super agent

Chapter 135 Is there something tricky?

Chapter 135 Is there something tricky? (one more)
Listening to Qian Songyi's description, Ye Fei suddenly became more curious. This organization of Yanhuang Guardians seems to be a group of organizations that surpass ordinary people!

Seeing Ye Fei's expression of interest, Qian Songyi immediately said: "The powerful people in the Guardians of Yanhuang, I heard that they have superhuman abilities, but I don't know exactly what kind of abilities they are..."

"Oh? Is it beyond the ability of ordinary people?"

Ye Fei nodded, his whole interest became more intense. What he has to do now is to find this kind of person. He can't think of any Yanhuang Guardian. It seems to be a special organization in Huaxia Kingdom, and there may be someone he is looking for. people.

Before, he might have been out of curiosity, but now he is trying to find this kind of person, learn more about higher level things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, and save Yang Manying.

The information he got from Li Mao was also inaccurate. He might not be able to save Yang Manying, which made him a little powerless. Under such circumstances, he could only look for someone like him with special abilities. , and then go through them to see if Yang Manying can be saved.

"You seem to be very interested? Why don't we go play together after I get injured." Qian Songyi stared at Ye Fei and bewitched with a smile on his face.

"Play? You almost played to death."

Ye Feibai glanced at Qian Songyi, then smiled and said, "However, I'm a little interested in that Yanhuang Guardian."

"Then it's settled. Let's go together after my injury is healed." Qian Songyi smiled immediately, she could fully feel that Ye Fei was really mysterious and seemed a little powerful.

It's unbelievable that she was about to heal after being so seriously injured by him. If she brought such a person there, she probably wouldn't be in such a mess like this time.

"When you recover from your injury, will everyone leave?"

Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi and asked.

"No, if I make such a fuss, that guy will definitely not leave so soon. I will rest for a few days, and he will still be there."

Qian Songyi said with a sure face.


Ye Fei nodded and fell silent. Anyway, he is a bold man with high skills, so he just went.


After a moment of silence, Qian Songyi suddenly yelled, and then said slightly angrily, "Why are my pants gone?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile, "That...that part of your injury is on your thigh. In desperation, I can only..."

"What did you do to me?"

Qian Songyi stared closely at Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes.

"I have a wife." Ye Fei rolled his eyes at Qian Songyi, and continued: "Besides, you are already like this, am I the kind to take advantage of others' danger?"


Qian Songyi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Ye Fei.

"No, I'm handsome and handsome. If I'm interested in you, it's not a matter of me chasing you every minute!" Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi with a smug face and smiled.

"Tch, you can try it if you have one."

Qian Songyi pouted and said.

"You really shouldn't use aggressive methods, or when will I really punish you." Ye Fei waved his hand at Qian Songyi with a smile, and looked at the time. After a while, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning. He opened the mouth and said, "Do I have to send you back to the next room now?"

"Well, yes, but it's already morning, people come and go."

Qian Songyi nodded in response.

"I'll go see if there is anyone outside first, and say hello to Liu Na by the way." Ye Fei said as he walked towards the door.

Ye Fei walked to the door, took a look that there was no one outside, then ran to Room 007, greeted Liu Na, and then came back to close the door.

"Did you say it?"

Seeing Ye Fei coming in, Qian Songyi asked quickly.

"Well, she's waiting at the door of room 007, and there's no one there, so I'll take you there right now..." Ye Fei nodded to Qian Songyi to explain.

Jingle Bell……

But when Ye Fei walked to the bed, the phone in his pocket rang suddenly. He hesitated for a moment, and took out the phone. Seeing that it was Ling Wei, he thought about connecting, but he was When answering the phone, Chong Qian Songyi made a silent gesture.

"Hey, Sister Ling Wei, why are you calling so early?" Ye Fei answered the phone and looked at Qian Songyi talking on the phone.

"Morning? It's almost nine o'clock in the morning, are you sleeping late again?" Ling Wei asked jokingly.

"Uh, well, why are you calling now?" Ye Fei hurriedly asked, after all, he was going to send Qian Songyi there right now while no one was there.

"Oh, I came here with Mr. Yang, she said to talk to Ms. Qian Songyi about signing the contract, and she wanted to find something to implement it." Ling Wei answered.

"What? Yang Man... Mr. Yang is here too?"

Ye Fei was startled, and almost called Yang Manying by name, before he had time to think about it, he continued: "Then where are you now? I'll pick you up..."

"No need, we've arrived at the Joy Lizun Hotel. We just got out of the elevator, and we'll be at your door after a few steps." Ling Wei said lightly, and didn't notice anything wrong.

But in Ye Fei's ears, it sounded like thunder rolling, and his face changed drastically: "What? Have you reached the door?"

Thinking of this, Ye Fei subconsciously glanced at Qian Songyi who was lying on the bed and suffered a gunshot wound.

"What? Why do you sound very emotional? Could it be that you are doing something wrong?" Ling Wei laughed jokingly.

", get up quickly now, just do this first, hang up first."

After Ye Fei hung up the phone, he looked at Qian Songyi nervously and asked, "What should I do now? My wife is here! Why don't you hide in the toilet?"

"This is too obvious, why not leave it like this." Qian Songyi frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, then slowly pulled up the quilt and covered her face.

"Okay, that's the only way to go now."

Seeing this, Ye Fei could only nod helplessly.

Immediately, without saying a word, he flushed the garbage bag into the toilet. They couldn't find these evidences.

ding ding ding...

Soon, the doorbell rang outside.

"I'm coming……"

Ye Fei came out of the toilet, saw the quilt on the bed, outlined a humanoid figure with a graceful curve, he took a deep breath, came to the door, opened the door, grinned and said: "Hey, some beauties Early!"

At the door stood Yang Manying with a blank face, Zhao Wanrong with a slightly serious expression, and Ling Wei who rang the doorbell.

"Are you waking up so late? You didn't entertain Miss Qian Songyi, did you?" Ling Wei glanced at Ye Fei and said dissatisfied.

"I drank a little too much last night."

Ye Fei laughed and explained.

"You...why are you blocking the inside? Is there something shady inside?" Yang Manying frowned, looked Ye Fei up and down, and saw that he was holding the door with one hand, and when he opened the door, he could only see a body distance away. And it just so happened that his body blocked the situation inside, so he was so secretive, which naturally aroused her suspicion.

 All kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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