super agent

Chapter 130 Secret Sharing

Chapter 130 Secret Sharing (Part [-])
As soon as Ye Fei walked in, he felt a hidden gaze staring at him. He subconsciously raised his head and saw Yang Manying staring at him closely with beautiful eyes.

Immediately, he grinned at Yang Manying and smiled.

Yang Manying came back to her senses, and immediately looked at the others, but her eyes were fixed on Qian Songyi.

After all, Qian Songyi, who stands out from the crowd and is extremely beautiful, always attracts people's attention wherever she goes.

When Yang Manying stared at Qian Songyi, Qian Songyi also looked at Yang Manying. She had heard about this strong woman who was as beautiful as her.

"Hehe, Miss Qian Songyi, hello."

After Yang Manying looked at Qian Songyi for a while, she hurriedly stepped forward to greet her with a smile.

"Hello there!"

Qian Songyi stared at Yang Manying and nodded.

"Well, sit down!"

Yang Manying responded lightly, and then sat down.

Others also sat down one after another.

After seeing that everyone was seated, Yang Manying glanced at Ling Wei and ordered, "Serve the food."


Ling Wei turned around and went out.

After Yang Manying sat down, she glanced at Ye Fei, and then said to Qian Songyi, "Miss Qian Songyi, I am very glad that you can be the spokesperson of our new product. Let me toast you first."

After speaking, Yang Manying picked up a glass of red wine and drank it.

"Mr. Yang is being polite. Ms. Qian Songyi said that she is also very interested in cooperating with you. At the same time, if you want to thank, thank Mr. Ye. He found us, otherwise we probably wouldn't be able to cooperate. " Liu Na explained on behalf of Qian Songyi.


Yang Manying nodded and glanced at Ye Fei.

Not long after, the dishes started to be served, all of which were authentic Huaxia specialties. Yang Manying also knew that, as a Korean, Qian Songyi would rather eat some special Chinese dishes than any Western food. After all, they must eat Western food often. .

Then, everyone ate and chatted, of course Yang Manying was the one who spoke, Liu Na answered, while the others ate while listening, as for Ye Fei, he only cared about eating.

After a meal, it took more than an hour to finish. After drinking and eating, everyone dispersed. Yang Manying didn't intend to go upstairs, and left after explaining.

Others naturally followed, but Ye Fei could only follow Qian Songyi and Liu Na to go upstairs.

in the elevator.

"Now there is no one else, tell me what you want to check?"

Ye Fei stood beside Qian Songyi and asked curiously.


Qian Songyi glanced at Ye Fei and said.

"Then what is the role of my entertaining you?" Ye Fei continued to ask, it is said that it is not enough to just find someone to entertain you, but you have to find him.

"Being a cover, we trust you more than others, because you know our secret, so we can only let you come."

Liu Na next to him answered.

"My god, just cover? Then I have something to do, so you should be careful." Ye Fei curled his lips. Since he returned to Zhonghai City, this kind of cover, as a shield, has been done a lot. !


Qian Songyi nodded, and suddenly looked at Ye Fei curiously with her beautiful eyes, and said, "You are not just a small employee of Baimei International, are you?"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows to look at Qian Songyi, and then said: "Aren't you talking nonsense, how can such an outstanding man like me be just a small employee!"

"Because, President Yang?"

Qian Songyi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked.

Ye Fei's eyes flickered slightly, just when he was about to shake his head in denial.

Qian Songyi quickly said: "Don't shake your head, I see that during the meal just now, President Yang looked at you from time to time, don't say that you are handsome, and then she pays special attention to you."

"Uh, you really hit the nail on the head, you noticed even such a subtle move." Ye Fei rolled his eyes and glanced at Qian Songyi.

"Nonsense, it's the most basic thing to observe the situation and judge the situation." After Qian Songyi finished speaking, she stared at Ye Fei closely: "Frankly, I have a lot of time anyway, so I don't mind investigating this matter."

Liu Na next to her also looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"My day, what are you investigating about such a trivial matter? Is it so boring?"

Ye Fei still didn't intend to say anything.

"You know so many of our secrets, if I don't know some of your secrets, don't you think I'm at a disadvantage? I was thinking before, I should find something about you, but now I have a clue." Qian Songyi's beautiful eyes Bright colors flashed through.


Ye Fei was speechless for a moment, scratched his head and said helplessly: "Well, in a sense, I and her are already husband and wife!"

"What? Stop talking? You and President Yang are husband and wife?" Liu Na next to her heard the news, her eyes widened, and she immediately shook her head in disbelief.

Through today's contact, she can see that Yang Manying is a very outstanding but arrogant woman, how could she be willing to be Ye Fei's wife.

"It's kind of nonsense."

Cheon Song Yi's pretty face was also full of disbelief.

"Then tell me, if I pursue you, can I succeed?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Songyi with a smile.

"My man will only be stronger than me!"

Qian Songyi snorted lightly and said.

"Then I'm just right."

Ye Fei replied: "You also said that I am not simple, so why is it impossible for Yang Manying to be my wife? And I am so handsome..."

"Are you serious?"

Qian Songyi looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"In a sense, it's a husband and wife relationship, understand?"

Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi with a faint smile.

Qian Songyi's beautiful eyes flashed, she stared at Ye Fei and then smiled: "That is to say, the relationship between husband and wife is not worthy of the name? Are you playing the role of a shield again?"

"You guessed it."

Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi with a mournful face, he was so sad.

"Okay, I get it."

Qian Songyi nodded, as if she already understood.

"I can see that you are different from ordinary people, why are you willing to do such a thing? Otherwise, this time the matter is over, you can go to Korea with us!" Liu Na looked at Ye Fei and said.

"Why do you go to Korea? I'm sick. I like the metropolis of Zhonghai City very much. At the same time, I also enjoy the current life. It's easy and freehand, and there are beauties as companions. Of course, if Qian Songyi can also accept it, it will be perfect. It's gone." Ye Fei gave Liu Na a blank look, this pull was too low-level, but immediately brought the topic back to Qian Songyi.

"It seems that you are really dishonest. A woman as outstanding as President Yang can't satisfy you. You are still planning to sneak around. That female publicist named Ling Wei seems to have a strange look in your eyes. ,you are great!"

Qian Songyi looked at Ye Fei jokingly and said, just at this time the elevator opened and arrived.

"Hey, wait a minute, it's not illegal to steal fish. I'm quite curious about a beautiful and talented woman like you. Why don't we sit down and talk about life?" Ye Fei hurriedly chased after her. , shouted at Qian Songyi with a ruffian look.


PS: Monthly pass, let’s see if there is still a monthly pass?Vote for Xiao Zeng!
 Monthly pass, everyone, do you still have a monthly pass?Vote for Xiao Zeng!
(End of this chapter)

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