super agent

Chapter 136 Taking Evidence

Chapter 136 Taking Evidence ([-]rd)

Immediately, Ye Fei and Liu Na cooperated together, and not long after, Qian Songyi was sent back to room 007 without anyone noticing.

After Ye Fei sent Qian Songyi back to the room, he immediately took out his mobile phone to call Xu Qing.

"Hey, don't worry, the situation is normal, no one dares to rush into the police station." Xu Qing immediately reported to Ye Feihui as soon as the call was connected.

"Well, how is Leng Kun's situation now? I want to take him to his house today to get the evidence back, otherwise there will be many dreams in the night, and I have a lot of things recently, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it when the time comes." Ye Fei nodded and asked.

"It's considered stable. If you want to take him there now, then come."

Xu Qing explained.

"Okay, then I'll go there now!"

Ye Fei stood at the door of his room and hung up the phone, glanced at the door of Qian Songyi's room, and then walked towards the elevator.

He has indeed had a lot of things recently, and the inexplicable pain last night was like a knife hanging over his head. Although it might not kill him, it cannot be ignored.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the Huaxia Kingdom, he finally met this kind of person who knew a little heresy. He knew that what happened last night must be the work of the Taoist priest he met yesterday evening, because he saw him in the past few days. The only weird person is that guy.

Therefore, the next thing he has to do is to find out the man in Taoist robe.

Ye Fei got off the elevator, walked out of the hotel, and drove straight to the police station.

half an hour.

Ye Fei drove to the police station, parked the car, and entered the police hall.

At this time, Xu Qing was waiting for Ye Fei in the police hall. She was still very eager to deal with this matter, because after helping Ye Fei with this matter, Ye Fei would then be able to deal with the Nine Lives Demon.

At the same time, there are many doubts about the death of Yang Manying's parents. As a people's policeman, these things are what she should do.

When Ye Fei came to the door, Xu Qing had already seen it, and hurriedly stood up to welcome him out.

"What about people?"

Ye Fei walked into the police hall and saw Xu Qing asking.

"The infirmary is resting. It was supposed to be sent to the hospital, but Leng Kun has too much to do with it, so a doctor was invited for treatment." Xu Qing explained.

"Well, it's a good thing we didn't send them to the hospital, otherwise there might have been some accidents." There are countless cases of prisoners being rescued and assassinated in hospitals, so it is absolutely impossible to send prisoners to that place until the critical moment of.

If it was Ye Fei, it would be a breeze for him to go to the hospital to assassinate an important prisoner. There are so many people in public places to do things easily.

"Don't worry, we know what to do."

Xu Qing glared at Ye Fei.

"Okay, take me there. I'll take Leng Kun to his house now and bring those important things." Ye Fei nodded and urged.

"Well, but after interrogation, I heard that this matter is a bit involved, and it seems that some important person ordered it to do it."

Xu Qing immediately walked ahead to lead the way, but there are still some things that need to be explained to Ye Fei.

"Who cares, find out the truth, the police dare not move, I will!" Ye Fei said with cold eyes.

Xu Qing looked up at Ye Fei, but didn't know what to say, and then quietly walked ahead to lead the way.

Two minutes later, Xu Qing took Ye Fei into an infirmary of the police station. It was a single room with simple furnishings, a white iron bed, and a wardrobe next to it. Leng Kun was lying pale. bed.

"How is it? Can't you die?" Ye Fei walked to the bed and glanced at Leng Kun, then asked.


Leng Kun looked up at Ye Fei and answered.

"If you can't die, then put on your clothes and go to your house, and bring the evidence, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Ye Fei said, without the slightest appearance of facing the patient.

"it is good!"

Leng Kun agreed straight away, at this point, he had no choice but to fall into Ye Fei's hands, he was unlucky for eight lifetimes, and now unless the Nine-Life Demon comes, no one can save him, but the Nine-Life Demon is haunted, Usually only found in border areas.

Immediately, Leng Kun struggled to sit up. Seeing this, Xu Qing who was next to her quickly stepped forward to help.

Not long after, with Xu Qing's help, Leng Kun put on a prisoner's clothes.

"Well, do you want me to help?"

After seeing Leng Kun finished dressing, Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, no need."

Leng Kun quickly shook his head, how dare he let Ye Fei touch him now!
"Let's go then."

Ye Fei turned around and walked towards the door.

"And me?"

Xu Qing hurriedly followed Ye Fei, which meant that she wanted to go too.

"What should you do? If nothing happens, if you leave the police station, if you go back to his house, someone will come to ambush us. Either save him or kill him. I can't take care of too many people." At this point, Ye Fei turned his head to look at Leng Kun and said: "You have to be mentally prepared, it will definitely be chaotic when you go out, maybe you go out vertically and come in horizontally."

"Well, I know, but do I have a choice?" Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei helplessly and asked.

"There is no choice, or you will have to go sideways now."

Ye Fei smiled lightly, then turned to look at Xu Qing and said, "Give him a gun, maybe he will need it then."

"Give him a gun?"

Xu Qing was taken aback immediately, this was the first time I heard that the police shot the prisoner.

"Yeah, give it to him. There will always be times when I can't take care of it. Otherwise, it's not good for him to die in vain. After all, he has promised to cooperate with us."

Ye Fei nodded and glanced at Leng Kun.

"The key is that he won't resist you?"

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei worriedly and asked.

"Resist? Tell him to try."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled disdainfully.

"Uh, okay." Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei and nodded, "Give him a gun when you go out, it's not very good in the game now."

"Well, let's go then."

Immediately, Ye Fei walked in the front, walked out of the police station, and stopped beside the car.

"Well, hold the gun well, can you use your left hand?" After coming to Ye Feiche, Xu Qing looked around and quickly took out the gun to Leng Kun.


Leng Kun nodded with a serious face, and reached out to take the gun handed over by Xu Qing, but he didn't intend to get angry immediately, after all, Ye Fei brought him such a terrible shadow.

"Well, that's it, get in the car."

Ye Fei glanced at Xu Qing, then spoke to Leng Kun.

"it is good."

Leng Kun put the gun in his trouser waist, whether it was used to kill Ye Fei or to protect himself, having a gun in his hand was the greatest guarantee.

"Just wait for the news." Seeing Leng Kun getting into the car honestly, Ye Fei told Xu Qing to explain, and immediately opened the door and got into the car.


Xu Qing nodded, then watched Ye Fei drive away, and said to herself, "I hope nothing will happen."

After finishing speaking, Xu Qing turned around and went back to the police station. She could only do so much now, and Ye Fei had to do the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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