super agent

Chapter 127 Chapter 137 Compromise

Chapter 127 Chapter 137 Compromise
Immediately, Ye Fei let go and put Leng Kun down.

After Leng Kun fell to the ground, his face was extremely sluggish, and he was panting heavily. This time he was completely in Ye Fei's hands. In just a short time today, Ye Fei had already beaten him to death. Just now I walked around the gate of hell.

"Then I'll take him out and find a place to dispose of him. If such a scumbag escapes, it will affect the people around him." Immediately, Ye Fei spoke to Xu Qing, looking determined to kill Leng Kun.

Immediately, Ye Fei reached out and grabbed Leng Kun, about to take him away like a dead dog just now.

"You... you really want to kill him?"

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei and asked in a low voice, this guy in front of him is really a killer, he still looks like he can kill whoever he wants in front of the police.

"Otherwise, let the tiger go back to the mountain? I don't care. I have never paid attention to such a waste, but after all, he is the boss of a gangster, and he may take revenge on you, or even the people around me. For such a guy, I will definitely get rid of him." It's all over." Ye Fei said calmly.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

Leng Kun, who was leaning against the wall of the interrogation room, suddenly said in a low voice: "I...I cooperate with you!"

"My god, bitch, if you say no earlier, it will be over, and you will be half dead." Ye Fei quickly tilted his head and cursed.

Leng Kun burst into tears, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, how could he know that Ye Fei would be so cruel, he is simply inhuman, he has reached the point of lawlessness.

"Have you cooperated?"

Xu Qing's eyes lit up, and she hurried over to help Leng Kun up, she shook her head secretly in her heart and said, "If you tell me, if you cooperate honestly, there won't be so many things. Talking hard to him is not courting death."

"Since he said he is willing to cooperate, should I take him to the infirmary for treatment first?" Xu Qing asked Ye Fei.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask him a question."

Ye Fei waved his hand, then looked at Leng Kun and asked, "Did Feng Yuan order you to do this?"

"Yes, but it's not as simple as you think. There are other behind-the-scenes culprits, and Feng Yuan is just one of the masterminds." Leng Kun nodded and explained with a painful expression.

"Anyone else?"

Ye Fei nodded. It seemed that Yang Manying's father had offended many people. After pondering for three seconds, she continued to ask, "Are you also the mastermind?"

"I'm not, they asked me to do this, and then it will be convenient for everyone." Leng Kun shook his head and replied.

Ye Fei thought about it for a while and felt that this is the case, it would indeed be better for this kind of thing to be done by gangsters, thinking of this, Ye Fei continued to ask: "Do you have any evidence why they asked you to do this? "

"Yes, Feng Yuan and the others have sent me text messages. Although I deleted them, my mobile phone information is bound to the computer, and there are still records in the save file. The reason why Feng Yuan wants to kill Chairman Yang is that It's all because of Chairman Yang's wife, originally he only wanted Chairman Yang to die, but who knows, even his wife died together..."

Leng Kun immediately revealed everything, otherwise he would really be finished today, and it was only because of some concerns before, but he is a "nine-fate demon" person after all, if something happened, those people would think You have to think carefully about moving him.

But he knew that Ye Fei, a lunatic, would not think about it.

"Okay, let's take him for treatment first, and I'll take him home to find the evidence in the computer later." After getting the answer he wanted, Ye Fei nodded, glanced at Bao Gang and said, "The truth is about to be revealed." , it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate this time."

"Yes, I am willing, and I will tell the story of everything." Bao Gang, who had been standing quietly beside him, nodded quickly and promised Ye Fei.


Ye Fei nodded, and just turned to look at Xu Qing, and when he was about to say something, the phone rang.

Immediately, Ye Fei stepped aside, took out the phone and saw that it was Ling Wei who called, and answered the channel: "Hey, what is Ling Wei's sister looking for me for?"

"Xiaoye, why didn't you come to work today?" Ling Wei asked a little excitedly.

"What's up?"

Ye Fei asked puzzledly, it seemed that Ling Wei had some happy event to tell him, otherwise why did she speak in such a happy tone!
"Miss Qian Songyi agreed to sign a contract with us, Baimei International, but the premise is that you will approach it. Where are you now? Come and pick up Miss Qian Songyi."

Ling Wei urged with a smile.

"Uh, now?"

Ye Fei was speechless for a moment, I'm doing business now.

"Yeah, I'm already waiting for you at the door of the company, hurry up, just hang up like this, I'll find a hotel for Miss Qian Songyi first, and call me when you arrive." After finishing speaking, Ling Wei turned the phone hang up.


Ye Fei was speechless, that's it?

"Is something wrong?"

Xu Qing, who was behind, saw that something might be wrong with Ye Fei at a glance, and quickly said: "Actually, don't take Leng Kun to find something in such a hurry. He is in such a state that he needs to be treated properly, otherwise he will really have life." Danger."

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun, who was already slumped on the seat. He really killed this guy with only half his life left. After pondering for a while, he said, "Well, I'll go first today Let’s deal with other things, you should treat him well first, I’ll see if I’m free tomorrow, come and have a look.”

"Well, okay, let's take a look at his injuries tomorrow." Xu Qing nodded, and she could see a more special side of Ye Fei through today.

Vicious and bloody, to describe it in one word, lunatic!
"However, you have to keep an eye on him. After all, this guy is a member of the underworld. He has some connections, so don't let him run away."

Ye Fei thought for a while and reminded, otherwise it would be a bit difficult if Leng Kun really got out.

"Don't worry, no one should know that the person you brought in is Leng Kun, so he hasn't been able to find a lawyer in the past two days, so it's fine to stay here today."

Xu Qing waved at Ye Fei to signal him to rest assured.

"Well, it's up to you. Although I caught it relatively easily this time, it might be a bit more difficult if I catch it again." Ye Fei smiled at Xu Qing.

"Hehe, don't worry, our police are not as good as you think. You can go to work with peace of mind. I also hope to end this matter as soon as possible, and then I will see how you deal with the Nine Lives Demon." Xu Qing replied with a chuckle.

"Okay, then I'll go first, call me if you need something."

Immediately, Ye Fei took a look at Leng Kun and Bao Gang, and walked out of the interrogation room.


PS: Monthly pass, where Xiao Zeng asked to break the monthly pass, whoever sees if there is any, vote for it, thank you Xiao Zeng!
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(End of this chapter)

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