, and you were ordered to do this, right?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Bao Gang and asked.

Bao Gang immediately looked up at Ye Fei, with tears in his vicissitudes eyes, nodded and said: "Yes, when I was hijacked by someone, that person threatened and lured me, saying that I would kill my whole family if I didn't help them. After I finish helping them, they can give me a large sum of money to settle down, and I can just spend a few years in prison."

"And then, did you really do it?"

Ye Fei looked at Bao Gang and asked.

"Yes, I can't help it." Bao Gang said with a face of remorse. He should have called the police at the beginning, but it was too late to say anything now, and everyone was killed by him.

"Because of you, a happy family was ruined." Ye Fei stared at Bao Gang with a serious expression, feeling sorry for Yang Manying.

"I know, I know Chairman Yang and his wife still have a daughter..." Bao Gang was so ashamed that he said, "I am willing to confess this time, and then I am willing to apologize in front of Ms. Yang and let her beat and scold me..."

"Does that make sense?"

Ye Fei shook his head, and continued: "Wait a minute, you just confess to me, I will find the murderer behind the scenes, and then give justice to my deceased father-in-law and mother-in-law."


Bao Gang nodded affirmatively.

Xu Qing, who was sitting in front of the car, drove the car quietly and did not interrupt for the time being.

After Ye Fei and Bao had just talked for a few words, they stopped talking. Ye Fei looked out the window, and if nothing else happened, his first mission was about to be completed.

However, why does it feel a bit painful to complete this task? When the truth is revealed, what will Yang Manying's expression be?
He really couldn't believe it, would he be so angry that he couldn't recover?

Xu Qing drove very fast, and returned to the police station in about half an hour.

Immediately, several people got out of the car together. Under the leadership of Xu Qing, several policemen on duty walked into one of the interrogation rooms without any obstruction.

The headlights were turned on, Bao Gang was sitting in the prisoner's seat, while Ye Fei and Xu Qing were sitting in the interrogation seat and watching Bao Gang.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's explain how you killed Chairman Yang and his wife. I advise you to explain it honestly, because your actions have constituted the crime of intentional murder, not just It's just drunk driving, and you'll be fine after a few years of imprisonment." Xu Qing asked Bao Gang with a serious expression as soon as she sat down.

Ye Fei, on the other hand, sat on the sidelines and watched quietly. At the beginning, those experiences were not important to him. He just wanted to know who the murderer was behind the scenes.

Immediately, Bao Gang explained how he intentionally drank and drove to bump into Yang Manying's parents. It was obvious that he had really suffered all these years, so he spoke very sincerely, without any expression of lying.

After Xu Qing roughly understood and recorded what happened, Ye Fei, who was sitting quietly at the side, asked, "Who is the murderer behind the scenes?"

Bao Gang immediately looked at Ye Fei, shook his head and said, "I don't know their names."

"Then you should still know the person who instructed you?" Ye Fei frowned and continued to ask.

"If you stand in front of me, I will definitely recognize you!"

Bao Gang nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Immediately, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone and dug out the photo album. First, he took out Wu Weisen's photo and showed it to Bao Gang.

"This person..."

Bao Gang looked at the middle-aged man on Ye Fei's phone, shook his head and said, "It's not him."

"Then this..."

Ye Fei immediately flipped through the album again, and found Feng Yuan's photo. This person is the most suspicious person, and Ye Fei is almost sure that Feng Yuan did it.

"It's not this person either."

Bao Gang looked at Feng Yuan intently, but still shook his head.

"What? You said it wasn't this person?" Ye Fei was startled. It wasn't Feng Yuan. This is unscientific. He found Bao Gang just to provide a witness. "You are looking, see clearly, is it this person?"

Immediately, Ye Fei flicked through the photo album of his mobile phone without giving up, and there were many photos of Feng Yuan in it.


Bao Gang immediately concentrated on looking at Feng Yuan's photos, and scanned them one by one. There were pictures of Feng Yuan appearing on many occasions, but Bao Gang could be sure that it wasn't Feng Yuan, after all, he had a deep memory of that person.

Ye Fei went crazy, and kept looking through the photo album for Bao Gang, but it turned out to be none of them.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Ye Fei was about to put away the phone, Bao Gang suddenly froze nervously and yelled.


 September [-], don't forget the national humiliation!

(End of this chapter)

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