super agent

Chapter 131 Daoist Robe Man?

Chapter 131 Daoist Robe Man? (two more)

Seeing Ye Fei's reluctance, Liu Na, who was following behind, came up and laughed, "There are too many people chasing Qian Songyi, you should go to the moon to line up first."

Qian Songyi, who was walking in front, heard Liu Na's words, turned around, smiled and said to Ye Fei, "See you at dinner."


Ye Fei touched his nose, stopped immediately, watched Qian Songyi and Liu Na enter the room, and went back to the room by himself.

After returning to his room, Ye Fei took a cold shower, then called Xu Qing, asked about the situation, and lay down on the large bed to sleep in the morning.


ding ding-

The doorbell rang, and Ye Fei woke up in a daze on the bed, then got up to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, there was Liu Na, the interpreter with glasses, she stared at Ye Fei and said, "It's getting dark, Qian Songyi said that she plans to go outside for a walk, and eat something by the way, to taste the characteristics of Huaxia Kingdom."

"The characteristics of Huaxia Kingdom?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and yawned: "Okay, wait a minute, I'll go wash up."

"Hurry up."

Liu Na frowned and urged.

"Okay, okay."

Ye Fei responded impatiently and closed the door.

He quickly ran back to the bed, took his white slacks over and took a look, there were only three red bills, and then some scattered ten and five dollars, Ye Fei immediately said speechlessly: "My day, why is it so little money?" ? How can you eat special dishes here?"

Thinking about it, Ye Fei picked up his mobile phone and called Ling Wei, and the call was connected: "Hey, sister Ling Wei, you haven't allocated any money for me, how can I go to receive Miss Qian Songyi? Now she is going to eat, what? manage?"

"Oh yes, I was negligent, but now the company is off work, and I'm also outside, have no money for the dinner? Do you have a card?" Ling Wei asked a little guilty, but she was speechless, Ye Fei didn't carry any money with him.

"No, please afford a food stall."

Ye Fei replied.

"Then what should I do? I'm outside now, and I have to rush back to the hotel. I guess the day lily is cold." Ling Wei also said helplessly.

"Hey, forget it, forget it, I'll figure it out myself." Ye Fei sighed and hung up the phone.

"Three hundred yuan, what is enough to eat?"

Ye Fei put his phone aside and thought while putting on his pants. Suddenly he had an idea, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he said to himself: "Chinese characteristics, the barbecue is definitely on time."

"Well, let's eat barbecue, damn it, or let this beautiful girl Qian Songyi treat you." After making the decision, Ye Fei got up and walked towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Qian Songyi in white casual sportswear, a white duckbill cap on his head, and a pair of black sunglasses standing at Ye Fei's door.

"Hehe, what a sunny dress."

Ye Fei spoke to Qian Songyi with a chuckle, and then saw Liu Na beside her, and even asked curiously: "Don't you need to bring someone with you when you travel?"

"Didn't you see what I'm wearing? It's just for light clothing." Qian Songyi said to Ye Fei angrily, "Besides, those people are just decorations."

"Uh, well, you are amazing, let's go down now." Immediately, Ye Fei, Qian Songyi and Liu Na went to the elevator and went downstairs together.


After a while, the elevator reached the first floor. Liu Na turned her head to look at Ye Fei and said, "Then let's have something to eat here first, and then go shopping around."

"Are...eating here?"

Ye Fei suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and quickly analyzed: "Don't you guys still have business to do? What are you shopping for? Come back after eating something special."

"I have to have fun while doing business. It's rare for me to have the opportunity to come to China. I used to hear people mention it a lot. This time I finally have the opportunity." Qian Songyi pouted her ruddy lips and said.

"Well, your tasks are quite leisurely." Ye Fei nodded, it seems that Qian Songyi is the same as himself, every time he does a task, he has to have a good time, but he doesn't plan to eat here, After all, the consumption here is scary even if you think about it.

Immediately Ye Fei explained: "Since you want to eat specialties, then come with me. What's the point of eating here? It's not like you haven't eaten at noon."

"Then what do you say to eat?"

Liu Na looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"Eat barbecue, it's absolutely authentic and delicious!"

Ye Fei blurted out without thinking.


Hearing Ye Fei talk about eating barbecue, Qian Songyi and Liu Na immediately looked at each other, with speechless expressions on their faces, Liu Na curled her lips and said: "We also have barbecue in Korea, have you never heard of Korean-style iron plate barbecue? What kind of special style is it?"

"Is Korean Teppanyaki originally from Korea?"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and immediately started talking nonsense again: "What you have, is the authentic Korean Teppanyaki, but other things are definitely different. Many of our barbecues here use the purest natural cooking oil, and then mix it with Specially prepared special spices, and finally through the excellent grilling skills of the grilling staff, the grilled food is delicious, if you have two draft beers, wow, you will drool just thinking about it!"

"Pure and authentic, and affordable."

Qian Songyi stared at Ye Fei and giggled.

"Uh, hehe, all I can say is, you are too powerful a woman, don't you have the ability to read minds?" Ye Fei smiled, he knew that Qian Songyi had seen through his thoughts again.

"you guess."

Qian Songyi chuckled, and immediately walked towards the hotel gate first.

"Are you so poor?" Liu Na looked at Ye Fei and said softly, then followed Qian Songyi.

Ye Fei shrugged and hurried to catch up.

Immediately, a group of three people came to the gate quickly, and just as they were leaving the hotel gate, a strange person walked towards them.

This man was dressed in a Taoist robe, with hair tied in a bun, a goat beard, and a middle-aged man with a godlike appearance. He walked into the hotel door and saw Ye Fei walking towards him. Quicken your pace.

The three of Ye Fei and Qian Songyi naturally also saw this person, so they just looked at him curiously, and didn't care too much. At most, they thought this guy in front of him was a psychopath.

Just when Ye Fei was about to pass by the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe, the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe suddenly staggered and bumped into Ye Fei.

"Hey, are you okay?"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ye Fei quickly helped the man in the Taoist robe.

The Taoist robed man put on a frightened expression on his face, supported Ye Fei's shoulder with one hand, looked at Ye Fei gratefully and said, "Thank you, brother!"

"Hehe, you're welcome."

Ye Fei chuckled nonchalantly, then moved his shoulders, this guy actually hugged him, he must be sick.

"Okay, okay."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe withdrew his hand, but it seemed as if he had taken something from Ye Fei, but this movement was too subtle for anyone to notice.

"Come on, why are you standing there?"

Liu Na turned around and frowned, glanced at Ye Fei and urged.

"Oh, oh here it comes."

Ye Fei nodded, smiled at the man in the Taoist robe, and followed immediately.

PS: all kinds of requests! ! !

 All kinds of requests! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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