super agent

Chapter 125 Recognizing People

Chapter 125 Recognizing People (Part [-])
PS: Friends who read books, can I see if you still have monthly tickets?Monthly pass, yes it is a monthly pass, Xiao Zeng needs it urgently!


Ye Fei carried Leng Kun into the police hall with Xu Qing under the surprised gazes of many police officers in the police station, and followed Xu Qing all the way into the infirmary. After dressing Leng Kun's wound casually, he took him to see Bao Gang.

Just a few steps away, a man wearing a police uniform with a Chinese character face and a stern and stern face with bumps and holes, one can tell at a glance that this is a man who has experienced the baptism of vicissitudes of life. He looks upright and releases iron blood from his body Middle-aged policeman of taste.

"Team Liu!"

Seeing the visitor, Xu Qing immediately saluted and greeted him.


Liu Feng nodded earnestly, turned his head to look at Ye Fei, then glanced at the person in his hand, his cold eyes narrowed slightly, then turned to look at Xu Qing and asked in a low voice: " Ye Fei ?”

Ye Fei looked at the middle-aged policeman in front of him. At a glance, he could be regarded as a qualified soldier. The iron-blooded and cold temperament can only be released by experienced people.

"Hello, Team Liu? I'm Ye Fei." After looking around, before Xu Qing could introduce herself, Ye Fei introduced himself to Liu Feng with a smile.

"Oh, hehe, hello."

Liu Feng also looked at Ye Fei and felt the same military temperament in him, but Ye Fei was not like him, he was more restrained, and his whole person gave off a frivolous and impetuous feeling on the surface, but he knew that the real Ye Fei He and him under the appearance are completely two people.

Liu Feng nodded, then looked at the person in Ye Fei's hand, and asked somewhat startled, "This... who is this person?"

"Why do you keep carrying him around?" Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei, and immediately said angrily, "He is such a big man, let's put it down and walk by himself, don't you want to show how brave you are?"


Ye Fei immediately looked at Xu Qing in astonishment, even put Leng Kun down, and said with a smile: "I'm used to it, it's the same way when I caught people before, and before I knew it, I got used to it."


After hearing Ye Fei's words, Liu Feng and Xu Qing looked at each other with incredible expressions in their eyes, thinking to themselves, what did you do back then?Even the police would not treat criminals so cruelly.

"Huh? Isn't this person Leng Kun?"

After Ye Fei put Leng Kun down, Liu Feng took a few glances and quickly recognized him. After all, as a big brother of the underworld, Leng Kun was naturally a special concern of the police, and Liu Feng was quite familiar with Leng Kun.

However, at this time, Leng Kun's face was haggard, his face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes looked a little hollow. Ye Fei was really too ruthless, and he didn't give him a chance to defend himself. Abolish one of his hands first, and you can see a thick bruised scratch on the back of Leng Kun's head and neck.

"Yes, I brought them here." Ye Fei smiled at Liu Feng with a grin.

Liu Feng and Xu Qing rolled their eyes as they looked at Ye Fei, who was harmless to humans and animals. You call this a belt?

"Okay, Xiaoqing, go and get down to business with Ye Fei. I'll go out for a while, and can figure out the matter of the Nine Lives Demon. This Ye Fei seems to be very good."

Liu Feng nodded and explained to Xu Qing softly, nodded to Ye Fei, then turned and left.

Seeing Liu Feng leaving, Ye Fei touched his nose and kicked Leng Kun who was lying on the ground, and asked, "Can you walk by yourself?"

"Can, can, can!"

Leng Kun nodded quickly, and supported himself with difficulty with his other uninjured hand. He was really afraid of Ye Fei. If he carried him like that again, Leng Kun was really worried that he would die!


Seeing Leng Kun's appearance, Xu Qing was stunned for a moment. The deputy leader of the majestic giant whale gang was scared by Ye Fei?

Thinking about it, Xu Qing walked in front to lead the way, while Leng Kun walked in the middle, and Ye Fei walked in the back.

Leng Kun's face is full of resentment and killing intent at this moment, he can only cooperate honestly now, otherwise Ye Fei will kill him, then he will be completely finished, all he has to do now is wait for someone to rescue him he.

One minute later, Xu Qing brought Ye Fei and Leng Kun into an interrogation room, and Leng Kun was sitting on the prisoner's seat.

"Wait here, I'll bring Bao Gang over to identify him!"

Xu Qing stood up and glanced at Leng Kun, then turned her head and said to Ye Fei.


Ye Fei nodded.

Xu Qing glanced at Leng Kun who was sitting on the prisoner's seat, feeling something was wrong, she thought for a while and said, "Do you want to put handcuffs on him? Otherwise, he looks a little uncomfortable."


Ye Fei stared at Xu Qing speechlessly, big sister, he lost one of his hands, why do you want to torment him like this?
"Uh well, pretend I didn't say anything."

Xu Qing glanced at Leng Kun's hand, waved it quickly and turned to go out.

After Xu Qing left, Ye Fei looked Leng Kun up and down, took out a cigarette, smoked it, and asked curiously, "Leng Kun, seeing the hatred and murderous look on your face, do you really want to kill me?" ah?"

"What would you do if you looked like me now?"

Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei fiercely and said.

"Of course it will cut you into pieces."

Ye Fei smiled lightly: "Unfortunately, this kind of assumption is nothing more than a joke. Facts are facts. I think you are waiting for someone to rescue you right now? In the police station, your younger brothers should not be of much use." Or are you waiting for the Nine Lives Demon to save you? I heard that guy is very mysterious and has been active in the border area all the time. I wonder if he will come here for you?"

"Hmph, boss Nine Lives Demon, how could he come here just because of me? If he comes, do you think you can still be so arrogant?" Leng Kun snorted softly and said with disdain.

"That guy is very powerful? How powerful is it? You are his deputy gang leader, why doesn't he come to save you?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Do you know how many forces like the Giant Whale Gang are in the surrounding cities? The boss of the Nine Lives Demon just appointed me to do things, and neither I nor Ben have any chance to get in touch with him." Leng Kun said with a face full of awe , Nine Lives Demon is as great as a god in his heart.

"Fuck, he didn't even come to save you. I don't understand why you dare to be so arrogant. Do you want those brothers under your command to rush into the police station?"

Ye Fei immediately cursed in a low voice.

"If you bring me to the police station, it's about the law. I haven't committed a crime. Let's see who can keep me." Leng Kun replied, "I'll be fine when my lawyer comes."

"Waiting for a lawyer?"

Ye Fei was taken aback immediately.

But at this time, the door opened, Xu Qing walked in front, and Bread just followed in.

After Bao Gang came in after Xu Qing, he turned his head and saw Leng Kun with a dejected face, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, he quickly remembered, and said excitedly: "It's him, it's him..."

 Friends who read books, can I see if you still have monthly tickets?Monthly pass, yes it is a monthly pass, Xiao Zeng needs it urgently!

(End of this chapter)

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