super agent

Chapter 124 The Cruel Ye Fei

Chapter 124 The Cruel Ye Fei (for Subscription)
PS: It’s a bit rushed to put it on the shelves today, so let’s explode five chapters. Next, Xiao Zeng will try his best to make everyone satisfied. Let’s reiterate again, I’m a human, not a machine. It’s really tiring to write five or six chapters a day, Xiao. I need everyone's support to bring me motivation!

After being kicked away by Ye Fei, Leng Kun rolled on the ground for a while, clutching his stomach, resisting the pain from his abdomen, looked at Ye Fei with a blue face, and stretched out his right hand tremblingly to point at Ye Fei. : "You... who the hell are you? I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the near future..."

"If you say that there is no enmity, then there is no enmity?" With a faint smile on Ye Fei's face, he stepped up to Leng Kun's side, raised his leg and stepped on his chest directly, "Do you think that if I step on it, you will I can tell you clearly that I am the son-in-law of Chairman Yang and his wife who you ordered the truck driver to kill, do you think there is any grudge?"


Leng Kun's face changed drastically, and he looked at Ye Fei in astonishment. If this is the case, then he is indeed doomed this time.

"What's going on? Noisy!"

At this moment, the door of the villa opened, and Zhao Hong came out cursing. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Leng Kun being stepped on the ground by Ye Fei. people?"

"Vengeance seeker."

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Zhao Hong and said coldly.

"Ah Hong, you go in, go in quickly."

Leng Kun, who was stepped on by Ye Fei, immediately shouted at Zhao Hong who was at the door.

"Huh? Oh, oh okay."

Zhao Hong looked at Leng Kun who was stepped on the ground by Ye Fei, his eyes flickered for a while, and he quickly turned and went back to the room.

"It's best, call that 'Nine Lives Demon'."

Ye Fei sneered and glanced at Zhao Hong who was running towards the room. This woman is indeed smart enough. When encountering such a thing, she is not like ordinary women who just cry and cry. Telephone.

However, Ye Fei didn't care about this kind of tricks. Calling the mob didn't threaten him at all, but if he called the so-called Nine Lives Demon, he would be somewhat interested.

"You know that I am the boss of the 'Nine Lives Demon', if you dare to do this, you are doomed, and our boss will definitely not spare you." Leng Kun screamed sharply.

"Are you old? If I'm afraid of that Nine Lives Demon, do you think your wife would have had a chance to run into the room just now?" Ye Fei sneered disdainfully, then lifted his foot, and walked into the cold room. Kun stepped hard on the palm of his right hand.


Immediately, Leng Kun screamed in pain like killing a pig, and one hand was directly trampled by Ye Fei, dripping with blood, which looked shocking.

In the distance, some curious people in the villa retracted their heads when they saw the bloody scene, and the surroundings were silent for a while, only Leng Kun's wailing echoed.

The people around are probably thinking, this should be evil with evil.

"You instigated someone to kill my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so I'll give up one of your hands for now, and you should suffer a lot in the future."

Immediately, Ye Fei raised his foot and rubbed on Leng Kun's clothes. After drying the blood, he reached out and pinched the back of Leng Kun's neck, and directly lifted Leng Kun up. Although Leng Kun was not tall, he was strong. At least it looked like one hundred three or four, but at this time Ye Fei lifted it up with one hand.

Then, Ye Fei carried Leng Kun and walked straight towards the car.

At this moment, Leng Kun, like a dead dog, completely lost the consciousness of resistance. The place where his right hand was crushed was too painful. The so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, Leng Kun was in so much pain.

"Old Leng..."

It wasn't until Ye Fei walked away that Zhao Hong came out of the room with her mobile phone, her face was covered with tears, and she looked at Leng Kun who was carried away by Ye Fei tremblingly, feeling as if the sky had fallen for a while.

However, she immediately reacted, and quickly checked the phone to find someone.

At this time, Ye Fei lifted Leng Kun to the side of the car, opened the rear door, and threw Leng Kun in like throwing a sandbag.

After doing this, Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun with a cold expression, and immediately took out his pocket, took out his mobile phone, found Xu Qing's number, and dialed it.

When the phone was connected, Ye Fei said, "Hey, beautiful police officer, it's almost nine o'clock, isn't it? Are you still sleeping in beauty sleep?"

"Cut, I don't have to go to work, I'm catching bad guys." Xu Qing's voice sounded annoyed, and then she asked curiously, "What's the matter? Do you need help?"

"Help? You just gave me his secret private address. You don't even have a decent brother around you. Do you think a mere Leng Kun can pose any threat to me?" Ye Fei said proudly.

"You're done?"

Xu Qing asked excitedly.

"It's within reach."

Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun, who was lying on his stomach like a dead dog, and said, "I'll take him to the police station immediately."


Xu Qing was startled and said loudly, "Have you found any evidence of his crime?"

"Evidence? Isn't Bao Gang the best witness? What evidence do you need?" Ye Fei was taken aback, and then explained: "Do you still want me to investigate this matter? It's a waste of time, just bring In the past, face to face, see if he dares to talk nonsense."

"Uh, so now people are under your control?"

Xu Qing suddenly asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I'll just ask if you're at the police station. Since you're here, I'll take someone there right now." Ye Fei nodded in response.

"Okay, you bring people here first."

Xu Qing nodded helplessly, now that everyone has been arrested, let's bring them here first.

"it is good."

Ye Fei hung up the phone, then opened the door and got into the car, started the car, and rushed to the police station.

after an hour.

Ye Fei drove to the gate of the police station, stopped the car, walked to the rear door, opened the door, grabbed Leng Kun who was moaning softly with one hand, grabbed him out, closed the door, and went straight to the police station. Go to the police station.

The policemen passing by all looked sideways at Ye Fei, who is this person?So cruel, they clearly saw that the middle-aged man caught by this man was still bleeding from his hands.

However, none of the policemen came forward to stop Ye Fei, because they saw Xu Qing standing at the police gate and staring at this side, and they could also see that the direction Ye Fei was heading was exactly where Xu Qing was.

" this Leng Kun?"

Seeing Ye Fei's imposing manner approaching like this, Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Otherwise... where do you think I just caught a cat or a dog?"

Ye Fei came to Xu Qing, and after hearing what she said, he immediately rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, but you are like this?"

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"Punishment is the most basic thing. Do you have to have a good face when you treat the prisoner?" Ye Fei said nonchalantly.


Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately nodded, but seeing Leng Kun's appearance, she thought for a while and said, "Should I help him stop the bleeding first? Otherwise, if he loses too much blood, he might die."

"Okay, take it to the infirmary for a casual check, and then bring the bag and just confess, and then let this guy confess." Ye Fei nodded.

"He is the deputy leader of the giant whale gang, how can he plead guilty so easily?"

Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei, how could it be so easy to solve the case in his hands?
"No? I have a hundred ways to make him admit it."

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer, for a super agent like him, how could he treat such a prisoner like Xu Qing and the others, making it so troublesome.


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(End of this chapter)

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