super agent

Chapter 129 Hospitality

Chapter 129 Hospitality (Fifth Watch)
Immediately, everyone walked out of the hotel together, and Ye Fei drove the car ahead to lead the way.

After driving for about [-] minutes, under the guidance of Ling Wei, Ye Fei came to the entrance of Joy Lizun Hotel not far from Baimei International.

"Here we are, this hotel is not bad!" Ye Fei stopped the car and glanced at the luxurious hotel in front of him, which at least reached the four-star standard.

"Well, Joy Lizun is a quasi-five-star hotel, and it has an international style."

Ling Wei opened the door and got off the car and explained.


Ye Fei nodded and got out of the car.

"Hey, Xiaoye, but I have booked a room for you here, right next to Miss Qian Songyi." Teacher Tony got off the car and Ye Fei stood aside and waited for Qian Songyi to get off.

"Hehe, do you entertain day and night?"

Ye Fei asked with a chuckle.

"It's up to you." Teacher Tony winked at Ye Fei.

At this time, Qian Songyi got out of the car with a pair of big sunglasses, and looked up at the Joy Lizun Hotel.

"Miss Qian Songyi, are you satisfied with this hotel?" Ling Wei asked politely as she stood aside.


Qian Songyi adjusted his sunglasses and nodded.

"Well, the room has been booked. I'll take you up and settle down first. Then we will have dinner together. Mr. Yang will come over later." Ling Wei nodded, and immediately walked ahead to lead the way, although she was not as good as Qian Songyi, but the temperament exuded by the whole person will not be too different.

Seeing this, everyone followed.

Under the leadership of Ling Wei, a group of people walked into Joy Lizun Hotel. As soon as they entered the hotel, the enthusiastic beautiful waiter greeted them and led them upstairs.

The elevator is very big, and there are more than ten people standing in it, it doesn't look too crowded, and Qian Songyi naturally stands in the center like a star holding the moon, and the beautiful waiter next to her pushes down the elevator floor for everyone with a smile on her face, 23 building.

"My day, is this high?"

Just now Ye Fei just glanced at it casually, but he really didn't pay attention to the height of the whole building, and now he is speechless when he sees it.

Two minutes later, the elevator door opened, Qian Songyi and the beautiful waitress walked in front side by side, Ling Wei and Liu Na followed behind, and Ye Fei and the bodyguard walked to the back.

When they walked to the door of room 007, the beautiful waiter opened the door with a room card with a smile, and smiled at Qian Songyi: "Miss Qian Songyi, this is your room."

Apparently, this beautiful waiter had already arranged it before.

Qian Songyi nodded and walked in, Liu Na hurriedly followed, the bodyguards went in with their things, and then put the things away, Liu Na and the bodyguards came out.

Liu Na glanced at everyone and said to Ling Wei: "Give us 5 minutes, and then I will go to dinner with you."

"it is good."

Ling Wei smiled and nodded to look at the beautiful waiter.

"Miss Ling, you arranged these rooms for them." The beautiful waiter took out a few room cards at a glance, handed them to several bodyguards, then turned to look at Ling Wei and asked, "You also booked a room card next to it?" Room 008, is the room card given to you?"

"Give it to him."

Ling Wei glanced at Ye Fei and spoke.

"Okay, sir, this is the room card for room 008, you take it, if you need anything, call the front desk." After handing the room card to Ye Fei, the beautiful waiter left.

"Room 008?!"

Ye Fei glanced at the room next to him, and then asked, "By the way, how many days do I want to stay here?"

"Let's see when Miss Qian Songyi finishes cooperating with us." Ling Wei replied.


Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Can I go home to get some changes of clothes? Also, if I have other things, can I ask someone to replace them?"

"I top!"

Teacher Tony next to him hurriedly stepped forward and said excitedly.

"It's fine if you can entertain Miss Qian Songyi well, but don't be absent from here too often, after all, you are responsible for entertaining her." Ling Wei glanced at Ye Fei, then glanced at Teacher Tony with her beautiful eyes and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not neglect my duties." Ye Fei immediately patted his chest and promised: "Then I will go to my room to have a look."

After finishing speaking, he walked to room 008 and opened the door.

"Well, the room is not bad."

Ye Fei walked into the room, looked at it casually, and nodded with satisfaction. After all, this is a VIP room, spacious and comfortable, with a hall, a bedroom, and a bathroom with a bathtub.

After taking a look, Ye Fei closed the door and walked out.

Because it was almost noon, and there was a dinner soon, but when he thought about having dinner with Yang Manying, or facing so many people, he was a little worried that he would be able to eat safely later?

Ye Fei came out, came to Ling Wei and Teacher Tony, and quietly waited for Qian Songyi to come out.

A few minutes later, the door of Qian Songyi's room opened.

"Miss Qian Songyi, you're here, let's go to have dinner, Mr. Yang is already waiting in the restaurant downstairs." Ling Wei smiled at Qian Songyi as soon as she saw the door open, her eyes lit up.

"Mr. Yang is polite, let's go there now."

Yoo Na walked beside Cheon Song Yi and spoke for Cheon Song Yi.

However, Ye Fei knew that Qian Songyi's Chinese level was no worse than Liu Na's, and this was just to cover up.

"Sure, let's go down then."

Ling Wei waved her hand, then made eye contact with Ye Fei and Teacher Tony, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Immediately, a group of people went downstairs again. Because they were eating downstairs, the bodyguards around Qian Songyi did not follow.

Two minutes later, the elevator came to the first floor. Under the leadership of Ling Wei, they came to the restaurant area of ​​the hotel. As a high-end hotel, the place to eat is naturally a major feature.

"Our President Yang has already opened a box here."

Coming to the direction of the restaurant, Ling Wei smiled and explained to Liu Na and Qian Songyi.

"I heard that Yang is always one of the most powerful women in Zhonghai City, and she is also a goddess-level beauty?" Liu Na asked curiously while following Ling Wei.

"Hehe, of course, our President Yang is indeed a super beautiful woman, I guess Miss Qian Songyi can compare with her." Ling Wei laughed lightly, and explained with a proud expression, glancing at Ye Fei and Teacher Tony.

Qian Songyi raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard Ling Wei's words, and subconsciously glanced at Ling Wei, a little curious about this President Yang.

After all, when women who are both outstanding, they are naturally curious when they meet someone who can be compared.

"Here we are, this is the room."

Soon, everyone came to the door of a box, and Ling Wei was greeted by Yang Manying, so she opened the door of the box and walked in.

Dressed in a long white dress, the dignified and elegant Yang Manying heard the sound of the door opening, and quickly looked in the direction of the door, "Are you here?"

"It must have come."

Next to him, Zhao Wanrong, head of the public relations department, nodded and looked at the door.

Immediately, under the leadership of Ling Wei, Qian Songyi, Liu Na, Ye Fei and Tony walked in together.

When several people walked in, the first person Yang Manying looked at was Ye Fei!

PS: The fifth update has arrived, I am a little tired, and I forgot to give some support. At the same time, if you like this book, readers who have opinions and interests, add the reader group: 159529220
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(End of this chapter)

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