super agent

Chapter 123 Fuck Leng Kun

Chapter 123 Fuck Leng Kun (Subscribe)

PS: The outbreak continues, brothers, give some support, rewards, monthly tickets, recommended tickets?

after an hour.

Because it was still early in the morning, Ye Fei drove unimpeded. In addition, he drove fast, and he arrived at the Bayside Garden District not long after. He could hear the sound of waves crashing on the beach from afar.

However, Ye Fei didn't come here this time to watch the sunrise on the sea leisurely.

After arriving in the community, Ye Fei found a place to park the car, opened the door and got off.

He took out a cigarette, lit one first, and then smoked a cigarette and looked at the place. It was indeed a high-end residential area, with exquisite and gorgeous villas neatly arranged, which looked magnificent, and the front was close to the sea. The environment is pleasant.

"Oh shit, the environment here is better than Xiyuan Villa."

After looking around, Ye Fei couldn't help admiring, the environment here is indeed better than Xiyuan villa area, but it's a pity that it's far away from the city, so it's not so good for business people.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Fei threw the cigarette butt away, took out his mobile phone to check the address, and went straight to Leng Kun's house, the seventh building of this guy's house.

Ye Fei walked a few hundred meters, watching as he walked, and soon came to Leng Kun's home. Since this is Leng Kun's private home, where he lives with his wife and children, there are no brothers there.

Ye Fei came to the door easily and knocked on the door.


Soon, there was a lazy woman's voice from inside, and then the door opened, and a beautiful woman wearing a pink knee-length skirt, slightly blessed, and looking graceful and luxurious came out, looking at it with a puzzled expression. Ye Fei.

"I'm looking for Leng Kun!" Before the beautiful woman could speak, Ye Fei explained his purpose with a smile.

"Looking for Leng Kun? Are you his younger brother?"

Zhao Hong looked at Ye Fei, seeing how young he was, and immediately said, because younger brothers often came to Leng Kun before, and this kind of thing is not surprising to her.

"You may think so, call him out for a moment."

Ye Fei smiled, and guessed right that this woman should be Leng Kun's wife, but he had no choice but to rush in directly, after all, the family was not as bad as the disaster, and Leng Kun was at fault, but he didn't want to get rid of her family.

"Okay, what's your name? I'll call him out."

Zhao Hong nodded. Although she felt that Ye Fei was a little weird, she didn't have too much doubt, so she just asked symbolically.

"My surname is Ye!"

Ye Fei replied.

"Oh, then you wait."

Zhao Hong nodded, then turned around and walked into the living room, calling out: "Old Leng, there is a young man surnamed Ye looking for you at the door."

"Oh, tell him to wait, I'll come right out."

Then, a thick male voice came from upstairs in the villa.


Zhao Hong came out and smiled at Ye Fei: "He will come down immediately, come in and have a seat."

"Hehe, no need, I can just wait outside, you can be busy."

Ye Fei waved his hands and chuckled, then took out a cigarette from his pocket and stood aside to smoke it.

"Uh, fine then."

Zhao Hong looked at Ye Fei, then nodded and turned around. She really didn't need to lower her status to talk nonsense with a younger brother.

After Zhao Hong left, Ye Fei was smoking a cigarette with a calm face. It is indeed easier to come here to do business. Otherwise, if he went to the Giant Whale Gang, it would be a mess. It would be easier to come here and take Leng Kun away directly. !
5 minute later.

In the living room of the villa, there was a sound of heavy footsteps, and then I saw a middle-aged man with a flat head wearing a vest and big pants. He looks a bit ferocious, like a big brother.

"Are you looking for me?"

Leng Kun came out and saw Ye Fei at a glance.

"Leng Kun?"

Ye Fei took the cigarette away, puffed out the smoke ring lightly, looked at Leng Kun with a smile and asked.

"Who are you? You look so unfamiliar."

As soon as Leng Kun opened his tiger eyes, he immediately noticed that the person who came out was not good.

"Someone asked me to come and find you."

Ye Fei answered blankly.

"Who? Why are you looking for me?"

Leng Kun frowned, glanced at the living room, hurried out of the villa, closed the door and asked.

"A man named Bao Gang said he knew you, and asked me to come and see you, to see if you still know him?" Ye Fei whispered.

"Bao Gang?"

Leng Kun pondered in doubt. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know this person. Who are you? Tell me quickly."

"Well, you have already forgotten about him, but he always remembers you." Ye Fei shrugged and threw away the cigarette butt, then said with a smile: "Then come with me, if you see someone, maybe you You will be able to remember it, and then you should be able to remember that year when you threatened a truck driver and killed the chairman and his wife of the Yang Group."

"What? You..."

Leng Kun's complexion suddenly changed. He still remembers this incident vividly. After all, the identity of the person who killed him that time was not ordinary. This issue.

"Remember? Come with me then."

Ye Fei stared closely at Leng Kun and said.

"So what if you think about it? Do you know who I am? The deputy leader of the Giant Whale Gang, if you don't want to die, get the hell out of here, or don't blame me for chopping you up." Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei with a smirk, He opened his mouth with disdain.

"You have many brothers, but none of them are around now. I know this is your private place, very secret, but it's a pity that you don't have any brothers here." Ye Fei said with a faint smile.

"Without a brother, do you think what you want?"

As Leng Kun said, he backed away.

"Do you want to go back to the room to get a gun? If there is enough time, I want to play with you, but now..." Ye Fei sneered, and immediately swayed his body, rushed towards Leng Kun, and said with a smile: "Look how long you are!" You have to be so strong, you should be able to fight well? Otherwise, how could you get into the boss."

Saying that, Ye Fei had already come to Leng Kun, and then kicked Leng Kun's waist.

Leng Kun saw that Ye Fei didn't have a gun, and saw that he flew up in the air and kicked himself, and immediately sneered, "Hmph, I really think it's a mess to make it to this day."

Immediately, before Ye Fei kicked him, Leng Kun turned his body slightly, and happened to get out of the way, just as he was about to sneer triumphantly.

Ye Fei kicked his foot sideways, and his heel kicked directly towards Leng Kun's stomach.

Leng Kun was kicked by Ye Fei and hit the guardrail at the entrance of the villa, breaking the guardrail all at once.

"Your dodging ability is indeed very good, and your fighting skills are also of a certain level, but unfortunately your adaptability is poor." Ye Fei landed and looked at Leng Kun who was lying on the broken guardrail with a sneer, clutching his stomach and crying into the abyss.

After all, the strength of Ye Fei's kick is not something that ordinary people can bear, and thanks to Leng Kun's strong body, otherwise he would have been kicked indiscriminately.

 Continue to explode, brothers, give some support, reward, recommendation ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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