super agent

Chapter 133 Song Yi Returning from Injury

Chapter 133 Qian Songyi, Returning from Injury (Fourth Update)
Immediately, Tianshi Hua applied the method for another ten minutes, but the effect was ineffective, because Ye Fei had already started to protect.

About three o'clock at night.

"Huh, did you finally stop?"

Ye Fei stopped a little tiredly, a speechless expression flashed across his face, he was too back today, so he was bumped by a Taoist robed man pretending to be a magic stick, and then he made himself like this.

And after he persisted under the new round of pain for half an hour, he found that the pain seemed to have disappeared, so he stopped. He was really tired today.

After a moment of silence, Ye Fei fell asleep on the bed after realizing that the pain was really gone.

It was a wonderful night.

Early in the morning, about five or six o'clock.

"Nana, open the door, quickly... open the door quickly!"

There was a crisp knocking sound, followed by a woman's weak voice.

"Who? Are you still letting people live?"

Ye Fei straightened up with a grunt, rubbed his eyes with a drowsy expression on his face, and walked towards the door speechlessly. He was exhausted last night, but unexpectedly he lay down for a short time and was woken up again. Angry?


Ye Fei walked to the door, slammed the door, and was about to curse regardless, when he suddenly froze, there was no one at the door...

"What about people?"

Ye Fei looked ahead in confusion.

"Open... open the door, open the door quickly!"

Just when Ye Fei was confused, a deep and tired woman's voice sounded again, and now he felt a little familiar after hearing it.

"I'm dizzy, but I forgot that she went out yesterday." Ye Fei reacted, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling that this time was really a Hollywood drama, he closed the door and walked to the window, and saw a haggard face at a glance, The pitiful and beautiful face, although there is no blood on the face, is still beautiful and moving. Wrapped in a tight black leather jacket, it really feels like the secret agent in the movie.

It really is Cheon Song Yi!

Ye Fei knew yesterday that the person who went out was Qian Songyi, but what was confusing was, how could Qian Songyi crawl into his room?

"Quick...quickly open the door..."

Qian Songyi knocked on the glass with blurred eyes, and there was a black rope hanging from her body, looking quite professional.


When Ye Fei saw this, he felt a little familiar, thinking that he had done this before.

Immediately, he hurriedly opened the window, and then poked his head out. Without thinking too much, he directly hugged Qian Songyi in, then untied the rope hanging Qian Songyi, and finally pulled hard to pull the rope Next, let's get to the room together and destroy the evidence.

After finishing all this, Ye Fei closed the window, pulled the curtains, and carried Qian Songyi to the bed.

Fortunately, it’s not yet dawn at this time, otherwise there would be a woman in black hanging outside the hotel, it would definitely be the headlines tomorrow, and if someone is looking into it, Qian Songyi will be exposed.

After Ye Fei put Qian Songyi gently on the bed, he saw that there was a gunshot wound on Qian Songyi's thigh, and that place was stained red with blood.

Excessive blood loss was the reason why Qian Songyi was exhausted and weak.

"It seems that the bullet must be taken out quickly, otherwise, if she loses too much blood, her life may be in danger!"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fei gently tore off Qian Songyi's blood-stained leather pants so that he could see the wound clearly.

At this time, Qian Songyi passed out completely. For this situation, Ye Fei thought it was normal. When a person was still in crisis, she would not pass out even if she took a breath, but once she subconsciously Knowing that after the crisis is lifted, driven by exhaustion and weakness, she will pass out.

Obviously, this is the state of Qian Songyi at this time.

Qian Songyi fainted, that was just right, to save everyone embarrassment at that time.

Immediately, Ye Fei ripped off all the pants under Qian Songyi.


Ye Fei glanced at Qian Songyi, combined with Qian Songyi's crazy and beautiful face of countless other men, couldn't help swallowing, and cursed secretly: "What time is it, and I still think about those dirty things."

Then, he didn't dare to look at other parts of Qian Songyi casually, and stared closely at the direction of Qian Songyi's wound, where a large piece of flesh had already rotted away due to the bullet still remaining inside. It sounds shocking, but fortunately, he is also someone who has seen big scenes, and he will not panic in such a situation.

"The only difficult thing is that there is no equipment here. Is it really necessary to use that method? When the time comes, the recovery will be too fast, and they will be suspicious again."

Ye Fei scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit embarrassed, but seeing Qian Songyi dying, he decided to use that method, otherwise he couldn't just watch Qian Songyi like this.

But he also didn't want to be seen by Qian Songyi directly, as for how she suspected afterwards, that was her business.

Thinking of this, he intends to test it out. If Qian Songyi is not unconscious, then his secret will be exposed. He thought for a while, and then said with a smirk: "Miss Qian Songyi, if you are awake, you must not Will allow me to do this..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Qian Songyi's slightly heaving chest, and patted her on the shoulder. Seeing that Qian Songyi didn't burst out as he imagined, he just let out a soft cry, and immediately felt relieved. , said to himself: "It seems that I really passed out, but... the hand feels really good."

After doing this, Ye Fei's face straightened, and he became cautious, and the next step was to save someone.

Then he saw milky white light flickering on his right hand, strange energy vented from his hand, but very softly, he slowly placed the palm surrounded by white light on the injured part of Qian Songyi's thigh.

Immediately afterwards, she saw traces of strange energy rapidly converging towards the injured part of Qian Songyi's thigh at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscles in her thigh were also slowly squirming.

After a while, I saw a bullet. During the ingestion process of Ye Fei's palm, it was slowly lowered into the palm of his hand and suspended. After the bullet was ingested by Ye Fei, the flesh and blood on Qian Songyi's thigh was recovering rapidly. with.

"OK, done!"

Holding the bullet in his hand, Ye Fei suppressed the white light on the palm of his right hand. He played with the bullet in his hand, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He looked at Qian Songyi and said, "Military armor-piercing bullets? Damn, did she provoke the Soldiers, can’t you go to the army?”

Shaking his head, Ye Fei glanced at Qian Songyi who was falling asleep, and then covered her with the quilt. Naturally, he had to clean up the surrounding things, otherwise if someone came in later, it would be exposed. !
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PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket, Xiao Zeng begs, there is another chapter tonight, I wrote a little fast today, hehe, everyone, please support me!

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket, Xiao Zeng begs! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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