super agent

Chapter 128 Picking up customers

Chapter 128 Picking up guests (fourth update)
Ye Fei left the police station, came to the side of the car and smoked a cigarette, checked the time, it was eleven o'clock in the morning, it seems that today's work efficiency is quite fast!

However, he couldn't rest today. Ling Wei called and he had to go. He also knew that Qian Songyi must have negotiated with him.

Immediately, Ye Fei opened the door and got into the car, then went straight to Baimei International.

Two 10 minutes later.

Ye Fei drove to the gate of Baimei International, and when he took out his mobile phone to call Ling Wei, Yang Manying called.

"Hey, what is your wife calling here for?" Ye Fei answered the phone with a slight smile on his lips.

"You... where are you?"

When the phone was connected, Yang Manying asked nervously after Ye Fei finished speaking.

"I'm at your feet."

Ye Fei looked up at the top floor of Baimei International.


Yang Manying didn't realize it for a while, and even said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, be serious."

"I'm very serious. I'm really under your feet. If you don't believe me, run to the window and look down, you will see a car the size of an ant parked at the gate." Ye Fei said seriously.

"Are you downstairs?"

Yang Manying came to her senses, stood up from the president's seat, walked to the window, and saw Ye Fei's car parked at the gate, she immediately asked in confusion: "Didn't you say you were going to do that thing? Why did you come back?" ?”

"It's almost done, but I was called by Ling Wei temporarily." Ye Fei explained.

"It's done?" Yang Manying's voice trembled, and she hurriedly said, "Then what's the situation now?"

"Don't worry, I'll let you know when everything is in order, and now you can just settle down and do a good job in your career." Ye Fei shook his head and comforted him helplessly.

"Oh, well then, you must inform me if you have any news." Yang Manying nodded after hearing Ye Fei's words, hesitated for a few seconds and then said: "Why don't you go about it with peace of mind, I will tell those people, recently you Not working?"

"Uh, so... it's unnecessary, right? I'm working, and we can do that together." Ye Fei responded lightly in surprise. After all, the matter was about to be settled, so he didn't bother to make excuses. Work, work, and experience life is still very good.

"you sure?"

Yang Manying still hoped that Ye Fei would focus more on that matter, because it was of great significance to her.

"Of course I'm sure. Those who can do more work, who told me to be so good." Ye Fei laughed.

"Okay then, you can figure it out for yourself."

Immediately, Yang Manying hung up the phone.

"It seems that Yang Manying is still very concerned about this matter. I hope it won't affect her." Ye Fei shook his head, held the phone in front of his eyes, and continued to call Ling Wei.

"Hello, I'm behind you, I've already seen you." When the phone was connected, Ling Wei's voice seemed to ring in my ears.


Through the rearview mirror, Ye Fei saw that Ling Wei and Teacher Tony had already walked towards the back door of his car. He hung up the phone and opened the door to get out of the car.

"Xiao Ye, you're here, good news, Miss Qian Songyi is going to sign a contract with us." Teacher Tony came to Ye Fei and said with a bright face.

"I heard what Miss Ling Wei said."

Ye Fei nodded, and quickly turned his head to look at Ling Wei. If he was asked to choose between Ling Wei, a big beauty and a sissy, he would definitely choose Ling Wei without saying a word, otherwise he would be struck by lightning.

"Xiaoye, we just opened a room at the 'Joy Lizun' Hotel next to the company, now go and pick up Miss Qian Songyi." Ling Wei was wearing a water blue sexy short skirt, outlining her perfect lines, she rushed Ye Fei winked, then opened the door and got into the car.


Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ling Wei, then opened the door and got into the car.

Immediately, Ye Fei took Ling Wei and Teacher Tony to the hotel where Qian Songyi was staying.

An hour later, Ye Fei drove to the door of the hotel where Qian Songyi lived.

Several people got out of the car one after another, and came to the door of Qian Songyi's room with ease, and then waited at the door, while several bodyguards stood quietly waiting at the door.

Not long after, the door of Qian Songyi's room opened, and Liu Na, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, came out first, followed by a figure that made the man spurt blood.

I saw Qian Songyi wearing a short wheat yellow backless dress and a pair of crystal high heels, revealing a pair of slender breasts.


Ye Fei's eyes froze for a moment, and he was immediately attracted by such a beautiful picture.

Ling Wei next to her looked at Qian Songyi with a slight frown, and immediately realized that Ye Fei was stunned at a glance, and immediately patted Ye Fei speechlessly.


Ye Fei came back to his senses, looked at the beautiful and delicious Qian Songyi in front of him, and felt that his trip was really right, otherwise he would have missed such a beautiful scene.

"Ye Fei, Ms. Qian Songyi has agreed to sign a contract with you Baimei International, but I want you to entertain me next." Liu Na said while looking at Ye Fei while she lowered her eyes.

"Don't worry, don't talk about entertainment, escorts are fine."

Ye Fei smiled, his eyes were shining brightly on Qian Songyi's graceful body.

Qian Songyi smiled slightly at Ye Fei, she was so overwhelming. Among these women, Yang Manying was probably the only one who could compare with her. Immediately, Qian Songyi stepped on her high heels and came to Ye Fei's side, leaning forward, looking at Ye Fei's ears. He let out a breath and said softly, "How do you want to accompany me?"

"Uh, you have the final say."

Ye Fei's body trembled suddenly, and he spoke with a look of fascination.

"Cough cough cough-"

Ling Wei, who was next to her, saw Ye Fei and Qian Songyi's ambiguous behavior, coughed dryly and said: "Let's hurry up and arrange a place to live, after all, it will be noon soon, and our President Yang said that we will entertain Qian Song in person. Miss Yi."

"Yes, yes, yes, the future will be long!" Teacher Tony rolled his eyes, looked at Ye Fei with a smile, and then at Qian Songyi, thinking in his heart: "No way, Xiaoye saw Qian Songyi last time." Miss Song Yi once, how did you become so close? Could it be that the two fell in love at first sight?"

"it is good!"

Cheon Song Yi smiled.

Immediately, she took the lead to walk forward, Liu Na hurriedly followed beside her, and the bodyguards behind followed with their bags.

"Hey, Xiaoye, you and Miss Qian Songyi are already playing so ambiguously? You almost kiss your cheeks, you're so envious of me."

Ye Fei and the others quickly followed, while Teacher Tony subconsciously leaned against Ye Fei and said enviously.

"What's there to envy about?"

Ye Fei glanced at Teacher Tony speechlessly, and spoke as he walked.

"Hey, you don't know your blessings in the midst of blessings. What kind of person is Miss Qian Songyi? With your actions just now, I don't know how many homeboys yearn for it!"

Teacher Tony sighed and shook his head to look at Ye Fei.

Ling Wei on the side was so angry that she glanced at the two of them, am I not beautiful?Or is it not sexy enough?

PS: I'm so tired, begging for support, tipping, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, Xiao Zeng continues to write Chapter 5!
 I'm so tired, begging for support, tipping, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, Xiao Zeng continues to write Chapter 5!
(End of this chapter)

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