super agent

Chapter 132 Sorcery

Chapter 132 Sorcery ([-]rd watch)
Seeing Ye Fei's leaving back, a cold smile gradually appeared on the face of the Taoist robed man, as if a trick had succeeded.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand, and there were a few short hairs between his two fingers. Obviously, those few hairs were the ones he got on Ye Fei's shoulder just now.

"How about it?"

At this time, not long after Ye Fei left, Scar with a hideous scar on his face ran in from outside, walked up to the man in Taoist robe and asked anxiously.

"Come on!"

Hua Tianshi held Ye Fei's short hair between his hands, and said with a proud face.

"Hey, master, can you really do that?"

Evil Scar asked with an excited smile.

"You still don't believe me?"

Tianshi Hua raised his eyebrows and glanced at Evil Scar.

"Believe, believe..."

Eba hurriedly nodded and bowed in response.

"Well, go back, I'll make some preparations, and I can start tonight."

Hua Tianshi smiled lightly, then stepped outside.

"Ye Fei, you're not dead this time..."

Eba looked at Tianshi Hua's back, muttered with a sneer, and hurriedly followed.


But Ye Fei didn't care about this insignificant action at all, and took Qian Songyi and Liu Na outside to find a more 'high-end' barbecue restaurant, and returned to the hotel after a big meal.

It just so happened that it was already dark, Ye Fei, Qian Songyi and Liu Na returned to the hotel and went back to their rooms to rest.

Back in his room, Ye Fei took a bath, dried his hair, adjusted the air conditioner to a suitable temperature, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.

Around two o'clock at night, Ye Fei, who was sleeping deeply, suddenly felt as if something stung the back of his head, and the severe pain woke him up.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Ye Fei suddenly sat up cleverly, stretched out his hand to touch the back of his neck, there was no sign of being stung at all!

But within a few seconds, there was another severe pain from the back of his neck. Immediately, he clutched his neck, frowning and thinking, and soon he came to an unbelievable conclusion——

But at this moment, a very slight sound suddenly came from outside.

Ye Fei hurriedly pretended nothing happened and lay down, his eyes slightly opened to look towards the window, he forgot to draw the curtains today.

Just as Ye Fei was thinking wildly, a figure hanging from a string appeared on the window of his room. It was a man in a black tights, with an exquisite outline of his body. This figure slowly crawled on the window, suddenly The figure seemed to have noticed something, stopped quickly, and looked into the room.

Ye Fei quickly closed his eyes, he already knew who the person was climbing on the window, but what he couldn't figure out was that he actually climbed down the window in the middle of the night, this place is more than 20 floors!

After finding that there was no special movement in the room, the graceful figure slowly crawled away again.

"Ah, fuck me, what the hell is going on!"

After Ye Fei saw the figure leave, he suddenly woke up in pain, looked at the direction of the window deeply and muttered: "This Qian Songyi went to work at night, and even climbed the window, do you want to follow up and see?" ,ah--"

"Forget it, don't worry about it, damn it..."

Ye Fei quickly sat down cross-legged, and immediately began to run the Shengxuan Derivative Art, but he was also thinking about why he did this today.

As he operated the Shengxuan Derivative Technique, white light surged all over his body, and the attacking pain gradually dissipated. He immediately thought of the middle-aged Taoist robed man he met when he went out to have a barbecue this evening.

"My day, is he really a guy who knows a little bit of magic?" Ye Fei said to himself while running the Jue.

And at this moment-

After Ye Fei operated the Jue, when the pain dissipated, he was in the living room of a villa in Zhonghai City.

Li Guotai and Eba are staring closely at the front.

At this time, in the living room of the Li family, there was a wooden table with two white candles, an incense table, and a cotton doll the size of a palm. This doll was very special, and it held its neck , with a painful expression on his face, and on the head of this doll, there are two human hairs.

Hua Tianshi was wearing Taoist robes, holding a half-meter-long, khaki-colored mahogany sword, which was covered with yellow talisman seals.

Looking at Hua Tianshi's clothes, manners, and movements, it seems that he is practicing the law!


With a wave of Hua Tianshi's hand, the mahogany sword stabbed at the base of the strange doll's neck, but the stabbing with the sword was ordinary.


Seeing this, Hua Tianshi let out a light sigh, retracted the mahogany sword, and looked at the strange doll with a pensive expression.

"What happened to Master Hua?"

Seeing this situation, Li Guotai also frowned, and hurried forward, because the mahogany sword stabbed by Tianshi Hua this time did not flash bloody light as before.

The evil scar on the side also hurried forward, looking closely at Tianshi Hua.

"This man has some skills, no wonder you will suffer from him again and again."

Hua Tianshi narrowed his eyes and looked at the strange doll in front of him and said.

"Can't you just stab him to death? With the first stab just now, he must have been hit?"

Li Guotai looked at Tianshi Hua with a puzzled face and asked,
"No, I have to take it slowly, and let him suffer so much that his will will sink to the point of death. Otherwise, I will become a god."

Tianshi Hua turned his head to look at Li Guotai and said speechlessly.

"Do you have to let his will sink?"

Li Guotai hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, he felt that it made sense. If Tianshi Hua could kill Ye Fei in such a sudden, it would be too terrifying.

"Yes, you have to let his will sink, otherwise I can't do anything if he keeps resisting, and he doesn't know what method he is using to resist me at this time, so that I can't hurt him." Tianshi Hua frowned. A troubled expression flashed across his face.

"Hua Tianshi, how about this? We are sending some people to deal with him while you are casting the spell. In this case, he will take care of both sides, and he will definitely be recruited."

The evil scar turned his eyeballs and suddenly smiled at Tianshi Hua with a gloomy expression.

"Well, this method is not bad. I feel that it is a bit difficult to kill him by sinking his will. If you can send some people there, there should be no suspense."

Tianshi Hua's eyes lit up, and he nodded in response as he looked at Eba.

"Hey, yes, why didn't I think of it before."

Li Guotai immediately clapped his hands, nodded and looked at Eba with a smile: "This idea is very good, then you can take a few people there now."

"I'm going?"

When the originally smug Scar was still proud of the clever plan he came up with just now, Li Guotai's words suddenly changed his face, and asked him to deal with Ye Fei, the murderous god, he really has a shadow.

"Forget about today, let's do it tomorrow. What method is he using to resist me now? I don't think it will hinder him today, and the time when the most yin energy is heaviest will soon pass. By then, the effect of my spellcasting will be greatly reduced!"

Hua Tianshi immediately waved his hand and explained.

"Yes, yes, tomorrow, tomorrow!"

Eba immediately agreed and said, anyway, if he can escape for a day, it counts as a day.


PS: Thanks to the children's shoes of 'Eight Wings Blazing Angel' for your many rewards, Xiao Zeng is here to thank you, and ask for votes!

 Thanks to the children's shoes of 'Eight Wings Blazing Angel' for your many rewards, Xiao Zeng is here to thank you, and ask for votes at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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