super agent

Chapter 126 Stubborn?

Chapter 126 Stubborn? (two more)

Bao Gang suddenly shouted excitedly, Xu Qing, who was walking in front, jumped in fright, and quickly turned around and said to Bao Gang: "You... don't be so excited, he is him, and now he is like that, are you still afraid? "

"Oh, oh, Officer Xu, I'm sorry, I'm too excited." Bao Gang quickly nodded at Xu Qing with a face of shame, but his eyes were fixed on Leng Kun, and palpitations flashed across his face.

"Come on, come and see if it's this guy?"

Ye Fei stood up smoking a cigarette, walked up to Bao Gang and asked.

"Don't smoke here."

Xu Qing came up angrily and snatched Ye Fei away.

Xu Qing came forward, Ye Fei suddenly felt a gust of fragrant wind, and forgot to dodge for a moment.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Qing took away Ye Fei's cigarette butt, then looked at Ye Fei in confusion and asked.

"It's so fragrant!"

Ye Fei had a thoughtful expression on his face.


Xu Qing frowned, showing a puzzled expression, and immediately reacted, her pretty face flushed, and she spat softly, "Rogue."

"Uh, well, let's get down to business."

Ye Fei was taken aback immediately, and waved his hand quickly.

Immediately, Ye Fei looked at Leng Kun, and asked in a deep voice, "See now, do you recognize him?"

"do not know."

Leng Kun raised his head and took a deep look at Bao Gang, then shook his head and said.

"You lied, you are that man called Brother Kun. Although it has been so many years, I always remember you."

Bao Gang's face tightened, he didn't know where the courage came from, he pointed at Leng Kun and said.

"Sir, please pay attention to your words. Falsifying people will not only harm you, but may also affect your family." Leng Kun stared at Bao Gang indifferently, and his tone was serious and threatening. .


Bao Gang's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Leng Kun with some fear.

"You said you didn't know him?"

Ye Fei's face turned cold, and he felt like he was going to explode. He pointed at Bao Gang and shouted at Leng Kun, "You're saying that you don't know him."

"What do you want to do? Do you still want to mess around in the police station?" Leng Kun immediately stared at Ye Fei. He had been beaten by him at home before, and he had nothing to say. Fight, the police always turn a blind eye, but now this is a police station!
"Can you mess around?"

Ye Fei looked at Xu Qing and asked.

Xu Qing glanced at Leng Kun, then shrugged and said casually, "I didn't see anything."


Ye Fei nodded, with a playful smile on his face, twisting his neck and walking towards Leng Kun.

"You...what do you want?"

Leng Kun's face suddenly changed, his eyes were full of fear, and he looked at Ye Fei who was getting closer and closer, and shouted: "Come here, the police have used the death penalty indiscriminately..."

"Oh yes, I forgot to remind you that the sound insulation in the room is very good, even if you stand at the door, you can't hear what's going on inside!" At this moment, Xu Qing, who turned to look at her phone, suddenly turned her head to look at Ye Fei and said with a smile: "You can continue……"

"hehe, ok."

The smile on Ye Fei's face became brighter.


Leng Kun was speechless, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, thinking about how beautiful he was before, but today when he met Ye Fei, he was completely out of temper. Immediately, he struggled to stand up, and staggered back to dodge Go, staring at Ye Fei with fear in his eyes and said: "You...don't mess around, if you can't kill me today, I swear by Leng Kun, I will definitely kill your whole family, I will definitely..."

"You're already like this, and you still dare to threaten me? Do you really not know how to write the word dead?" Ye Fei sneered, and walked slowly towards Leng Kun, saying as he walked, "If you tell the truth, you probably won't Sentenced to death, at most you will suffer some crimes in prison. At the same time, if you have the ability, I don't care if your brothers are robbed in prison in the future. I just want to catch the real murderer behind the scenes. Frankly, you still have a way to survive, otherwise There is only one dead end... And I am not a policeman, if I go crazy, your wife and your son who is studying abroad may also have an accident..."

"You... who are you?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Leng Kun's face changed drastically. It didn't matter if he was killed, but hearing that Ye Fei would drag his family down, it was almost the same as what he threatened Bao Gang.

"Anyway, it's not the police, so it can do anything."

Ye Fei shrugged and continued walking towards Leng Kun.

Xu Qing, who was standing next to him pretending to be a passer-by, turned her head and gave Ye Fei a white look, while Bao Gang on the side didn't dare to breathe, and watched quietly.

"Did Feng Yuan instruct you to do that?"

Ye Fei came to Leng Kun and asked indifferently.

Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei, gritted his teeth and shook his head, ""

Ye Fei frowned suddenly, reached out with his right hand, and directly held Leng Kun's hand that had just been bandaged, and asked in a low voice, "Is it?"


Leng Kun was holding the injured hand by Ye Fei, and suddenly wailed in pain, and on the hand wrapped in white gauze, it was obvious that blood was overflowing.

"I don't know why you, No. [-] of the giant whale, don't even want your life, but you want to cover Feng Yuan so desperately, but I can tell you clearly, if you don't tell, not only you will die, but your wife and Son, it's the same, and I can still find Feng Yuan." Ye Fei stared at Leng Kun with cold eyes and opened his mouth, and at the same time increased his strength with his hands, and immediately saw the bright red blood overflowing.


Leng Kun screamed in pain, the pain at this moment is simply indescribable, and Ye Fei is even more crazy.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing and Bao Gang couldn't help but feel the creeps all over their bodies, and they were a little afraid to see Leng Kun's miserable state.

"You don't want to confess, do you?"

Seeing that Leng Kun was still very stubborn, Ye Fei nodded with a sneer, let go of Leng Kun's hand, put it on his neck, pinched Leng Kun's neck, and lifted him up against the wall.


Leng Kun was lifted up by Ye Feixuan, kicking his legs indiscriminately, and screaming in his mouth, his face flushed red, and his veins burst out.

"Hey, hey, you... what are you doing?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Xu Qing who was next to him hurried over, pulled Ye Fei's arm and asked nervously.

"What's the use of keeping someone who is worthless?"

Ye Fei glanced at Xu Qing expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice.

"But...but this is the police station. If you kill people here, the impact will be too bad, and the higher authorities will definitely investigate. You...can you stop killing people here?"

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei with complicated eyes, and she could only discuss with Ye Fei in a begging tone, because she knew that if Ye Fei wanted to kill her, it would be a breeze.

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Ye Fei turned his head to look at Xu Qing who was full of pleading expressions, thought for a while, and nodded: "Okay, I'm not here to kill him."


PS: Tickets, tickets, tickets.There is also a reward, Xiao Zeng begs!

 PS: Tickets, tickets, tickets.There is also a reward, Xiao Zeng begs!

(End of this chapter)

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